
Saturday 20 April 2019

Mixed Up Saturday Featuring Michele's Mag Review

Good Morning Ladies ,

How was the start of your Easter weekend? We spent the day mostly in the garden, it was lovely and warm.

Our first card today is Janets first attempt at Groovi, the card has a pretty blended background on to which Janet has placed her beautifully embossed   'Groovi' piece, which features two stunning corner pieces around a decorated central circle. 
Janet you would never guess that was your first attempt, you are clearly a natural 'parcher' !  I know pat has said that the 'White work' was tricky and very time consuming.   Have you bought many plates etc?.  I can't wait to see your next piece .  Thank you so much for sharing it. XXX 

The lovely covered Notebook is from my swap partner Sue Bishop over on our 'Riley &Rose' facebook group.
Sue has covered the notebook in the most amazing cover that she has personalised with our Group name, the cover was made using the 'Faux Leather' technique and let me tell you it really feels like soft leather, if you zoom in you can see the texture. Inside thete are two notebooks and two pens, a little book of sticky notes too.  The outside is finished with a pretty dangle charm. 
It's an incredibly detailed project and i love it xxx


Michele has very kindly shared some of her Animal themed cards to give you all a little inspiration for this week's challenge.  
Such a lovely assortment of creatures, I think my favourites are the Owls and those darling hedgehogs.  
Thank you so much my lovely for inspiring us all. XXX 

Talking of Michele, here is this weeks ....

Magazine Review 

Hi Ladies

Here’s two magazines being reviewed today.
First is Cardmaking & Papercraft which has a bumper set of stamps as a free gift. There’s something there for everyone. 

Here’s some ideas using the free gift. 

This article features a new fold-Quarter fold cards, they don’t look too difficult to create either. 

Next up is Simply Cards & Papercraft which has two fantastic free gifts-Cardmaking Magic Stamps & Dies. 

 The lovely free gifts. 

This is the first feature using the free gifts. There’s a 2 page interview with Christina Griffiths and she’s made 2 cards using her products-see second photo.

Another feature by Christine Smith (craftipotential blog)

This article features Floating Diecut flowers which give can amazing effect. They suggest transferring the flowers(once you’ve arranged them how you’d like them to show on your card) onto a transfer sheet but I reckon you could use thin Acetate and I’m sure we’ve all got some if that in our stash!

That’s all for this week in the magazine review section.

Love Michele 

PS I apologise for the lack of comments but google has decided to be difficult and I just haven’t had the time to create yet another account. 

Thank you so very much Michele for this weeks fantastic Magazine Review.  XXX

Last but by no means least today is something to bring a warm smile to your faces.......

Such a lovely photograph of Lynda & Terry (CU) with little Harry. Just look at his face, what a sweetheart, you can tell he loves you both very much, thank you for sharing your special photo with us Lynda xxx

That's all from me today ladies, I am writing this as we drive home from my Mum's, as i think i will be straight to bed when we get home.  
Enjoy the rest of your weekend my very dear friends.

Love and hugs to each and every one of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Thank you for showing my first 'Groovi' attempt. I found it very calming to do but my hands did suffer so it will be a little at a time. I haven't as yet bought may plates as I wasn't too sure how I would get on with it but I have to admit it is very addictive lol.

    MICHELE- thank you for your Inspirational Cards and your Mag reviews.

    SANDRA- I love your 'swap' notebook.

    Off on our usual shopping trip this morning and then resting this afternoon.
    The CAFE is OPEN and as it's Easter Saturday there will be an Easter Themed Afternoon Tea for you with Easter Eggs

    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Have a good day take care and stay safe xxxx

    1. Beautiful Groovi card Janet, well done.
      We just had our Easter lunch and boy I couldn't eat one morsel more hihi. Herring,eggs, prawns, fish balls and smoked salmon with three types of bread and new potatoes. Well I can just say that lunch is sorted for tomorrow as well.
      Hope you had a nice day Janet xx

  2. Hi it's me again.
    LYNDA - I'm so sorry I pressed 'publish' and then realised that I hadn't said how GORGEOUS your Photo is. Isn't Harry growing so fast. They really don't stay small very long do they.
    Hugs xxxx

  3. Hello ladies

    Goodness knows how I’ve managed to comment but I’m so very relieved!!!

    Just off to the hairdressers then hubby has decided we’re going to walk into the village to the Chocolate shop.


    1. Thanks again for your magazine review.Know I shouldn't have stopped one of them, just see how many stamp !
      Hope you had a nice walk and it wasn't too hot. Did you buy any chocolate back home ?

  4. Margaret Palmer20 April 2019 at 16:47

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra hope you have been able to relax today after your long journey yesterday, sorry I didn't comment yesterday I had Sue, Chris & little Chris here all day so by the time they went I was tired. Enjoy the rest of weekend, thanks for our next cc. No wonder you loved your swapped notebook it is
    Michele thank you for showing us some ideas, your Easter Card yesterday & magazine
    Janet your Groovi picture is lovely, well
    Lynda the photo of you both with Harry is beautiful, thank you for sharing, hope you are not in so much pain, hugs on
    Hope you are all enjoying the lovely weather & holiday weekend, sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hugs back for you and Pop. Have a lovely weekend. Take care xx

  5. Hello another sunny hot day, been in and out, too hot to stay out for long.

    Michele great cards, and very interesting mag review.
    Janet your Groovi card is beautiful, must get around to using mine.
    Love your book cover Sandra, are you going to use it for an art journal?

    Lynda lovely photo of you both and your grandson, how quickly they grow up.

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend, it’s very busy here, poor ASDA man couldn’t even get into Meva it was totality grid locked.
    Hope those not feeling too great will be on the mend, hugs Lilian

    1. Hope you take care and have a nice weekend. Is your OH busy playing the organ this time of year? hugs xx

  6. Hello Sandra & ladies
    MICHELE thank you fo a great magazine review again so very helpful.
    SANDRA your swap notebook is really lovely.
    JANET well done on your first groovy card it's gorgeous keep it up. I have got to start doing some groovy cards as I haven't used mine yet. Now you have given me a nudge I will have a go.
    Thank you all for the lovely comments on my picture ( I hate having mine taken) looking forward to seeing Harry & Joseph tomorrow shame we won't see Alfie again.
    I finished my CC & sent it to Sandra. I also finished my note book cover & sent Sandra a picture of that too. I received my swap from my partner Nina Tanner it's lovely.
    I haven't done much today I wasn't upto going so I didn't go for a walk with Terry & 8paws I just finished CC. Just going to put dinner now.
    Hug's for everyone extra for Pat & Pete LILIAN Maria Sandra Margaret & anyone who needs them.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. It's a lovely photo of you all Lynda, Harry is so cute. Also the little one is rather cute, no not CU I mean of course four paws Lol Take care, hugs xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Guess you are busy this weekend ? Haven't we got wonderful Easter weather. The washing has been out and in again after a few hours on the line yesterday and today we could sit outside to have our Easter lunch and it was very nice but just which I had a button to stop when full. Just bring me a coffee later to the film and this day have been goooood !
    Sorry didn't pop in yesterday, weeding and walk over to Dobbie's and then sat in the garden reading and finished a cc for tomorrow.
    Love the Faux leather book Sandra, gorgeous.
    Pretty Easter card yesterday from our Michele.
    I used to send cards and I also decorated the kitchen window with branches with eggs and chickens and also a witch on her broom stick but not anymore. Remember my mum used to change the curtains as well in the kitchen at home, mad :)
    Val- I hope the rain has stopped by now and you will have a nice weekend too. We got +24 here today. It's lovely and the pain is better so maybe I should move to Spain after all.
    Many hugs to you all, some extra for anyone who need them.
    Maria xxx
