
Monday 1 April 2019

Brenda's Beautiful Blue Bouquet !!

Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend and that some of you lovely ladies were treated yesterday. 
I was treated to lunch at a beautiful pub in Burford,  I'm not sure if any of you are know where Burford is,  it's a pretty 'chocolate box' village, known as the 'Gateway to the Cotswolds'.  I will add a couple of photographs of Burford  below..

So Becca's partner Adam cooked as a delicious roast beef dinner,  followed be delicious dessert.
I received some lovely gifts from Matt and the girls too.
Our day took a little down turn on the journey home after lunch though, as the car decided to cause issues,  our handbrake was stuck on, Paul hadn't realised to start with but it soon became evident that there was an issue! So i am writing today's blog post while we are waiting for the RAC to come and rescue us!! They are quite busy  and advised it could be 3 hours,  we are one hour in so far! 

So I never got to spend the afternoon in my craft room as I had planned, it's a blessing in disguise though as that means I get to share the stunning card that Brenda made for the 'No Die' challenge a couple of weeks back.
Here is Brenda's Description.......

"The stamp is from Honey Doo Crafts, I have coloured it with  my Chameleon pens (More practice needed there ) and matted it on to Dapper Denim card."

Brenda I used this same stamp a few weeks ago, coloured with Mica Powders that were also from 'Honey Doo'
It's amazing how colouring with a different medium can make it look like a completely different stamp.
I love the shades of Blue you have used, I love the look of the Chameleon Pens but have so many others, mind you the Spectrum noir pens I bought and have barely used have all dried up!

Thank you so much for allowing me to share your card today Brenda XXX 

Have a lovely day ladies, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-your Card is fantastic, the colours are great.

    Sandra-hope you got home ok, such a shame after a great day out.

    We had lovely weather so we did some gardening then hubby watched the Grand Prix so I managed to get some time in my craft room.

    Early start for me as I’m heading over to the other hospital site as I’m sitting a panel of 3 performing interviews-we have 11 candidates for 3 posts. I think it’s going to be a long day!


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope the interviews don’t take all day. But with 11 candidates I expect they will.

  2. Morning Everyone
    BRENDA- what a gorgeous card and I'm sure anyone receiving it will treasure it forever.

    SANDRA-Oh you have started so many happy memories for me this morning with the pictures of Burford. We have traveled through so many years before France on our way to Weymouth and always stopping off for a walk up the main road and having coffee etc. It's still one of our favourite places in this Country.

    It's Mr Tesco this morning for me and then hopefully looking at my CC for this week. Jim is on duty today so perhaps I can stay with my

    The CAFE is OPEN usual hours so pop in for a chat and a cuppa.HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day and stay safe.xxxx

  3. I have just lost a post - Arghhh!
    I love your card BRENDA You’ve coloured it beautifully I definitely need practice with my Chameleon pens - they are the only ones I have
    Ashame your journey was a bit eventful SANDRA I had a wonderful busy chaotic day with daughter coming over Oscar is so funny We spent the day chasing him around and laughing Although tiring I wouldn’t have it any other way
    Will try and pop back once I’ve sorted this robot thingy Karen

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    BRENDA your card is beautiful. I love that gorgeous blue, and I would be so happy if I could colour even half as well as you can x
    I agree with you SANDRA about how a stamp can look so different just by changing how it is coloured as your mica was beautiful too.
    What a shame you and Paul had a bad end to your lovely family meal. I hope you weren’t waiting for the full three hours though my lovely xx
    MARIA thanks for the info re your cute caterpillar cc. I will definitely be having a go at it. I hope you are still in less pain. The side affects of more meds are horrid though aren’t they! x
    KAREN I can just imagine the fun you had with little Oscar yesterday 🥰 x
    I have a card to finish for hubbys birthday tomorrow then the usual Monday with the girls after school. I hope you all have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Woe, I’m back as me today so I won’t have to prove I’m a robot.
    A lovely card Brenda today. I think I have this stamp as well. The colouring looks good Brenda.
    Sorry to hear you had an eventful journey home after having a meal with Becca and her boyfriend. Hope you didn’t have to wait three hrs for the AA to turn up.
    I hope all those in pain have a better day today.
    Was hoping to go to Ally Pally as usual this year. However, the visitors who were coming from Colchester to see Pete on Sunday are now coming on Sat so I won’t be going I’m sorry to say. I was so looking forward to seeing every one.

  6. Good morning ladies.
    A lovely card Brenda in Beautiful blue colours.
    I have lots of Spectrum noir pens and after opening up some pens never used they are already dried up.
    Love the photos from the village, how unfortunately tho about the car. Hope you didn't have to wait too long.
    Going with hubby to doc this morning ,he have been coughing and soar throat for many weeks. Chest x-ray was clear after he popped in the other week to have it checked so just see if they can do anything at all and I got meds to pick up. Cold but look nice so having a walk after so I best get going.
    Have a nice day everyone, big hugs to you all and extras for our missing friends. Love Maria xxx

  7. Margaret Palmer1 April 2019 at 11:04

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Brenda your card is beautiful, I seem to go for my watercolour pencils more than anything. Hope you enjoyed family day
    Sandra shame your day ended with calling out RAC, at least you were on way home. Hope you get in craft room
    Sending hugs to all who need them particularly Lynda, Lilian & Maria love

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a surprise I had this morning when I open the blog to see my card, I thought it had got lost in cyberspace. I love Honey Doo stamps lots of floral choices and several with swirls so you only have to add colour and the base card, job done!
    Your roast beef dinner for mother’s day sounds delicious Sandra, What a shame you then had problems with the car on the return journey, I hope the RAC man was able to get you back on the road and safely home again. The photos of Burford are lovely. We have visited this area many times over the years. I love all of the Cotswold’s, so many delightful places to see.
    I started this comment about one and a half hours ago, I’ve had so many interruptions, I think the gremlins wait for me to sit down with my iPad and say “let’s disturb her now”
    Time to think about lunch, not sure what to have I’m sure a peep in the fridge will give me some inspiration. Love Brenda xxx

  9. Looks like I am back!
    Burford looks so pretty I have to admit we have never been to the Cotswolds- note to self we must go sometime
    I love yesterday’s cards and has given me a couple of ideas to try as I get a bit stumped with children’s cards especially if they’re not into anything specific
    On the Ally Pally note I am going on Sunday I was hoping to go on Saturday too if only to have lunch with you But I have a lift for Sunday and the way our trains are behaving I can’t run the risk of being stranded on Saturday It’s Grand National day too so OH wouldn’t be able to help
    This year I’m sort of anxious as to who is going to be there...
    Just finished work and decided I needed something to eat nefyI walked home
    Out dancing tonight Take care all xx

  10. Hello All, I have been trying to leave a comment for days, with no luck, so am hoping this will work.

    Love all the cards on show over the last few days.
    Have not been in my craft room for ages, my hands are so shaky these days.

    Dr had said she has no more answers, so another trip to see the cardiologist, not sure what he will suggest, but from the technician this morning looks as though I am stuck with pills.

    Sandra you bought tears to my eyes this morning with your photos , this was my friends favourite place to go when we used to take her out. I used to knit for a lady called Maggie White who had a shop in Burford.

    Hope everyone is keeping as well as can be, hug to all Lilian

  11. Hi ladies
    Lovely card Brenda. I adore the rich blue so beautifully coloured.x

    SANDRA hope you didn't have too long a wait for the RAC. What a sad way to end alovely day out. Very pretty village. I must admit to never having visited the Coltwolds.x

    I've been finishing off the Easter cards for the shop today. Just putting in the inserts and popping them in cello bags ready to put on the shelves. All but one of Mothers Day cards were sold which I'm pleased about. That's British Mother's Day of course I also have Spanish Mother's and Father's day cards to make during the year.

    LILIAN so sorry you're not feeling so good. Hope the next visit to the cardiologist will be more successful.x

    Hugs to all especially Lilian, Lynda and Maria.x
    Love Valx

  12. Good afternoon Sandra and ladies
    BRENDA a beautiful card from you today love the stamp & your colouring is a pretty colour.
    Supper cards yesterday I did struggle a little as have been in the mood for doing card's even the one I sent Sandra I wasn't really happy with it & I meant to put Harry's name on too but probably make him ano one.
    We had a lovely day at Lisa's yesterday Darren Sam & Harry came as well which was nice I had some love gifts very spoilt.
    Harry was lovely as usual. He love's Joseph because he plays with him & lovely seeing youngest & oldest grandson's together.
    SANDRA what a lovely little village thank you for picture. Sorry you had car trouble on your way home.
    We have eye test tomorrow morning.
    Better get dinner ready.
    Hug's for all love Lynda xx
