
Tuesday 2 April 2019

Michele's cute dog cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Michele had sent me these cards earlier last week and I totally forgot to add them to the challenge cards on Sunday, so I have included them today, they are such cute designs, what little one wouldn't appreciate a cute puppy card.  
I really love the sentiments that go with them too, so clever and they make a fun change to 'Happy Birthday'.
The cards are both Ella's Design Digital Downloads, which is Michele's 'Go to' designer, I can see why too, she has a fantastic array of designs and styles for cards for every occasion.
Have any of you been and checked her website out yet?
Thanks Michele for sharing your fantastic cards with us. XXX

Yesterday seemed to just whizz by, the girls helped me with the lambs in the morning, Matt made them a temporary pen in the garden so we put them out there for an hour or two,  they all started having a little nibble on the grass which was nice to see, hopefully it will be like a natural lawn trimmer too!  
Lucy has been wanting me to go out in her new car with her since she got it on Saturday, so after we had got bottles sterilised and sorted for the afternoon we popped to a retail park in Swindon that has a big Asda Walmart, along side all the big shops like Next M&S etc, we got a few bits of shopping, (plus all the extras you end up with when you take two teenagers shopping).  We then went for some lunch and got back in time for the next lamb feed!!

Luckily the RAC man was able to free the handbrake that had been stuck 'on', so we were able to get home, it only took a couple of hours waiting time, the car is booked into the garage today to be fixed.

I am sure hoping to get some time in my craft room today, I will have forgotten where everything is at this rate.  Fingers crossed the rest of the Ewe's have only 1 lamb and an easy birth, so they won't need adopting!

I hope that you all have a lovely day, make the most of the sunshine as I don't think its supposed to last.

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-Thank you for sharing my cards, this one is an Ella’s Design Digi download she’s just designed.

    Your day sounded good-I’ll eh he lambs look very cute.

    Yesterday was busy & draining. We finished at 4:45 and it took me longer than usual to get home as the the traffic was really busy. We made our decisions on who to appoint but we can’t say anything yet at work.


    1. Love your cards Michele. Anything with animals is always a hit with me.x

    2. Yesterday sounds exhausting Michele, hope today is a better day. xx

    3. Your doggie cards are so cute MICHELE I hope today is less tiring

  2. Hi everyone.
    Yesterday sounds a busy day Sandra. It must be lovely to see the lambs in the garden eating your grass.
    Glad you didn't have too long for the RAC man.x

    Didn't sleep so well last night so have come down with a headache. I'm off to the hospital very shortly for results of last week's asthma check up. I'm hoping to make some birthday cards this afternoon.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Lots of love.

    1. Val, Hope the headache has gone and you are feeling up to making the birthday cards, Also hope the hospital results are good. xx

    2. Good luck at the hospital and hope the headache has gone

    3. Val I hope your headache is better now. And that you had some good results at the hospital.

  3. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Michele both of your cards are lovely, any child would be thrilled with these, I can think of a few big children who would also love them.
    Sandra I bet Lucy was over the moon being able to take Mum shopping, and lovely for the girls to fuss over you. Bless him Paul would take you anywhere if you asked, but it will also free up some of his time. Also having been out on the road with Lucy you will not worry (so much) when she goes out with friends. xx
    Hope the car gets fixed today and isn’t to expensive.
    I’m back to being me again yippee, it gets a bit tiresome having to prove I’m not a robot!
    Sending love and prayers to Pat and Pete, Lillian, Lynda and anyone who needs them.xx
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Yippee. I’m also backbeing me again as well today Brenda. Thank you for the hugs. We had a really bad day with Pete yesterday as he got very upset which off course upset us. He thinks he can do everything himself ( which he can’t ) so wants to come home.

  4. Terrific cards MICHELE
    Off to see GP later and dancing later I really need to make a New Baby card too
    Time for a nap I am so sleepy just lately
    Big hugs to everyone

  5. Afternoon ladies,

    Brilliant cards Michele, the doggies are so cute.

    A grey rainy start to the day then brilliant warming sunshine and now grey clouds again leaking teeny weeny raindrops.
    Another day in my craft room, I don't think I will ever get to having a tidy one! I was looking for something then came across a box filled with scraps from last year's autumn birthdays and Christmas cards. I'm just taking a break from die cutting shapes for the little ones boxes, it is such an exhausting job, not really hahaha but I shall be glad when it is finished.

    Jamie has been working away again so I couldn't get my sewing machine downstairs as planned. However, I did find in my rummaging this morning a Christmas stocking material panel so that has wended it's way downstairs ready for cutting out and pinning to wadding and backing material. I might get my experience with the new machine making that first as any mistakes will not 'show' too much being heavily patterned.

    Gurt big hugs to all that need them today.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  6. Hi everyone.
    Wonderful doggie cards Michele,love them.
    She have got a lot of great digital downloads and other items so have her site saved.
    Nice to hear the lambs had a good grazing time in the garden. Glad we had the grass cut and some of the borders done because today it is really cold and raining with hailstones at times. Like some of you ladies my sleep isn't very good so feeling pretty tired today but I hope val that your headache is better and other aches and pains in you my friends are in better control. Take care and big hugs to you all, Maria xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Good to hear that Matt built a pen for the lambs to go into. Must have been difficult having them in such an open garden as yours.
    Good to hear that you got a ride out with the girls, and that your car was able to be fixed enough to get you home.

  8. Hi Sandra & ladies
    MICHELE love your cards gorgeous.
    Well eye test didn't happen this morning took ages to find a car space. We got into the opticians & she called me in just sat down another lady came in & said she was sorry as we were 5 minutes late I couldn't have my eye test. although she had started doing first test. So had to leave. Wasn't happy.
    Didn't have a good night & in pain today. Some days are worse than others.Not very good weather today it's been raining heavy all day which doesn't help.
    Has your headache gone now Val hope your tests were good news.
    Hope you all had a good day.

    Hug's for everyone love Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    MICHELE What cute cards, I love the little dog, he is so sweet, and great sentiments too x
    SANDRA I’m glad to hear that you managed to get home after a tempory fix, I hope the garage bill wasn’t too bad. I bet the lambs loved being outside. They won’t have liked the rain, sleet and a short snow storm when I popped out a while ago that we have had today though! I’m sure it was a special time going out with Lucy driving her own car, especially as she asked you to go. See you in the morning my lovely xx
    MARIA, sorry you are still not feeling too good. Sending you gentle hugs x
    LILIAN, gentle hugs are on their way to you. I do hope the cardiologist is able to help you in some way. You are a dark horse, fancy knitting for a shop in Burford, but then I bet I’m not the only one that isn’t at all surprised as your cards and other craft items you have shared us are all of an incredibly high standard. It’s good to know your talent was noticed and then shared by others 😀 x
    LYNDA, you must have been so cross with your optician this morning. Fancy telling you after the test had began! Where did you go? I used Tesco for several years with no problem but then they sold that part of the company to Vision Express and not only were the prices raised by a lot but the service was not very good so after having my usual eye test with them I took my prescription to the excellent Specsavers in Swindon to get my new glasses and I certainly won’t return to Vision Express. S I hope you manage to get some sleep tonight. Gentle hugs are off to you and Terry xx
    I’ve had a day of doing bits and bobs but don’t have a lot to show for it, if you know what I mean, and feeling tired so will hopefuhave an early night. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hello All, terrible heavy hail showers today and really chilly.

    Michele love your cute cards, wish I could get my mojo back, think it’s because I have a box of cards already done , so not much incentive to do more.

    As it’s late I’ll say goodnight, and hugs to all Lilian
