
Friday 26 April 2019

Next Weeks Challenge / Throwback Friday






Good Morning Ladies,

As you might have guessed by the selection of cards above, I thought that we would have a different 'Challenge' This week.
I would like you all to make a "Fancy Fold'' card, it can be any shape or style you like other than the everyday side fold card that we usually make.
So you could use any of the cards above as inspiration as there are some lovely card styles there, oy you could make a 

Shaped card, 
You could use a die to cut the base of your card
Tent fold
Easel card
Stepper card
Gatefold card
Exploding Box (Val's favourite) Tehehehe!!

Oooh we are going to have some spectacular cards on display next Sunday!!

I am so glad that it's Friday, it has seemed like a really long week this week, although it was a short one.  I do wish the weather we had last weekend would return, it makes for a much quieter life, mostly as the lambs could be out side in their pen, yesterday I ended up leaving the back door open for them to come and go as they pleased, between their pen in the utility room and the garden.  The end result was a VERY messy utility room floor.

What are you all up to this weekend?  Paul had hoped to go to the allotment this weekend but I don't think that the weather is going to make that easy.  

I hope that however you spend your day you have a good one,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a great challenge & such a lovely selection of cards as inspiration.

    I’m very glad it’s Friday but I’m sure today will be quite busy. Yesterday was quite “testing “ with problems that will take a while to resolve.


  2. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    It started off sunny this morning now its turned dull & really windy blowing 💨 all the blossem off the trees. & like yesterday the wind is quite chilly 🌡️
    Some nice cards on show this morning & a good challenge for next week. Will try to make one but mojo not good at moment. I have CT scan later today on my hands & feet
    The RA doctor ordered that scan.
    Just going to finish housework then get ready. Have a good day everyone
    Love & HUG'S Lynda xx

  3. Margaret Palmer26 April 2019 at 11:43

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    The café is open & ready for you all to visit, fruit cake is on the shelf with another lemon drizzle cake so help yourselves.
    Sandra good challenge for next week. Hope you have a lovely
    Lynda hope the CT scan proves why you are in so much pain & you get the relief you need hugs to you
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  4. Great idea for a challenge I rarely do a fancy fold card
    We went over to see Oscar yesterday He so lifts my heart All the close family will be going on Sunday too I can’t wait
    I hope the migraine has eased SUE
    Good luck with the scan LYNDA and hope CU is feeling better
    Hugs PAT PETE MARIA LILLIAN and anyone else that needs one
    I was pee’d last night I opened a brand new pack of dies I bought at Stamperama and one is missing Of course I haven’t got the receipt anymore I have emailed the company I bought it from I hope they can send a replacement We’all see

  5. Hi everyone,
    LOvely to see all the different shaped cards Sandra for next week's great challenge. Thankfully I haven't been asked to make a pop up box for a couple of months. The lady who ordered them for every known friend and relative has now presumably run out of people I'm glad to say. Ha ha.

    I've been to craft group today which was great as usual and then went to get my hair cut. Watching a great series called Manifest. Has anyone see it?

    LYNDA hope you scan went ok and they can find some answers to you painful hands and feet.x

    Sending hugs to all with special ones for Pat Pete and anyone who needs them.x

    Love Valx

  6. Hi all.
    Lovely cards and I will try to make an effort to join in for next weeks cc ,however if tomorrow is not the day ,I haven't got together a cc for this Sunday. Nothing gone right since Tuesday and the days are flying. Not sure how because I haven't done anything to show for it, only felt crap.
    Hugs to you all and have a nice weekend xx
