
Sunday 28 April 2019

Your Animal themed Challenge cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Janet it was lovely to read that you had a good journey, what a thoughtful friend Sylvie is for freshening up the place and lighting the fire, I think the fire makes everything feel cosy, I know when somewhere has stood empty for a while it can feel damp, I am wondering if your shopping involved cakes??? I can't wait for the first description!  Everything this end is fine, Margaret has the place looking lovely with lots of fresh cakes on display. I am not sure if she is offering a Sunday Roast though! Please relax and make the most of every second that you are at Marigny xxx

You have all made some amazing animal themed cards for this weeks challenge ladies, I struggled I'm afraid, I have no idea what's going on in my head but I just really struggle every time I go into the craft room, that Notebook is the first creative thing I have managed for a while.  I told Paul on Friday that I was going to sell all my craft stuff as I have no inspiration to use any of it right now.  To be honest I think that I haven't been fully back to normal since being so unwell earlier this year, I still can't take the Beta Blockers as the levels in my liver aren't back to normal yet.  I have to make an appointment next week and book another blood test.  I think between that and the lambs I am mentally and physically exhausted, fingers cross that my creativity returns from vacation soon.

Now let's see your cards...…..


Karen was straight back from Holiday and into the craft room to make two fantastic Animal Themed Challenge cards, I will add Karen's descriptions below.....

Here’s a cc with butterflies
It was young Nicki’s 1st wedding anniversary earlier this week which is paper I chose purple as the background colour as that was the colour her bridesmaids wore Dies used are SE Perspective HAPPY die and JL butterflies

Here’s another cc with animals A really simple card for posting I will probably add a Merry Christmas die sentiment to the inside
Made with a piece of Hunkydory Twilight Forest paper with Sizzix dies Winter Wonderland And Branched Birch.

Karen I love both of your cards, I would like to send Huge Congratulations to the lovely Nicki on her Wedding Anniversary, that first one always feels so special.
Now I love the Newsprint paper you have die cut your sentiment on on your first card Karen, it makes such a great effect against the plain coloured background, what an inspirational idea.
Your second card is stunning, I love how the Deer is walking out from behind the trees, such a clever little touch.  
Thanks so much for taking part Karen XXX


Now Val was going to go for a Cat's & Dog's theme for her Challenge card for this week, until her Craft Magazine dropped through the door with this amazing Leopard featured and that incredible background, just look at all the different animals that are featured.
Such an amazing card Val, thank you so much for taking part.  I am so pleased that you have your TV etc back on and that the sun is drying out some of flood water.  When we stayed at a friends place in Torreveija a few years ago, the weather was bright and beautiful sunshine one minute and the next there was the most horrendous rain storm that saw cars at the bottom of their street (a hill) up to their windows in water, we love to 'people watch' and that night sat on the balcony watching all of these ladies tottering along on stiletto shoes in rainwater that was running like a river, you can't pay for that kind of entertainment!  The area where we holiday on the Costa Brava has similar weather.  Having seen the news though I think that last weekend saw an exceptional amount of rainfall for your area. Luckily that amazing sunshine soon makes up for it! XXX


Lilian I know that I say it every week but you have some of the most amazing images/toppers etc that feature stunning scenes and nature, this particular one being no exception, just look at the detail, its incredible, it looks almost photographic, that is the level of skill that the amazing Pollyanna Pickering had when it came to any creature though, it must almost seem like a privilege to be able to use images that she has hand drawn.
Thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful image and stunning card, I for one am totally enjoying seeing the cards you make as you work your way through your existing craft stash. XXX


Our Janet has 'only' turned in 5 cards this week, I laughed when I opened her email almost apologising for the fact that the cards were (in her opinion) 'simple'!
Janet you have produced 5 amazing animal themed challenge cards this week, whilst being super busy packing and organising for your trip to Marigny, I would have totally understood if you hadn't managed to make one, so was totally blown away to see 5 'FANTASTIC' challenge cards.

I will add Janet's description below....

Here are my CCs for this week.

As I said they are very simple ones because of the time I've had.

