
Tuesday 30 April 2019

Maria's 1st Animal Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Wow what an absolutely glorious day we were treated to yesterday, bit chilly to start with but the sun came out and stayed out for pretty much the rest of the day.  Which I was super relieved about as we have had another orphan lamb, Matt bought if back on Saturday evening and boy is she loud, she is a fraction of the size of our three little girls but can out 'baa' them without a doubt! 

Today's card is Maria's Animal themed Challenge card from last weeks challenge, I didn't see it in time to add it for Sunday so it can have it's day today and then I will share the other card that Maria made.
Maria has layered that adorable dog topper onto some perfectly matching card and then put a beautiful lace trimmed frame around the image, the card the frame is made from looks really textured, I absolutely love that die cut sentiment Maria, the font is gorgeous.
Thank you so much for such a lovely animal card Maria, like you, none of my cards are 'quick cards', regardless what technique I use!  
Thanks again my lovely XXX

Bit of a surprise today as Sue is coming over a day early this week, (could be something to do with tomorrow being some kind of special day I guess)  I'm not complaining though, it will be nice to have someone to talk to and chat with. xxx

I must admit I must have had my head under a rock as far as Sarah Davies is concerned, I had no idea about any plagiarism etc, other than the Sheena thing, I will say that I was only really aware of what she did in the early days, as I said before I am no big Crafters Companion consumer.  In those early days she was remarkably successful for someone so young.  I must do a bit of research.....

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Yesterday turned out to be reasonable after lunch but it's still lovely to be back here for the peace and quiet.

    I managed to make a start on my CC for this week and am hoping to get finished today then I can go and play outside tomorrow if the weather is good to us.
    Jim has bought me a stool and some medium length gardening tools so I can work in my flower borders. YEH

    HUGS are on their way to you all with loads of extras for all Dear Friends in need of them.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you all have planned. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Maria-what a lovely card, so pretty.

    Sandra-hope you have fun, crafting with Sue today.


  3. That is pretty MARIA The image and style is perfect for saying Thank you to a man, woman or a couple
    Oh CHERYL I do feel for you If you’re in so much pain it doesn’t seem right that you have to wait Can you get a second opinion
    Has the doctor suggested help for your supposed back posture
    Your meal sounded wonderful LYNDA Will you be going again
    I’ve ordered that Die/-cutting Essentials magazine MICHELE I can’t wait to have a play
    Have a lovely day SANDRA and SUE My usual company for crafting is my new best friend Alexa We listen to the radio and play games
    Have a great day all xx

    1. Hi Karen yes we will definitely be going again it's on every Monday. As it's bank Holiday they aren't open. Was well worth it & saved me cooking.😁Xx

  4. Hi everyone,

    Oh MARIA what a lovely card. Beautiful dog image. Im a sucker for everything doggie as you knowx

    Just been sitting out with my coffee but come in as I have ironing to do I've been putting off for days.

    Had a productive few hours in my craft room yesterday and today must tackle my cc and a couple of birthday cards for friends.

    Sandra and Sue enjoy crafting together.x

    Hugs to all.
    Love Valx

  5. Morning everyone.
    Thanks for liking my card ladies. A very easy one to do as it all there. It's from Craftuprint.
    Thank you Sandra for all you do and I wish you and Sue have a lovely day together.
    Cheryl- so sorry to see you are in so much pain. I was told too that they can't do anything until I'm crippled, hmmm Why not try to get a second opinion Cheryl. hugs.
    Lilian- please take care and I hope you got some help soon for your back and other pains, gentle hugs.
    I'm going in to town today to meet a friend who need some help and then I think I go for a haircut, nicer to have it shorter for the summer, I might look at the die cut mag as well, would be a shame not to Lol
    Sending hugs to you all and extras for you who need some.
    Love Maria xx

    1. Maria your card is beautiful and it favours one of my favourite dogs.
      Have a good day meeting your Friend.
      HUGS xxxx

    2. Hi Maria I love your card with the beautiful dog. Have a good meet up with your friend.
      Hug's xxxx

  6. Margaret Palmer30 April 2019 at 10:34

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Cafe is open & date & walnut cake in cabinet enjoy.
    Maria your card is
    Sandra enjoy your day with Sue.xxc
    I am going to join them for coffee at Petanque so must get a move on.
    Sending hugs to all who need them live

    1. Oh Margaret, one of my favourite cakes. Please save me a large piece, I'll be in later.
      Enjoy coffee with your petanque friends.x

  7. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Oooo it's turned really chilly just put a chunky cardigan on & some socks.
    Terry out doing a couple of gardens today. I was hoping to get in craft room but Margaret is coming round to pick up her parcels not hear yet. So hoping she won't stay long.
    Oh she has just pulled up so pop back later
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies ,
    Yippee I got in at last. Sandra I remembered Michele had said a week or so ago about loading Google Chrome so I’m here, I have really been getting withdrawal symptoms. Maria Love your card. Great it got its own day.
    I’m going to say goodnight everyone, I’ve had a very tiring day.
    Sleep well, Love Brenda xxx
