
Wednesday 1 May 2019

Danielle's Unicorn Easel card

❤Happy Birthday Sue❤

Good Morning Ladies, 

Please join me in wishing Our Lovely Sue a Very Happy Birthday, I hope you have a lovely day with Gemma and that you get to spend the rest of the day with your lovely family. xxxxxx

Today's card is Danielle's 'Fancy Fold' card.
Danielle was sent that lovely Unicorn Die to use and review by Stamp Addict, (the company i had the banner die from earlier this year).  Anyway as always when Danielle is set a challenge, she makes the most amazing projects!  The Unicorn die comes with a download of some beautiful papers that have been designed with the unicorn in mind, they work so perfectly with any Unicorn image.  Danielle used those papers as the background of her Easel card, the card base looks like BlackBerry Bliss card, with a mat of silver on top and then the Background paper.
Danielle used a label die and matching coloured card to make a frame for the Unicorn silhouette.
The stopper is made with a layered Label die with a sentiment stamped on top. 
The finishing touches that Danielle has used are some pretty paper roses in complimentary colours. 
Your card is stunning Danielle , thank you for sharing it with us. XXX 
Danielle has done a YouTube a review of this die and others she has received,  if you would like to go have a watch.

Sue came over yesterday  and as it was the day before Sue's special day we went out dfor lunch and a little bit of craft shopping/browsing! We had a lovely afternoon,  which must have been obvious as the lady on the till in Hobby craft  said "omg i would love to come out for the day with you two, it looks like you really have fun"  well to be honest, we were having a fanastic day.  I was doped up with Antibiotics and anti inflammatories mind! 
Thanks Sue for a fantastic day out.  xxx

A quiet day here as everyone is working, so hopefully I can make some progress in the craft room. 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sue-I hope you have a wonderful birthday today.

    Danielle-your Card is brilliant, I love the background paper you have used, such a lovely colour.

    Busy day yesterday at work, had a Crisis meeting as we’re struggling to cover some duties on our staff Rota plus the Hospital is once again full.

    I had a message yesterday lunchtime to say my Father in Law had been taken back into hospital. All i know is is which hospital-don’t even know what’s wrong. Hopefully I’ll get an update today.


    1. Fingers crossed you FIL be alright. OH step mum is back to the home but she still got bad chest and cough so I guess this is what it will be for some time now, back and forth. It's hard. You take care, hugs x

  2. Morning Everyone
    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE. Have a fantastic day and I hope you will spoilt as much as you deserve. Special HUGS for you today.

    It's a bank holiday here today.

    Yesterday turned out to be absolutely beautiful and I managed to finish my CC crafting in the veranda with all the window and doors open.
    The sun is shining at the moment burning off the little bit of mist we have so it should be another glorious day.
    I want to get out into the garden today trying out my new stool etc and get the plant pots sorted.

    DANI- A lovely card. That Unicorn is just beautiful.

    Off now to have my breakfast.
    Have a good day whatever you all have planned. HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care xxxx

  3. Happy birthday Sue. Hope you have a lovely day with lots of treats.x

    Lovely car Danni. The unicorn is great and so on trend.x

    Really fed up with this frozen shoulder. The tablets he's given me don't do a thing. Not sleeping much and feeling sorry for myself this morning. Sorry to moan.

    It's Bank Holiday here as well as France today. Off to play crib later which I know will cheer me up.

    Hugs to all.
    Lots of love Valx

    1. Gentle hugs for you today and wishes for better days. Have fun at crib xx

    2. Margaret Palmer1 May 2019 at 11:41

      Hi Val,
      Sorry the tablets are not helping, I am sure going to crib will help you, hugs on

    3. Hi Val sorry your still in pain with your shoulder hope it gets better soon
      Enjoy crib take care.
      Sending Hug's xx

    I bought your card into work yesterday to post and this morning I found it in my shopper! It’s now in the post Sorry it’ll be late
    A very pretty card DANNI I haven’t made an easel card in like forever I must try another I found out yesterday that my cousin’s son got engaged last Saturday So I’ll be making a card today ....: maybe a challenge card
    Looking after Oscar later which I’m really looking forward to
    Take care all xxx