I went back to my CDs and found

Joanna Sheen's 'Messy Rabbit' CD which I bought years ago and so cards 1-4 are from that CD.
The 5th card is from a DIGI Crafts CD called 'Furry Friends'

I love all of your cards Janet, particularly that super smiley Pig! thank you so much my lovely XXX

Michele has provided us all with some incredible inspiration this past week with all of these amazing Animal themed cards, they have all been matt and layered perfectly, with the prettiest of background papers.
I am not sure but think some of the images are from Ella's Design, others are Digi downloads I think, Michele has probably already said but I have a head like a sieve these days!
Michele, thank you so much for so many amazing cards and SO much inspiration. XXX


Margaret has used the super cute 'Hedgehugs' stamp set from Stampin Up! to create both of these amazing cards, you just can't help but say 'awww' when you see their cute little faces.
The first card features a cute little squirrel too!

Thank you so much Margaret for two lovely challenge cards XXX



Brenda has had a trouble getting on to comment this week, so I took the liberty of uploading this super cute Cat Christmas card that Brenda had shared on a previous challenge. I love this card and the addition of the 'Fluffy Stuff' snow really gives the card so texture.
Thanks so much for such a lovely card Brenda XXX


I'm not sure if Maria made it out from under that cosy duvet, at the time of writing this post I hadn't seen any email so I looked back at some older cards of Maria's and found this card, what could be more perfect right now!!
Such a cute image of a lamb sat among the daffodils!! I think that ours would have eaten them, I was laughing yesterday as they had eaten a whole pot of chives and started on a rosemary bush, I said to Paul that they could be advertised as pre'marinated!!   (luckily these babies are going on to be Ewe's for breeding, so won't be appearing on anyone's table anytime soon!!)
Thank you for such  a cute card Maria, stay warm and snuggled up my lovely  XXX

Well ladies, so many cute cards on display this week, a good variety of animals too, thank you all for taking part XXXXX

Sue, I haven't heard from you for a couple of days, I do hope you are ok my lovely, sending huge hugs xxxxx

Love and huge hugs to the rest of you too,



  1. Morning Everyone
    from very dull and cool start to the day here. Perhaps it will brighten up later.

    What a fantastic haul of craftiness on the boards this week. I love all of them.

    Our shopping did indeed see a couple of wonderful cakes drop into the shopping bag and for the first time ever we both had the same cake.

    Our case was in the shape of a boat.
    The pastry is aa little sweeter than our short crust pastry and was filled with patisserie custard. On top of this were strawberries cut in half and placed to look like 'rowers' These strawberries had fresh cream piped onto them. A white Choc flower was the finishing touch at the brear of the boat.
    Needless to say they were wonderful to look at and even more wonderful to eat.

    I'm now off to have my breakfast which has just arrived.
    We're having a restful day today.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day.xxxx

    1. HI Janet. Your cakes make my mouth water as usual. Have a good rest today.x

    2. Hello Janet, DITTO to Vals comment, my mouth was watering as I was reading your description of those yummy cakes. Enjoy your restful day. xx

    3. Oh I can just see that cake infront of me now mmmmmh Lol I love all your cards this week Janet, it must be a wonderful CD to have, my favourite tho is the piggy too as Sandra. He is soooo cute . Have a lovely rest xx

  2. Morning ladies

    What an amazing selection of challenge cards today-all so beautiful.

    Mine were from various companies-
    Guinness/Dig was from the Internet
    Owl& Hedgehogs were from a craft cd issues Dee with Making Cards magazine
    Kitten was from a Joanna Sheen kit
    Squirrel card is an Ella’s Design
    The last two are Little Claire toppers which are years old!

    Had a lovely catch up with my friend yesterday morning. As the weather was horrendous I decided to head into my craft room after lunch-I had absolutely no inspiration so I started sorting a few things out. Ha e up after a while!

    Today we have a very full day & a breezy one too. I’ll be doing my usual housework this morning & might try heading back into my craft room this afternoon.


    1. Many lovely cards Michele. It's cold down here too so heating back on. Fingers get painful so hard to craft.
      Take care xx

  3. Morning all Ooh I do like Sundays and seeing everyone’s take on the challenge
    On screen my cards seem very dark I think it’s the lighting in my craft room I wasn’t intending to use Nicki’s one as a cc but you’ve guessed it I had a smudge of glue that needed covering!
    I especially like MICHELE’s doggie one only because OH drinks Guinness
    We’re off to Charlotte’s later She was/is hoping to do a BBQ The bright sunny weather I woke up to has disappeared
    I hope your mojo comes back soon No wonder you’re exhausted SANDRA and it’s no good forcing yourself to make a card You need to enjoy what you are doing DON’T SELL YOUR CRAFT STUFF YOU’LL REGRET IT!
    I hope it is the meds that has made PETE a little confused and is better when you go to visit him PAT
    I finished Laurence the Tiger yesterday and even OH liked it and said it was his favourite so far! This one will go to OSCAR and I’ll make another for Harefield Hospital Just about to finish Sophie the flamingo I can’t crochet with black in the evening I need natural daylight
    Take care all xx

    1. Have a nice day at Charlotte's and Oscar with lots of cuddles. Love the card with the Birch die, very good with the stag coming out of the forest. Will be a great x-mas card. Hope to see you soon xx

  4. Hi everyone.

    Just a lovely selection of animal cards today. From cute and cuddly to wild and savage.

    Sandra I was looking at a video on You Tube showing the cars floating down the road last Sunday in Torrevieja. What a difference a week makes. Lovely blue sky and hot today.

    House cleaning today then I must make a few 60th birthday card orders for a chap in the village whose having a party next Saturday. He supports Man U and plays the guitar so it's something to go on.

    Have a good day ladies whatever you've up to.
    Love Valx

    1. Love your card Val. The images in the magazine are very nice .Happy crafting xx
      I made a Zoo card with stamps from CE but sent it very late,sorry Sandra. Mojo came back for a little while after dinner, you can use them for another day when needed. xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Well I’m not me again today so I’ll have to prove I’m a robot. Let’s hope it lets me publish. It’s so frustrating.
    Fantastic cards today ladies. I’m not to sure if I sent the Elephant card to Sandra which would have done for this weeks challenge.
    No wonder your worn out Sandra having to look after and clean up after Matts lambs. I wonder what he would have done if you weren’t so accommodating and were unable to do it for him. I’m assuming as well that you and Paul were doing the night shift as well. Two hourly feeds are no joke. Let’s hope they go into the barn very soon.
    I have the Scottie dog stamp Michelle from Little Claire designs, but haven’t a clue where it is.
    I don’t think Pete will improve Karen as he’s getting weaker and weaker. Just a symptom of his disease and the medication he needs to help with the pain.
    Gentle hugs to all who need one today.

    1. Hello Pat, Just wanted to say I’m thinking of you and sending gentle caring ((((hugs)))) xx

    2. Thinking of you too Pat and sending many warm hugs to you all, take care xx

  6. Margaret Palmer28 April 2019 at 11:17

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Café is open & roast beef on the menu today with all trimmings, hope it is not too late to put your order in, there is a chocolate sponge with fresh cream in the fridge.
    Sandra you have had a worrying time no wonder you have lost your mojo, hopefully the blood test this week will be better. Sue had another migraine on Friday so we didn't see her either, she messaged me early evening to say she was back in the land of the living but I haven't heard since, I know they had little Chris yesterday. Hope you feel better soon hugs on
    Michele I forgot to say thank you for magazine review yesterday I am sorry it was very good as
    Pat sorry Pete doesn't know you now, hugs on
    A lovely selection of cards to, I must admit Lilian's is striking.
    Sending hugs to Sue, Lynda, Lilian & Maria & anybody else who needs them love

    1. Yes please Margaret I love roast beef - Please can I have the end piece? xx

    2. Like your little hedgehogs Margaret, very cute. Hugs for you and Pop xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a fantastic display of CCs Janet and Michele you have both worked so hard, so many cards from both of you. Lillian your card is lovely, you have a real gift when it comes to colouring. Sandra I had forgotten about the cat Christmas card, Thank you xx I hope your blood test this week will be fine and possibly give some answers, you have been very busy lately, sometimes that can be a therapy because then you are then to busy to think about your problems. Take care dear friend xx

    Time to make some lunch, just not sure what I fancy, will go and look in the fridge for inspiration, bless him John just eats what he is given so there is no point asking him to suggest something!
    Enjoy the rest of your day ladies, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Love your card Brenda, another very cute image. You're lucky to have a hubby who eat what he is given, sometimes I have to cook different food for he refuses to eat something I made here, a bit annoying. Have a nice day, hugs for you and John xx

