
Friday 19 April 2019

Happy Easter Card from Michele

Good Morning Ladies,

Well the long weekend is here at last, it looks like the weather is going to play nice too, which makes the weekend so much more enjoyable, the Garden centres will be doing well this weekend!!
We popped to the Supermarket last night and all Barbecue foods were gone from the shelves, there was barely a sausage or burger in sight, we weren't shopping for any so it wasn't an issue, although the one thing I did want there was no sign of.....plain, ordinary Hot Cross Buns!! Aldi had Salted Caramel Hot cross Buns and believe it or not Rhubarb and Custard Hot cross buns!! but no plain ones, neither of those exotic flavours appeal to me in the slightest I'm afraid.  Would you like them, or do you like me prefer the simple taste?.

Now onto today's card, this was some lovely Happy Mail that I received on Wednesday, a lovely Easter card from our Michele, it's beautifully made in lovely bright colours that remind me of those lovely Mini Eggs, it looks to me like Michele has done a bit of stamping too, the little eggs on the background and around the topper and the 'Happy Easter' look like Michele has stamped them (either that or it is computer wizardry)!😜
Michele has picked out the purple colour from the papers and used that as an accent colour, covering the join with a lovely gingham ribbon, the card is finished with silver 'Card Candi' in each corner.
Thank you so much Michele for such a lovely card. XXX

I have never really got into making cards for Easter, I don't think that it was ever a thing a few years ago, but he card shops do like to cover every possible event for a bit of extra cash, I must admit though they are cute cards.

Next Weeks Challenge Theme

I thought that as it was Easter/Spring a time of new life that it would be nice to have an Animal theme for this weeks Challenge, now when I say Animal, I will include just about any living creature …….


Dogs to Donkeys

Birds to Bears

Bees to Butterflies

Goats to Giraffes

Sheep to Shoals of Fish

Just about anything living thing that isn't human !!

Have fun with this challenge, I can't wait to see your cards !

We are off to my Mum's today, fingers crossed the traffic won't be too crazy, we thought that if we go today we have the rest of the weekend to relax, my sister did say that she was going to bring my Mum over to us this weekend but I guess it slipped her mind!😕

I hope that whatever you are doing you have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone#
    A lovely bright Easter Card MICHELE.

    SANDRA- I too like traditional Hot Cross Buns though if I had to have a flavoured one it would have to be a M&S Apple one.

    Even though it's Good Friday I have to do some 'swearing' today. I also have to get my CC sent off. They are finished and photographed I just need to remember to send them.

    The CAFE is OPEN and I've put one or two tables outside so you can enjoy the sunshine with a cuppa and Hot Cross buns.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Have a good day; stay safe.xxxx

  2. Morning ladies,

    My exercises classes were cancelled last Thursday and this Tuesday due to staff illness so I took the chance to go and visit my sister Beverly and BIL Pete in Brownhills, Staffordshire for a few days. It was so lovely just relaxing, but we did hit a couple of charity shops whilst out shopping from which I brought home a couple of beautiful photo frames. They have cleaned up very nicely.

    Playing catch up now with blog posts and comments from those away days as I did not take my tablet with me. Internet and phone services seemed to be down on the Sunday, my sister had trouble trying to get a connection at all.

    Another odd visitor to my garden yesterday afternoon was a dormouse scurrying around the patio looking for food. I don't know whether a bird had caught and dropped him/her or where he had come from but he was quite happy to eat some bird seed that I placed on the slabs amongst the plant pots for him. He was still there later on and did not seem afraid of or bothered with me checking he was OK.

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and Happy Easter, may your baskets be filled with chocolate eggs and bunnies,

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Having tasted the Salted Caramel and Chocolate hot cross buns from verdict is unless you have a very sweet tooth avoid them. They are 'claggy' and not for my or my taste buds.

  3. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    We have another beautiful day of sunshine like yesterday. Sorry Sandra I didn't get in yesterday like Brenda & Margaret I went Shopping to pond shop Lidle then Tesco I thought I should go with Terry as he also dose so much for me. I was really shattered by the time we got home. After putting shopping away boy I paid for it. I ended up falling asleep which I rarely do but I had take strong pain killers. Today I'm staying put.
    SANDRA yesterday's card was beautiful it was lovely well done on us the foil pen. Pleased you had a nice day with Sue. Hope you have a good day at your mum's & the journey isn't too tiring for you.
    Hope everyone has a lovely day.
    Hug's & love Lynda xx

    1. Sorry Michele your Easter card is lovely & bright x

  4. Hi ladies,

    Michele lovely Easter card. I bet you were delighted to receive it Sandra. I do make Easter cards for the shop and they do sell but I must admit I don't send them myself.

    Well it's rained all night and it's still at it. It's supposed to be like this until Monday. I think it's a tele weekend.
    Off to craft raft club shortly. Wendy's picking me up in 15 minutes. A lovely way to spend a rainy day.

    Sandra have a safe journey to see your mum. Hope the traffics not too bad.x

    Lynda so sorry you're in such pain. Hope today's a better day for you and for all friends not feeling so well.

    Lots of love Valx

  5. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Lovely Easter card from Michele today. I used to send a few Easter cards but stopped a few years back.
    I don’t like Hot Cross Buns at all so won’t be tasty the different varieties on offer.
    I hope the traffic isn’t to bad today Sandra on your trip up to Essex. I’m off up that way tomorrow so I’m hoping the traffic will subsided on Sat morning. I’m going up for Luke & Helens wedding blessing. We missed seeing them marry in Jamaica.
    Hope your not in as much pain today as you were yesterday Lynda.
    I hope you Enjoyed craft class today Val.
    Now to see if I can prove I’m not a robot. Fingers it works today as some days it won’t.

  6. Hello All, hope you are all having a lovely sunny day where you are, I have had to come in from the garden as it’s too hot for me.
    Continuous traffic on the road past our house today, it’s so noisy, still I suppose the holiday businesses will be pleased, haven’t heard whether there were any traffic hold ups, usually around the Bristol inter change. Sorry too much waffle.

    Manage to get my card finished and sent off to Sandra, thinking cap on for next weeks.

    Hope you all have a good rest of the day, hugs Lilian

  7. Sorry Michele forgot to say , love your bright sunny card.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Michele your card is lovely, the colours are so bright and cheerful they really give off a very happy vibe.
    Sandra I hope your journey to mums went well and without any hiccups. Now you can relax and spend the rest of the weekend with Paul and the family.
    PAT it looks as though I’m back to proving I’m not a robot, OK it was good while it lasted. Hope you have better luck.
    Sandra I was thinking I wouldn’t have time to make a CC I made a card for grandson who is 17. just realised it fits this weeks challenge. Will take a photo in the morning and send it to you.
    Sleep well everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx
