
Thursday 25 April 2019

Some more Inspiration from Michele, such a cute card....

Good Morning Ladies,

Well ladies, the Café is open, pardon the noise of the lambs in the garden, they will keep the grass down and they are cute to watch.  Janet has left us some lovely chocolate brownies and other goodies, Margaret will bring some Coconut Lemon cake in and her famous fruit cake too (sorry for those of you that are trying to achieve your 'Beach Bodies' hahaha, as we always say though, these virtual cakes are totally 100% calorie, gluten, everything Free!! Which makes them guilt free too, so enjoy!

Today's adorable card is another of Michele's Animal cards for this weeks Animal themed challenge, I have to say I don't think I have seen a cuter image, those hedgehogs are just darling, I love their little blushing cheeks.  You have picked the background papers to match perfectly, those shades of cream and peach pick up the colour of the hedgehogs and their rosey cheeks perfectly. Your matting and layering is perfect as always and everything ties together beautifully.
You have reminded me to get my hedgehog stamps out, so thanks for that, thanks so much for the inspiration too my lovely.

Sadly Sue was unable to come over yesterday as she had a Migraine, I so wish the GP could help you with them Sue as you have them so often.  I know that a lot of people got relief from having part of their ear pierced, have you ever looked into that? It's so sad that it causes you so much disruption to your life. xx

I started to make a covered notebook yesterday for a swap over on our facebook group, (link below)which I will share with all of you as I finish it.
If ever any of you want to take part in the swaps just let me know, I loved swapping with the lady from New York last month, its so nice to see what products etc that they use, the other thing that I really enjoyed was reading a Handwritten letter, they are rare these days, which is such a shame,
the postage was only £3.40 too which I thought was really reasonable. 

Janet, Bon voyage my lovely, we look forward from hearing from you when you reach Calais or Marigny. xxx

Love and hugs to all of you lovely friends,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-Thank you for showing my card. The papers & topper are all from Ella’s Design-this is one of her latest designs.
    One of our real Hedgehogs returned on Sunday evening-well that was the first time we’d seen one after won’t. It’s certainly eating plenty!

    Sue-I feel the same as Sandra, you probably should be referred to a Specialist if you’re experiencing so many Migraines. Treatment hS improved a lot recently.

    Tiring day yesterday at work-my meeting lasted all morning then I returned to chaos. The meal last night was lovely even if everyone didn’t manage to make it. I seem to have become the unofficial organiser but to be honest-I’ve has enough especially when people don’t bother to turn up.

    Rant over-I need to get ready for another fun filled day in the NHS!


    1. Hi Michele
      Lovely card today. Love them but I haven’t used the ones you sent me yet I’m afraid. My friend Marion always organises our meet ups with work colleagues but usually go with the majority with regards to dates.
      Now to prove I’m not a robot.

  2. Pretty card MICHELE I love the sentiment too
    It sounds like I’m not the only one who’s a bit disgruntled at working for NHS
    It’s Oscar’s 3rd Birthday today I cannot believe how quickly the time is gone I think we will be seeing him later
    The cold I went away with is still hanging around I feel whacked and no mojo at mo
    I agree with SANDRA and MICHELE I think you need to see your GP SUE and see if he can offer some better treatment
    Safe journey JANET
    I hope the pains are easing LYNDA LILIAN and MARIA
    Big hugs all around I’m just going to sit here quietly with a slice of coconut lemon drizzle cake please

  3. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    MICHELE sweet card from you today lovely little hedgehog topper & papers. Sorry you meal was disappointing with people not turning up. Glad you enjoyed the food though. Hope you have a better day at work today.
    We have woken up to Rain this morning hopefully it will stop so the washing can go on the line. Its so much fresher when it's been outside.
    Sorry Sue didn't make it yesterday.
    SUE hope you're feeling better today. As Sandra & Michele have said you should see your doctor. I get them but not as often as you do. Terry is a lot better this morning just a bit drained.
    I have appointment this afternoon for the Paula car yearly eye screening test. It doesn't seem like a year's gone since the last one. Then tomorrow I have appointments for CT scan on hands & feet. Then CU had two letters for hospital appointments one for lung function & one for the heart Centre on the 5th.for CT Scan.
    We are definitely keep the NHS going between us lol.
    Just going to get some breakfast now so Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Wow that’s a load of appointments for you both. Let’s hope these appointments improve your quality of life. Like you Pete kept ours going.

