
Saturday 27 April 2019

Mixed Up Saturday including Michele's Mag Review

All Front Cover

Inside front cover (tuck spot)

Back Cover

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and prepared for a nice relaxed weekend, I am hoping ours will be apart from feeding and cleaning up after 3 lambs, they have really developed their vocal chords now and REALLY let me know when it's Breakfast, Lunch, Tea & Supper time, hopefully we are on the count down to them being returned to the barn now!

I am sharing some pictures of a covered notebook that I have been making this week, I have actually really enjoyed sitting and playing with all the crafty bits and pieces involved, it's the first proper 'crafty' thing that I have felt that I have succeeded at in weeks, as my creative enthusiasm has gone on holiday, I am presuming it's purely tiredness from being so unwell and having our new family members.

I used the Crafters Companion Peaches & Pinks papers to decorate what was a plain Kraft card covered notebook, I added some different bits of lace down the side of the notebook, trying to draw the eye away from that ugly wire spiral thingy! I then added some pearl trim, arranged some matching coloured flowers and beads, a few pearl swirls too, I personalised the cover with my new Foil Quill tool for my Scan & Cut, I am playing a bit each day slowly getting used to the technology, although I could do with a Karen crash course!
Inside the front cover I fussy cut a large floral piece from the papers and glued it just at the very edge, this will make a 'tuck spot' for receipts, little notes etc.  The back cover is just a flat piece of the card with some lace trim and a few pearls in the centre of the flowers.
A little ribbon dangle added to the spiral to finish the look, what do you think???

Next up today we have Michele's Magazine review...….

Hi Ladies,

Papercraft Inspiration has Rosette Making kit free this month.

This article show just some of the items you can use the rosettes on.

Interesting article on inks-explains the difference between Distress ink and Oxides.

The style of the free papers inside the magazine are lovely but they’re on the shiny paper that magazines use. You can download them (or photocopy them) which would produce much better quality papers.

Making Cards & Papercraft Magazine has some gorgeous free papers-excellent quality ones!

The first feature using the free papers are suitable for many occasions especially Male birthday cards.

The second feature features the Floral papers which are so pretty. Perfect for a Get Well Card or even a wedding card.

That’s all for now.


Thank you so much Michele for another fantastic magazine review, I will say that it always frustrates me when magazines print their pretty papers on such rubbish paper, it makes them all but impossible to use, I have to admit that I had never thought of photcopying them though, thats a fantastic tip Michele.
The Floral papers in the second magazine are really pretty, so are the sample cards that they have made to inspire us.
Thanks for the time and effort you put into writing this review each week my lovely. XXX

That's all for today Ladies,

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    from MARIGNY for the first tine time this year!!!

    SANDRA- I love your covered Journal. It's beautiful and those CC papers are just gorgeous. I have a couple of them still in their wrapping as I cannot bring myself to use them.

    MICHELE- Thank you for the Mag Review. This is one thing that is really missing over here. They just don't have paper crafting mags.

    Wel had a good journey both sides of the water and we're off to fill the fridge etc this morning then do one or two little jobs in the house. Sylvie has really done a fantastic job for me cleaning as it's six months since we were here and I have to say I really wasn't looking forward to having to start decobwebbing etc. The fire was also lit so everything was nice and cosy.
    We have got up this morning to rain and it's very dull but it might change as the day goes on.

    Have a lovely day whatever you're all up to. Take care and HUGS should be crossing the water to you all by now.xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your altered note book is so pretty, it’s really lovely.

    We have very strong winds here plus heavy showers of rain-predicted winds are 59mph here!
    I’m off to meet my friend at Dobbies this morning, just need to call at the Post Office plus a couple of shops in the village first.

    Yesterday was interesting st work-we had s total power failure!! That caused a few problems I can tell you. It all got sorted eventually.


  3. That’s beautiful SANDRA I love the vintage/shabby chic style to it You seem to be doing fantastically well on the ScanNCut I need to play more on mine as I have the “old” style foiling kit and not used I tend to use mine to just cut frames - nice even border that way and letters for Eclipse cards But I’d certainly come and play
    The lambs seem to be doing really well - can we see photos please
    Thank you MICHELE for another brilliant review and a great tip about photocopying the free papers onto better card/paper
    Off out shopping in a mo to pick up a last minute idea I had for another present for Oscar and some food shopping I must then make a card for a girl we’ll be seeing tomorrow and bake a carrot cake
    It’s a good job it’s Saturday!
    Take care all xxxx

  4. Hi ladies, SANDRA your book is so pretty. Lovely papers and such a lot of time and patience to make.x
    MICHELE thanks for your mag review. I subscribe to Making Cards and yes the free papers are really good quality. In fact I've used this month's freebies to make my cc this week.

    Off out to meet friends for coffee later. We're going o a few days coach trip to Valencia next month and I have to pay the balance today.

    Hope everyone has a good Saturday. Us to all.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Wowie I’m me again today which means I can comment.
    Love the journal you’ve been working on Sandra.
    Not to sure how you manage to clear up after the lambs. Such a shame it can’t be left for Matt to clear up. Fingers crossed it’s not to long before they go back to the barn.
    Thanks for the mag reviews as well Michelle. I look forward to seeing them every month.
    I’m glad you arrived safely Janet and Sylvie cleaned it up for you.
    Power cuts must be awful in a hospital Michelle.
    I hope Oscar has a lovely birthday Karen, doesn’t the time fly by though.
    Lynda I hope you and CU aren’t in too much pain today.
    You also Maria. I’ll have to take some time out from visiting Pete and meet up as you suggested.
    Pete wondered who I was yesterday but as he’s just started some new meds I expect it’s due to that.
    Val enjoy your trips out to Valencia when you go.
    Lilian I do hope your feeling a bit better and hear about your appointment soon. I do wish your Dr would chase them up for you.

  6. Margaret Palmer27 April 2019 at 10:47

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely notebook you made, I am pleased you enjoyed it. Have a good
    Café open cream tea available this afternoon.
    Lynda hope you got on alright
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi ladies.
    Gorgeous note book Sandra, you have given me some ideas to deco up some books I'm using daily but which have boring fronts.
    Thank you Michele for the magazine review. Must have been awful with power cut at the hospital, glad it got fixed quickly. Have a nice weekend but take care going out.
    Pat- hope it's just the meds that making Pete confused. We didn't go and see OH step mum this week because I wasn't too good but she is being moved back to the home so we will have to see her sometime next week. It's hard tho when she doesn't recognise us and you have to repeat everything you saying for she wont remember what you told her a second ago.
    Janet- have a lovely time in Marigny and we should all have a Sylvie :) Hope the weather get better soon both there and here. My new sister coming over next Saturday so it would be nice if one could go out without the umbrella or mac. I found it very cold today so have wrapped the duvet around me sitting here and will watch a film after commenting.
    Karen- can't believe who big the little man has become. Give him a cuddle from me :)
    Val- I would love to got o Valencia one day. We booked for Majorca at end of June the other day. It is 30 years since we met in a German dance hall this year so will be going down the memory lane Lol
    I said yesterday that I will not manage a cc for Sunday but I did find some nice toppers so I might surprise you, you never know. Now when I said it I really must try (mojo where are you ?)
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xx

  8. Hi All, very cold and windy here.
    Sandra love your book cover, very Victorian looking.

    Michele great reviews as usual.

    Not much news here, takes me ages to be able to comment these days. Hugs to all Lilian

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday, it was one of those days, everything I did was one step forward and one step backwards, my energy level was zero. Love all of the cards you had on the blog yesterday, so much inspiration. Sorry I haven’t managed to make a card this week, I did start one and ended up messing it up.
    Love the notebook you have made Sandra, you have put so much detail in it, it’s really beautiful.
    Michele thank you for the magazine reviews.
    Hope everyone has had a good day, Love Brenda xxx
