
Thursday 18 April 2019

My First attemot at Foil Quill on Scan & Cut

Good Morning Ladies,

What a beautiful day we were treated to yesterday, I managed (with Sue's help) to wrangle the lambs into their pen in the garden and made it secure enough to contain them.  I was so relieved to get a few hours peace and quiet, they need to be outside but kept escaping so I had to stay out with them, which meant I literally got no time to myself at all during the day and was completely exhausted by the evening so not up to crafting, I ended up having a bit of a tearful meltdown yesterday as I am so frustrated at not being able to craft, when I have snatched an hour to go sit in my craft room I have been so tired I have zero creativity, although I was desperate to create something.

After a little bit of playing around I managed to create this pretty vase of flowers with the Foil Quill tool on my Scan & cut, I took a bit of messing about to learn how to alter the size etc.   I wanted to place the sentiment of the same piece as the vase but sadly on this first attempt lining it up was just not happening, so I die cut them and mounted them separately.  I have to say though that both Sue and I were amazed at how perfect the foiling actually is, we were both mesmerised, you basically fit a little pen nib sized thing in the blade housing of the scan and cut, it has a tip that heats up, you basically choose your image and put the card plus foil on the cutting sheet and feed it in to your machine, you then set the machine to 'Draw' the image you have chosen and the hot nib draws the image over the foil, which is transferred onto the card, its fixed permanently too, it looks such good quality even up close.  I like that you can now foil anything that you can upload or scan in, in any size you want, no having to buy plates or dies.  I just need some practise!

I am looking forward to the lovely long weekend, Paul's last day today, Hooray!! We don't have much planned for weekend as yet, we are thinking about going over to my Mum's, but not sure as yet.
What do you all have planned ?

It looks like we might have some good weather, fingers crossed!!

Have a lovely day today my lovelies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Where has everyone gone? I can’t believe I’m the first at 10.30 in the morning, am I missing something?
    Sandra your first attempt at using your Foil nib is brilliant, you should be so proud of yourself. XX
    We are off shopping now OH was happy to go on his own but I always feel guilty he does so much for me, I have to make the effort and push myself.
    Will pop in later to see how you all are.
    Hugs Brenda xxx

  2. Hi ladies,

    Love your card Sandra. What a nice technique. Glad you and Sue enjoyed yesterday.x

    I hope to spend some time in my craft room today. I need to make a cc and also a challenge card for Craft Club tomorrow.

    I've also got a stack of ironing but I'm ignoring it at the moment.

    Karen, hope you're having a good time in Majorca.

    Love to all.

    1. Val, hope your ears weren’t burning on Wednesday, when I went to see my sister I had taken some easy threaded needles with me as I knew one of the things she wanted to do involved a little stitching, she was so impressed and had never seen Needles like that before, I ended up leaving the pack for her to play with. Take care and don’t go over doing things. XX

    2. Funnily enough Brenda I was using one of those wonderful needles you sent me today. They really are a Godsend.x

  3. Margaret Palmer18 April 2019 at 12:45

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sounds as if you & Sue had fun yesterday what with putting lambs out & doing your scan & cut with foil pen, your card is beautiful. Sorry I didn't comment yesterday I went food shopping with Alan, so was feeling tired then when I tried to comment it disappeared so gave up. Your card was
    Brenda I feel exactly as you do Alan does so much for me that's why I went shopping with him yesterday, mind I paid for it last night. Hugs on
    Lynda, Maria & anybody else in pain hugs on way love

    1. Yes, like you Margaret I think I will pay the price for going shopping. John is really so supportive but I feel at times I’m really holding him back. In fact we went into both Sainsbury’s and Asda and each time he said you wait by the door and I’ll drive around and pick you up, naturally I didn’t say no.
      Hope you have a lovely Easter, take care XX

  4. Hello All, another lovely day here, sunny and warm.

    Dentist this morning for a clean, can’t understand why it costs £69, only in the chair for 15mins, now every three months, asked why, she said it was because she has to do it by hand because of my implant, good job we have good pensions.

    Love your card, I had a go but found it rather waste full on the foil, as difficult to see where it goes.

    Seems rather quiet here today, are you all going on holiday? Loads of people down here already, a couple asked where the M&S was, had to tell them the nearest was 20miles away.

    Hope you have a lovely rest of the day, hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Hello Lillian, you made me laugh telling us about the couple who asked where M&S was. Obviously they are real townies!
      Take care and keep well XX

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Hooray, I love today’s foiled card. Not just the gorgeous colour and design but the lovely foiling as I know how long you have looked for a foiling tool that really works. A few more go and you will be well away. It was lovely to see the lambs in the sunshine yesterday. Hopefully the good weather will last until they can go back with the others. Have a great long weekend with Paul my lovely xx
    Mum, it’s so good that you went shopping with Pop yesterday, sorry you paid for it last night but hopefully the more you do the easier it will get. See you in the morning. Love to both of you xx
    Brenda, I’m sorry that you are suffering like Mum after you both went shopping with your beloved hubbies. I do hope your scan results lead to some relief from the pain you are in x
    We are all so lucky to have such supportive husbands aren’t we. But the being there for each other through the good times and the bad times, that is part of married life isn’t it.
    I hope you all have a good long weekend. The weather is meant to be great so enjoy it.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all.
    Lovely card Sandra. Have fun playing with the scan and cut.
    Must been so cute see the lambs being outside. Please Sandra, may we have a picture of them.
    Brenda and Margaret, take care and try not to over do things. Saying that I'm always go shopping with my OH for he never would come home with the things we do need :)
    Lilian, hope you get to have some nice days. So funny when you told them how far to M&S .
    Seeing step MIL today was a bit better for she recognised us today but she keep asking the same question again and again bless her. The doctor thought it was best she stayed until next week tho for she has got a really bad chest infection and it was touch and go, still don't know how long.
    On a happier note I wish you all a lovely Easter weekend and that we all get to spend some time outside in the warmer weather. The Kercher will be plugged in here for patio cleaning and hopefully I will get around to make a cc, the days go too quickly at the moment.
    Many hugs to you all xxx
