
Thursday 30 May 2019

Another Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, we are almost at the end of another week, I can hardly believe that it's almost June, almost half way through the year! The weather feels more like march though, we had the fire lit last night, I could not get warm last night at all. We still can't have the heating on, so the only warm place was the lounge.

Today's card is another Sketch Challenge Card, I used the Paper Boutique 'Butterfly Ballet'' 8 x 8 paper pad and a matching topper for this card along with some of the card from the matching card pack, which I used for matting and layering.  I used a punch to create a green and then pink border strip, I topped these with a piece of lace, that kind of fitted the pattern of the border.
I then took a circle topper, edged it with pink ink and cut a pink doily with a die and then a circle of matching green card to layer it on, I added foam pads to the back and mounted it on the border.
I die cut another sentiment and backed it with the same green card and tucked that under my circle sentiment, I edged this sentiment with pink ink too . I took some of the off cuts of both pink and green card and die cut some flowers and leaves and added them around the sentiments, tucking the foliage behind the flowers and adding three little rose buds wrapped together on each side of my flower, following the leaves.

I had two lovely visitors yesterday, both Sue and Pat came to play, we sat and chatted and had lunch and then all three of us went into the craft room.  I had my first go at the 'Groovi' and I really enjoyed it, I was a little heavy handed with the 'white work' but lesson learned, it's something completely new so I am allowed a few mishaps, I am determined to make a card out of my design so watch this space!

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Val we are missing you,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely card, very pretty-quite vintage in style. Great to hear you had two (crafty) visitors yesterday. Interesting to hear that you enjoyed trying Groovi.

    I met a friend for a meal last night. Left her later than planned and was most of the way home (on the main road) and found police everywhere, they’d closed the road. Turned around as I’d just passed a turn off so I could cut across the fields (farming area) but that was closed due to a collapsed sewer! I ended up retracing my journey back to my start point and came home via the scary country lanes which have no street lights and are unmarked. I finally got home at 11:36!! I haven’t slept well so I’m feeling quite tired this morning.


    1. Sounds like you had a horrendous journey coming homevMichele. No wonder you were feeling tired today. All that concentration.

  2. Pretty card SANDRA As much as I like sketches I am struggling with this one I think it’s because I need to make so many cards for work colleagues and I think they’d be disappointed if it wasn’t personalised so it’s seemed awkward fitting that in to it
    I’ve now forgotten who I was going to mention So for now you are all in my thoughts and hope those in pain had an easier night Take care all xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    The weather here is so up and down that I'm not sure which season we're supposed to be in. I was so cold yesterday afternoon that I put the heating on and left it on clock for last evening and this morning.

    SANDRA- a very pretty and delicate card.

    Busy day ahead for me. I need to do my Tesco order this morning; photograph my CCs and get them sent off and then my hairdresser is coming this afternoon.

    The CAFE is OPEN waiting for you all to pop in. Have a good day everyone. HUGS are winging their way to you all.xxxx

  4. Margaret Palmer30 May 2019 at 10:24

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card, I have not even wanted to do any crafting so cc from me again this week. How lovely for you to have both Pat & Sue visit
    Maria thinking of you both
    Sending hugs to àll who need them love Margaret. Xxx

    1. Thank you Margaret. It was a really nice service and then we continued over to Stamford for tea/coffee and nibbles at The George. We stopped off at Harvester before coming home so no cooking for me tonight,yay
      Hope you doing alright ? big hugs for you and Pop.xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely cards today Sandra. Great seeing you both yesterday. Great chatting to you both yesterday as well. Hope to see what you made with the design you used.

  6. Evening Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful card Sandra. How nice to see both Pat and Sue and that you got to try out Groovi, looking forward to see the card.
    I haven't felt like making any cards but have tomorrow so hope to make one at least. The days just flying away and it's difficult to see it is 1st of June on Saturday. We had the heating on as well yesterday and I sat with a thick jumper on all evening and the same tonight but that's probably because it been a long day but all went well.
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry I was AWOL yesterday, it was my friend Brenda’s funeral and an early start, although I can’t moan as eldest daughter said she would like to come with me, she drove up from Essex, so was up even earlier than me. We had to get down to Billingshurst for the service. The church was packed with people of all ages, for a lady who was a week short of 90 this was amazing she was so popular. It was a lovely celebration of her life The journey home was awful, congestion everywhere, our daughter brought me back home and should have arrived at her house about an hour twenty minutes after she left here, in fact it took her three and a half hours, the M25 was slow and stop the fastest she moved was 8 miles an hour. I felt so sorry for her. On the plus side it was lovely having her company all day something we don’t often get to do.
    Sandra how lovely was that for you yesterday having Sue and Pat visit together and you got to try your hand at Groovi. Yet another string to your bow. xx
    Love today’s card it’s really pretty.
    Hope Harley has been behaving himself after the runaround he gave you the other day, you must have been exhausted.
    Have a lovely evening everyone, love Brenda xxx

    1. What an awful journey back for your daughter. Hope you had a day of rest and your daughter can have one over the weekend. Take care, hugs xx