  8. Hello Sandra & ladies
    A very dull windy & cold today. I'm wondering if we've had our summer.
    Some gorgeous C Cards this morning all Lovely. I did do a description of mine but not showing up.
    I've just had text message from the chemist at Tesco saying my tablets are ready to pick up. So waiting for CU to get ready.
    Want get in craft room when I get home & try this week's CC I'm not very good at making shaped cards so better start early.
    JANET glad you had good journey to your lovely French home. Enjoy your holiday. Xx
    Hope you all have a lovely day whatever your upto
    Love & HUG'S Lynda xxxx

    1. Love your Butterfly card Lynda and so lovely pink background on the other. Take care going out and have a rest this afternoon. I like you will have a look on pinterest for some card folds, not good either at these things but love to have a go. You made some nice box card before. Many hugs for you and CU, hope he is better ! xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    What a lovely selection of animal cards to enjoy today. Thank you for giving me some inspiration, I hope they will get my mojo back!
    Sandra my lovely, I’m so sad that you are still struggling to craft. I know just how much it means to you for several reasons but I have everything crossed that once the lambs are back in the barn and you can get some rest both your mojo and health will start to improve. Sending you the biggest hugs my lovely xxxx
    Sorry I haven’t been in but had another migraine on Friday along with some sort of bug which has left me in bed. I’d rather have it now though as we go away the week after next.
    Mum as it turned out it was s good thing that I didn’t see you on Friday in the end isn’t it. I know we love to share things but bugs are not one of those things. Love you xxxx
    Karen, i hope the weather was kind for you all today and little Oscar thoroughly enjoys all of his birthday treats. Where did those last three years go? Hugs to you and Oscar xx
    Lynda, I hope you get some help after the docs look at your scan pictures. Sending hugs to you and CU x
    Brenda, is ladies do get the rough end of the stick don’t we! Hugs to you x
    Maria, sorry you have been feeling so rough. I am sending you hugs and hope you start to feel better very soon x
    Janet it’s good to know you and Jim are safely in your paradise. It must be so old to open up to a clean home and a fire to welcome you. It’s amazing that you both had the same cake for the first time on Friday. As usual your description made my mouth water. I must admit that a few weeks ago I bought two lemon and raspberry tarts from Sainsbury’s fresh cake counter for Sandra and I to have and we both were delighted at just how delicious they are. They are the best shop bought cakes I have ever had. The pastry base is almost like shortbread, then a good layer of lemon cure with the top covered with really fresh perfectly ripe raspberry’s with a light sprinkle of icing sugar to top it all off. Yum yum. If you get withdrawal symptoms of lovely French cakes when you get back they might be worth a try x
    Michele, thanks for he reviews yesterday. They are very helpful x
    Lilian, your card is beautiful. You are so talented. I hope you get your appointment very soon. Can your GP push the hospital to speed it up. Sending you gentle hugs x
    Val, enjoy making the 60th birthday cards. Do you actually refuse to do pop up box cards now or was it just that one lady that ordered them all? It’s a shame you don’t enjoy making them as you do a wonderful job on them but you should enjoy your crafting shouldn’t you x
    I’m not sure how long I have been in the Cafe but now I have finally finished I am off to sleep again. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. So sorry you got migraine and a bug on top, you poor thing. Sending you many cuddles for a quick improvement and you be good for the upcoming holiday.
      I don't know what's going on and the other two pestering me to see the doc but next thing is camera up the whoaaa so delaying that as long as I can Lol Pain is worse with the years and the cold back did nothing to help, much better when sun is out. You take care now xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all.
    I Love all the CC's on show today, so many wonderful images and Lilian you do have a knack to make wonderful cards. You are a real artist.
    I did send a couple of cards but so silly late so understand they were not on today but perhaps use them when you need something Sandra.
    So sorry to see you are not good at all but don't sell of your craft items, you will regret it as quickly as the thought came up. I wish you more rest when the lambs are gone to the farm and afterwards you will get the Mojo back. Do think we are missing it pretty badly after December for some reason it deciding to go on holiday !! what's that all about ? anyhow I hope to make a cc earlier for next Sunday for , going to town Tuesday, SIL is here on Wednesday, seeing OH step mum Thursday and new sister arriving Saturday so the house have to have a proper clean, you know how it is when new people coming home for the first time and they want to see it Lol We found her a neighbour who are doing a air B & B, 2 minutes walk away which is perfect as we can't put her up at home and the Hotel's are pricey when you stay for a week.
    I wish you a nice day and hugs to everyone. Love Maria xxx
