
Monday 29 April 2019

My 'Fancy Fold' Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend, I was so pleased that Sunday turned out to be such a lovely day, we spent most of the day in the garden with the lambs, Paul was pottering around doing some jobs, lovely and relaxed.

I decided to go and have a play in the craft room later in the day, I couldn't decide which Fold to go for, so ended up with a simple Easel Card.
I used The Paper Boutique's Butterfly Ballet papers to create my card, using different elements of their card making kit to create the background and one of the Toppers for the centre piece of the card. I had some 'Little Birdie' flowers from the range which had colours in them that matched beautifully with the papers, so I added a few of them around the card to embellish, I edged the cards with Fresh Fig ink and used some matching faceted gems to add finishing touches.
I hope you like my card. xx

Have you all seen that Crafters Companion's Sarah Davies is going to join the TV Show 'Dragons Den (as one of the Dragon's) , I had to read it twice before I believed it, although I will say that she has been an enormously successful business woman, starting out by designing a Wooden Enveloper (envelope making tool) that I actually own on of! From there she went on to design the 'Ultimate Pro' crafting tool that went on to sell in the millions, winning lots of awards along the way.  It will be fun to see how many business she invests in, I wonder if any budding craft entrepreneur will try their luck for an investment.?!

I hope you have a lovely day my lovelies,

Love and Hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, I love the flowers on it too.

    I’m not impressed with Dragons Den decision to appoint Sarah Davies as her ethics are dubious to say the least. I know she’s been successful but surely it matters how you got there.

    Yesterday was lovely-sunshine & quite mild do we made the most if it & filled our garden waste bins ready for collection today-we have 2 bins as the garden is fairly large. Not sure the council would provide 2 bins now & certainly not for free!


    1. I totally agree re dragons den MICHELE

    2. I totally agree with you about Sarah Davies as well. X

    3. Can't believe what I'm reading ladies, thought it was joke. I agree with you Michele x

    4. I agree with you too Michele. Have a good day x

  2. Good morning al Having overslept and OH leaving in a panic I’m keeping it short
    We had a fabulous day with Oscar even though the “in laws” were a bit over the top
    Will pop in later

    1. Glad you had such a lovely day with Oscar yesterday despite in laws.
      Hope you catch up with yourself after oversleeping.x

    2. Glad you had a fun,filled with cuddles day yesterday with Oscar.
      Hope you be ok at work, take care x

    3. Hi Karen. Oversleeping on a Monday always seems worse somehow, bless you. I hope the rest of the day is kind to you. I’m glad that you had a lovely day with Oscar. Sorry to hear about the out laws though x

    4. I’m glad you had a lovely day with Oscar Karen, even if the out laws ( don’t you just love that saying ) were a pain.

  3. Morning everyone.
    Very pretty card Sandra. Love that shape and the colour.x

    Not much planned for today. Waiting for Pip to come and clean the windows then in my craft room again.

    PAT so sorry to read that PETE isn't recognising you. I know how distressing that can be and my heart goes out to you. You're in my thoughts and prayers.x

    To LYNDA, LILIAN, MARIA, SUE and anyone else not feeling so good, I'm sending hugs.x

    I've to all. Valx

    1. Hi Val. Thank you for the hugs. I’m feeling much better today, just got a wheezy cough (the wheeze is most probably just a harmless side affect of the BP meds I take but I have to see my GP this week so will get her to have a listen just to make sure) I just hope it settles down before flying as I’m always conscious of annoying other people! Enjoy your craft time today x

    2. Thanks for the hugs Val. Pete was quite upset yesterday as he started saying he wants to come home. He needs constant care which he can’t have at home unfortunately.

  4. Morning all.
    Very pretty card Sandra,nice colour and big flowers but it works. I hope you have a better day,hugs.
    I have an idea for this weeks, will have a play later. Going for shower after walk and then a healthy breakfast, not doing too well, love my bread :(
    Val- have a good crafting day.
    Sue- hope you feeling better.
    Pat- many hugs are coming your way, take care.
    Lilian- hope you have another nice day and you feeling a bit brighter.
    Lynda- you take it easy ! I'll send you a message later.
    Margaret- have a good day with Pop,hugs.
    Cheryl- are you out on any adventures ? hope you alright.
    Brenda- hope you ok after the weekend, take care.
    Janet- hope the weather gets better around Marigny. what your plans for today ? hugs to you both.
    I best get a wiggle on or I be stuck Lol Have a nice everyone. Love Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria. Yes I am feeling much better today. I hope you are too. I love my porridge, with a little bit of honey then toast with proper butter and marmalade. Our meals are usually pretty healthy but breakfast is not as I love porridge with a little honey, which is pretty healthy but it is the toast with proper butter and marmalade that isn’t : / Enjoy your walk x

    2. Thanks for the hugs Maria. I think I need to start going some sort of exercise. Had to use the car when Pete was unwell after his seizures and have got out of the habit of walking. Couldn’t Fasten up a pair of trousers yesterday. But managed perfectly with another pair which were the same size.

  5. Morning all. Sandra your card is gorgeous love the easel fold you have gone with. I made an easel card over the weekend. Girls are back at school today after two weeks off 😁 The house feels empty now but on the plus side more time to craft haha. Have a great day all. Xx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    A lovely card today Sandra. Love easel cards but I haven’t made one in ages. I’ve tried to cut out a couple of frames that my friend Carole made. But the effect isn’t as good using scissors rather than a craft knife. Sue was the Wizzy using a craft knife wasn’t she Sandra. Yesterday we went over to Amy’s new house for Sunday lunch. Not Pete of course but Karen & family. Bought Livvy back with me as she didn’t want to wait for her Dad.
    I’m off now to prove I’m not a robot. It’s so frustrating having to do this as sometimes my comment won’t appear at all.

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Your card is gorgeous, I love the papers and the beautiful flowers. I hope you are feeling a little brighter today after what sounds like a lovely relaxing day yesterday, or as relaxing as it can be with three growing lambs. It’s very interesting to hear about Sara Davies joining Dragons den. I wonder what she will put her backing to and on what terms? Surely the people pitching look into the different dragons business ethics etc. before going on the show so that they can make an informed decision.
    I’ve got a few phone calls to make and I must drop off a card which I didn’t get in the post in time then our normal Monday afternoon and evening with the girls. I hope you all have the blueish skies that we have here. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  8. Margaret Palmer29 April 2019 at 10:58

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Café is open & sun is shining may even be able to have tables outside later. There is lemon drizzle cake & homemade biscuits for you.
    Sandra I am pleased to see you relaxing a little on Sunday. Your card is beautiful, I love the
    Janet enjoy your break in paradise you deserve
    Karen pleased to see you had a lovely time with Oscar despite
    Lynda, Lilian & Maria hugs on way & to all who need them love

  9. Morning ladies,

    Lovely joyous card Sandra, lurving the colours chosen.
    I'm now back in the land of living, I think hahaha
    Been having problems with my right knee again, it has been so painful to walk, to sit, to stand and have a shower. Docs say no operation for replacement until I cannot walk....huh? Last week I had to ask Tom, from the exercise class, to pull me off the wall, after doing 10 reps of wall planks I inadvertently locked my knee and I couldn't push myself of the wall as my leg was so straight. And I thought all this exercising was supposed to help me with greater dexterity lol

    I didn't manage to get my animal card finished as could not sit down for long so today now that I can move my knee again, I might get round to finishing it and starting the next one. I already have some precut cut fancy fold cards purchased from Craft Declutter.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl x

  10. Beautiful card SANDRA I love how you’ve cut a slightly smaller topper I have not made an easel card in like forever
    I managed to get to work on time as we hadn’t overslept by too much
    It is a shame that poor PETE wants to come home Very sad
    I hope your wheezy cough clears up SUE
    Those in pain it’s horrible isn’t it Sometimes whatever you try and do doesn’t help Take care all
    Off out dancing in a mo xx

  11. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Sorry late time just fluw by we went to the OAP dinner club. At 1pm.our neighbour told us about it & was lovely roast dinner then bread&butter pudding after. Only £2.50 each but today was free.
    I was so full endid up falling asleep ( think I'm turning into Terry 😂😂) didn't wake up till late. I meant to go in craft room too. Any way Terry wants something to eat I'm not hungry. Xx
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx

    1. Sorry Sandra I meant to say I love your card the papers are so pretty. Also thank you all for your HUG'S xx

  12. Hello All, very cold here again, had to put the heating on.

    Sandra love your card, very pretty papers, might see if I can do an easel card, I don’t do fancy folds normally.

    R is away in Leicester today and tomorrow for meetings. Have to the go again as this terrible pain in my back is bringing me down, she said it was a posture problem, but think it must be something else.

    Hugs to all, especially those who are not feeling well, Lilian.

    PS, yesterday all the cards were lovely.