  4. Morning everyone from a very wet MK.
    Sweet card from our Michele, very cute hedgehogs.
    Hope your day at work is better.
    Lynda, good luck with all the appointments. Hugs for you and CU.
    Sue, bless you. More migraine, could you have a trapped nerve in your neck ? See the doctor, now ! hugs
    Pat, my daily hugs for you are on their way.
    The deli'sh cakes we got in the cafe' get my mouth watering and Lilian too, your cakes sound yummy and I hope one day you get to taste Margaret's coconut Lemon drizzle cake for wow it is good ! :>)
    Janet- drive safe and I'm looking forward to hear all about your place in France.
    Going out for some food shopping but think we popping in to Nero's first for a drink, best get my jeans on.
    Have a nice day everyone, love Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria
      Thanks for the hugs again today. I really needed them this morning. Hope your feeling ok.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Michele. What cute hedgehogs and a great sentiment. Whoever receives this card will smile each time they look at it. Hope work isn’t too bad today x
    Sandra, your z fold card is gorgeous, a different shaped card but they are easy to make aren’t they. I just wish I thought to make one for s change from the usual fold! I have these papers and they are beautiful. Sorry I didn’t get to you yesterday. I have already spoken about he change in my migraines over the last couple of years to both my wonderful GP and a specialist who arranged a head scan. The results were fine thankfully. As I also started having lots of hot flushes at the same time we all agreed that the migraines are all part of “THAT” time of life! As I am already really struggling with memory problems probably caused by some of the meds I am already on I’m not prepared to take even more strong meds unless I really have to so I will continue to take my usual migraine meds as they and sleep help shorten the attack to a few hours. Isn’t it fun being a woman!
    I wish I could have seen the lambs and Harley chasing each other. I can imagine how funny they must have looked. Xx
    Janet, I hope you and Jim arrive safely and without incident x
    Karen I’m sorry you didn’t have good weather but glad you still had a lovely holiday x
    I must get on now as I’ve just realised what the time is! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Got back from shopping and I had to change all ! my clothes because of "THAT" bite the bullet and .....

  6. Oops forgot to say that I must look up this ear piercing / migraine treatment as that’s a new one on me xx

  7. Margaret Palmer25 April 2019 at 11:22

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sorry you did not see Sue yesterday, migraine is something that runs in the family on Pop's side, that's why I learnt to drive as the first day of holidays were spent with Pop with a migraine, her Dr. is convinced it is all to with her age although she had hysterectomy at 35 she still has a lot of symptoms of menopause, her Dr is excellent & looks after her well. Thank you for opening café I have put a coconut lemon cake on counter so help
    Michele lovely card from you
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hello All, huge rain showers, and storm on the way, think it’s called Helen. Always happens when my tulips come out, have some lovely parrot ones this year.

    Michele love your card, suitable for all ages and male or female., sorry some of your colleagues didn’t turn up, R has the same problem , rings them to check they are coming then after he told the caterer the numbers, they just don’t turn up.

    Sorry Sue about your migraine, it runs in our family gran, Mum ,myself then for some unknown reason they jumped to my son, now he gets bad ones. Fortunately mine have been much better since the menopause finished.

    Lynda glad to hear Terry is a bit better, good luck with all the appointments, still waiting for my cardiologist appointment.

    Still having trouble getting this silly iPad to publish, keep your fingers crossed,
    Hugs to all, Lilian

  9. Hi Lilian
    I do hope your appointment comes through soon. You seem to be waiting a long time for your appointments.

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Michele what a cute card, I love hedgehogs they are so fascinating I coul watch them for hours. This card is going to put a big smile on someone’s face. Thank you for sharing xx

    Sue sorry you didn’t get to see Sandra yesterday. I had migraines for several years. ‘The Change’ was the trigger, I’m delighted to tell you I hardly ever get headaches now. So hopefully, for yout there is light at the end of the tunnel.��

    Lynda pleased to read Terry is a little better, tell him to take things easy and not go rushing about helping everyone, well for a while anyway. xx

    Karen Sorry you are not feeling 100% Listen to your body and rest, hope you will be feeling better soon and your mojo returns. xx

    Janet everyone did their bit in the cafe today, sorry Margaret’s cake has all been eaten. Maybe if we ask her nicely if she will bake one for your return (I can truly say it is absolutely yummy) Hope the first day of your journey went well. xx

    We are at daughters today, she had to go to Halifax yesterday for work, she should be home by 10.30ish tonight, it will have been a very long day for her. When she returns we will go home.

    Sandra hope you have had a good day and the lambs are being good. AND yeah tomorrow is Friday ..... YES xx

    Sleep well everyone, Love Brenda xxx
