
Thursday 2 May 2019

Pat's Animal themed card

Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all well,  we had a lovely start to the day yesterday but rain showed up in the afternoon,  meaning all the lambs were cooped up indoors for the afternoon.  Which isnt so good for them, luckily they don't like the rain so they came in on their own. 

Today's card is one of Pat's amazing Groovi cards, featuring a Majestic Elephant,  aren't they just magnificent beasts. Pat has done an amazing job of 'parching' the elephant, (is that the correct verb?) 
I love shade of blue you have used Pat and that Gem finishes it off perfectly. 
Thanks for sending it in for me to share. XXX 

I was planning to have a quiet day yesterday  but it just never seemed to be 'quiet', the phone kept ringing on and off all day, every time i sat down mostly,  which really frustrates me as it takes me a while to get up and moving, which generally means by the time i get to the phone it rings off! 

We had a nice evening out though, we went out for tea and then on to the cinema to see the new Avengers Film.  
It's just about to start and lasts for 3 hours, so i will update you tomorrow!! 

Have a lovely day my lovelies,

Love & hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Everyone
    PAT- Ohhhh how beautiful your card is. Everything to perfection.
    I haven't tried colouring yet but there should be some pencils waiting for me when I get back so I'll be throwing more pieces away than keeping lol.

    We had the most glorious day yesterday. The mist cleared by 009.30 and the sun stayed out until it went dark. I had a lovely time in the garden sorting out one or two of the planters but oh boy am I suffering for it today. Never mind at least I can see lovely planters free from weeds with lilies coming up and fingers crossed there will be some bulbs I put in soon.

    My first task today is to photograph my CC and get them sent off to SANDRA and then perhaps a little crafting may be on the cards.

    Have a good day everyone. HUGS should be across the water by now for you all. Take cae and stay safe xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I’m glad you liked my card, please don’t throw anything away when you start colouring. I’m not sure how much you know about parching but colour on the back it’s very forgiving. On the left hand side I put buttons on as I did the Happy Birthday on the right side instead of the back. Quite easy to do I must say. I’m not to sure what equipment you have either. Happy Grooving.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Pat-what a fantastic Card. I love the elephant especially his colour.

    Sandra-hope you enjoyed the film. It’s meant to be really good.

    Went straight from work to visit Father in Law as he’s due to go to Theatre today. Scan revealed gall stones in the tube which is really odd as he had his gall bladder removed over 13 years ago! He’s also got a large growth/lump on the side of his neck so they’re going to take a biopsy. We finally got home at 9:15pm do it was a quick bowl of cereal, shower then bed as we were both exhausted.


  3. Hi everyone and good morning from a sunny MK.
    oh WOW Pat, I love your card ! You have made a fantastic job in making the elephant and the colours are wonderful. Well done. Hugs for you and Pete.
    Just got back from an early walk around the lake (45 min) it was nice but felt a bit frustrated when others were walking past and I was huffing and puffing only to put one foot infront of the other Lol
    Going to the nursing home today in Peterborough.
    Michele- hope the op for FIL goes as well as it can do.
    Janet- gentle movement today but isn't nice when the work is done. Have a lovely day.
    The same to all of you and take care with frozen shoulders ,aching backs, necks, hips and knees oops it starting to sound like the song I used to do with the kids in school hihi Love Maria xxx

  4. Hello Sandra & ladies
    A Dull & windy day & very overcast
    Pat your card is gorgeous your getting really good at the groovy cards. Hug's for you & Pete xx
    Wow MARIA you was out walking Earley this morning take care.
    MICHELE hope your FIL operation goes well.
    JANET you take care today & rest after the gardening yesterday Hug's

    SANDRA hope the weather is kind today so the lamb's can go out in the garden.
    CU has just put washing on the line so hopefully won't rain. Not upto much today. So hope to get in craft room at some point.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Thanks for showing my card Sandra. The colour of the Elephant is actually Grey just looks blue on the photograph.
    Such a shame the lambs had to come in yesterday just means more work for you.
    Let’s hope it doesn’t rain today so they can stay in the garden. Let’s hope you don’t have to clear up the garden as well as the house after them.
    I’m after some flowering plants I can put in pots that look nice and will come back every year and don’t need digging up every year. I have begonias which are lovely but do need storing every year and are difficult to get up as they’re very big.
    Hugs to everyone who needs one today.

  6. Stunning PAT I saw these plates on Hochanda and fell in love with them I like that they can be coloured/zentangled etc You’ve coloured him beautifully
    Looking after Oscar last night was lovely He is really coming along now - still behind with his speech but getting there He is so funny
    I MUST craft this afternoon and it’s craft club tonight which I’ll probably take some crochet sewing up to do
    Have a good day all xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Pat your Groovi work is lovely and you have certainly made this elephant look very handsome. You definitely have mastered the are of Groovi. xx
    Sandra I hope you enjoyed the film last night, if our Essex grandsons are anything to go by it really is well worth seeing, the youngest said it’s the best film he’s ever seen.
    I thought I’d got my blogging issues sorted but tried to leave a message about an hour ago and it would not publish, then of course where did it go? Who knows!!
    I’m going to keep this message short, Just in case.
    Have a good day everyone, love Brenda XXX

  8. Margaret Palmer2 May 2019 at 11:12

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Café is open & lemon drizzle cake is in cabinet so please sit awhile & enjoy.
    Pat I love your elephant well
    Sandra hope the lambs can stay outside today. Did you enjoy the film?xxx
    Janet sounds as if you are having a lovely relaxing time enjoy it while you
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hello All very cloudy and chilly here, rain expected later.

    Pat love your elephant card, I have only had one go with my Groovi then put away in its box, must have another go.

    Had a letter from appointments to say that I am now on the waiting list, 5 weeks after I saw the GP, don’t know how long I’ll have to wait, so much for saying it should be sorted quickly.

    Nothing much else happening here, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Perhaps you could ask yourDr to chase the hospital up. I’ve known people who’ve don’t this and they’ve got an earlier appointment.
