
Wednesday 3 April 2019

Good Morning Ladies,

Well the weather sure took a turn for the worse, it was literally freezing cold here yesterday with fairly constant rain all day.  So the poor lambs were confined to running around the Kitchen and utility room, luckily the floors are all stone so easily to clean, which I had to do many times!
Fingers crossed the better weather will return soon.  Although it looks like it will be pretty much raining until next Wednesday!!

I am so excited to be able to share Danielle's amazing Mother's Day card, such an unusual fold and lovely design, the combination of the flowers and background paper really works too.
Danielle saw this style card being made by a lady who's name is. ''Mixed Up Crafts'' on facebook.
She does live craft sessions on a fb group called 'Hobbybase'  on Wednesday afternoons, so worth a look.
Danielle, I know your Mum will have loved your card, as she adores everything you make which is no surprise as its all amazing.
Thank you so much for allowing me to share your card  XXX

Paul and I remembered that we had an 'afternoon tea' booked at the first hotel we went to for our Silver Wedding anniversary, sadly any others we have tried have been a complete let down in comparison, so we will do a mini stopover in London and hopefully catch a show too, so it will be a busy day for me with Ally Pally on Saturday too, we are really looking forward to it though.

How many of you are coming to Ally Pally on Saturday?  I know that Sue, Margaret, Paul and myself will be going, fingers crossed that you will all be coming on the same day as I can't wait to meet you.

I hope you have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    A beautiful and unusual card Danille. Love the colour.

    Well I think we are going backwards never mind being on 'Summer Time' yes we had a very cold day yesterday though no rain but the cars are covered in frost this morning.
    It will be a stay in day for me today. I have one or two jobs in the house to do and then hoping to get some crafting in.

    The CAFE is OPEN - heating on so nice and warm for you all.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with many extras for Dear Friends who are in need. Have a good day and stay safe.xxxx

  2. A pretty card DANIELLE and I echo all of SANDRA’s words A real keepsake card
    The sky looks brighter today and I hope it is not as cold as yesterday
    GP visit went OK except she hadn’t realised that it was her asking me back
    I have a couple of jobs on this afternoon and then I hope to craft
    I am at AP on Sunday because I have a lift I can’t risk the trains at weekends at the mo what with engineering works power lines down etc
    Take care all xx

  3. Morning everyone.
    Lovely card Danielle and a very unusual fold. Like to know how it's made.
    Heavy grey sky here so can see the rain again today. Hope to make some cards and as OH is out for the day I'd like to make his B.card in peace, working in the kitchen with no door to shut anymore makes it more tricky to do anything without him just coming in to pick something up or making a cup of tea hihi
    I be going to AP on Saturday. Sad to miss you Karen, have to catch up somewhere later.
    Val- hope you feeling better today and the rain stop long enough for Gracie to go outside.
    Lynda- what were they doing ? how very annoying, you were not that late. Think all the times we go for an appointment and have to wait for half hour and more often longer hmmm
    hugs for you and Terry.
    Lilian- nice to see you in the cafe'. Hope you getting around better. Take care
    Sue- I had a better night but got up with first light so likely be a nap this afternoon Lol.
    Janet- hope you doing alright. The cafe' look lovely and it smell rather nice from the cakes and it is warm and cosy so hopefully more people will join us for a chat later.
    Have a nice day everyone and many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria, feeling ok today thank you. Glad to say, the rain, which was torrential only lasted for one day so by Monday Gracie was a happy dog again.
      Bet you're really looking forward to a meet up on Saturday.
      Hope you managed a good sleep last night and your feeling ok today.x

  4. Hi ladies,
    What a beautiful creation Danielle. No wonder your mum was delighted.x

    Good news from the hospital. The asthma tests I had last week we're really good all due to the additional inhaler I got 6 months ago. As a result I have to go back in a year rather than 6 months yeh.

    My DIL is having a malignant mole removed from her cheek today then next week she's having a shoulder op and she's been diagnosed as having fibromyalgia and tendonitis which is all very painful. Poor girl has one thing after another.

    Off to crib this afternoon. These Wednesdays fly by.

    LYNDA I'd be so angry if I was turned away from the opticians in that way and I wouldn't be going back. I go to Specsavers over here and touch wood they're really good. Hope you're in less pain today. Sending hugs.x

    PAT It must have been so distressing leaving Pete when he's upset. Daily thoughts are with you both.x

    Sending love to all.

  5. Looking to buy some large letters for trying to make shadow card. Any ones you like that would suit ? Maria x

    1. Hi Maria I bought some large letters dies from wish only problem is having to wait for a bit. They are what I used for Lisa's & Sam's Eclipse card's.
      They are very good quality.
      If you let me know what letters you want you can borrow them I can bring them with me on Saturday at AP. Just let me know on here or messenger xxxx

  6. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Just lost my comment GRRRR
    We have another very cold very wet & windy day
    CU has a appointment for cardiology at 15.15pm so better not be late 🙄lol.
    DANNII your card is gorgeous I bet your mum loved it.
    Val pleased your asthma test was OK
    &Gracie can go out now its stopped raining.
    I'm planning to go to AP on Saturday just hopping I'm OK but probably have to have a few sit down breaks but hopefully 🙏looking round the stalls will take my mind off the pain 😣👍.
    Hug's for everyone extra for Pat Pete LILIAN Sandra Maria and any who need them
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a fantastic card you made for your mother Danielle - I’m not surprised she really loved it, it’s just so different, a real eyecatcher. XX
    I will be going to Ally Pally on Saturday. Saturday is so much easier for me. Karen sorry we will miss seeing you, Thinking of you, hope we will see you soon. LOL XX

    Pat, it must be so hard for you leaving Pete when he is asking to come home. I’m sure he doesn’t mean to upset you and in his heart of hearts knows his needs are too much for one person, be strong. XX

    Val my heart goes out to your poor DIL (and of course your son) hope today’s operation goes well. XX

    I can feel the need for a nap coming on. Went to bed last night about 11pm and was still wide awake at 3am. my brain just would not switch off, tried the deep breathing exercises several times, now the question is do I give in and have a nap and chance the same happening tonight? Think I should try and keep busy!
    Love Brenda XXX

  8. Margaret Palmer3 April 2019 at 17:32

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Danni your card today is beautiful, well
    Michele your cards yesterday were lovely as well, I did comment but it disappeared!!
    Sandra how nice for you now you can enjoy shopping trips with the girls, & Paul does not need to tag along. Pleased to see the RAC was able to get you home. Looking forward to seeing you both Saturday & Maria, Brenda & Lynda & of course CU, shame we will not see Karen &
    Sending hugs to Lynda, it was awful of optician to not do your eye test, I find Specsavers excellent as well, hope to see you both
    Sending hugs to Maria & Lilian & anybody else who needs them love

  9. Hello, hail showers and sunshine.
    Danielle your card for your Mum is fabulous, bet she loved it.
    Lynda can’t believe they stopped your eye test after it started, how many times do they keep you waiting. We go to Spec savers in St Austell and find them excellent.
    Very envious of all going to Alley Pally, always promised myself to go, but that out now, have a lovely time.
    Lovely that you can go shopping with the girls, enjoy,time goes by so quick.
    See you all tomorrow, hugs Lilian

  10. Evening Ladies

    Finally able to comment!!

    Danielle-what an absolutely gorgeous card.

    Cold here today & lots of rain. Had a message to say my Father in Law should be discharged from Hospital this morning & is going back to the Nursing Home.


  11. Hi ladies and Sandra thank you so much for sharing my card and thank you for your kind comments my mum loved it and no doubt will keep it up all year long Haha Hope you all have a lovely day xx