  5. Happy Birthday Sue hope you have a lovely day. Sounds like you both had a lovely day yesterday.
    Sandra thank you for sharing card. My first time making an easel card. Might do you crafting later but first I definitely need to do some shopping. Have a great day all xx

    1. Great card Danielle, gorgeous paper used as background xx

    2. Love your card Dannii beautiful background papers too
      Have a good day Xx

  6. Happy Birthday to our Sue, have a wonderful day.
    Sound like you had the giggles going shopping together yesterday hihi
    SIL and her hubby are here for the day soon, just having a banana and some yogurt now as we going to a pub for lunch.
    Seem to be a nice day so I wish you all the same, take care
    Love Maria xxx

  7. Margaret Palmer1 May 2019 at 12:02

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Happy Birthday Sue enjoy your day, love
    Danni beautiful card well
    Sandra it sounds as if you had a lovely day yesterday, I can just imagine the pair of you together. Can I ask you to open the café on Friday as I have a hospital appointment at 9.00am!! xxx
    Café is open sorry it is late, I had a bad night & didn't want to get up this morning plus she added some extra exercises on Monday at the gym & I am suffering for it today!! This getting old is no joke!!! There is birthday cake this afternoon.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hello Sandra & ladies
    🎂🎁🎉🥂🍾🤗🤗 HUG'S FROM ME & CU XXXX

    1. Sorry pressed to soon der
      We have some sunshine today it's gorgeous. The washing is on the line
      CU out doing more gardening so I'm going in craft room to finish CC. Fist I must get on with ironing first. 😢.
      Wishing you all a lovely day
      Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE, I hope you are having a lovely day with lots of treats and surprises xx Not sure if my card has arrived on time, dear OH went to the post office for me. We are actually on London / Surrey border, now my choice of post office is the Surrey one, almost everything sent from there arrives next day. Bless him he chose to go to the left, the London side, I have my fingers (and everything else) crossed it reaches you today, sorry if it doesn’t - my thoughts are with you and I will definitely be around this afternoon when Margaret delivers your birthday cake. xx
    DANIELLE your unicorn card is lovely, love the backing paper it would work so well with lots of projects, thank you for sharing xx
    SANDRA, So pleased you and Sue had a great day yesterday, I’m sure it was a lovely treat for both of you, you have both had a rough time lately - sounds better than any tonic the doctor could give you. xx
    We are picking up the new car this afternoon. I’m just hoping it will make life easier for me as it’s an automatic.
    VAL, I fully understand how your shoulder is getting you down. On Monday I tried to post several times on the blog. I really did have a whinge, I was feeling quite sorry for myself. As it happened when I press publish my comment it disappeared into cyberspace so you were all saved from that one. Ha ha.
    I have had the report back on my scan, it shows I have a torn tendon in my left shoulder, if left can result in frozen shoulder and/or arthritis, when I think about it the shoulder problem has been going on for more than 1 1/2 years. I slipped against the hall wall about 17 years ago, no cuts just very sore for some time, I did at one time go to a chiropractor and get pain relief and movement, but it was expensive! My GP has now referred me to the hospital so see what they come up with there. But as with the NHS it’s the waiting game. OH DEAR i’m whingeing again!
    Hope everyone is having a good day, see you all later when we gather together for the cutting of Sues birthday cake, love and hugs Brenda XXX

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    THANK YOU FOR ALL OF MY BIRTHDAY HUGS. I have so many beautiful cards, some had arrived prior to today and they were opened before Gem and I left to go shopping then on arriving home I had another pile of cards to open, (Brenda yours was in todays post. I must say it lovely to have you back in the Cafe, you have been missed) all of which are as beautiful as the first batch, and no two using the same ideas, dies or even colours etc. THANK YOU ALL AGAIN. I hope you have all had a piece of delicious birthday cake. Thank you Mum for providing it. Sorry you are suffering today. Love to you and Pop xx
    Sandra, I do hope you are starting to recover from our shopping spree now my lovely. And thank you for such a lovely time. Love you xx
    Maria, I love your card and I love Labradors and similar breeds and you have made a fabulous card, that sentiment s font is great. Do you know where you got it from and what brand is it please? I hope you and your visitors had a good day x
    Karen, I bet you sleep well tonight after having Oscar x
    I must get off to sleep now so hope you all get a good night sleep too. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
