
Friday 29 March 2019

Your New Challenge .....

Good Morning My Lovely Friends,

Here we are at my favourite day of the week, I just love the start of the weekend, I am hoping to get some jobs done in the garden this weekend as the weather is supposed to stay nice, although Paul did say that it is supposed to be turning cold again next week! Why?! I really love the sunshine and it is so much better to be able to have the lambs spend some time in the garden.

We had a bit of low point yesterday, just before Sue left I went to feed them and 'little one' refused to eat and had gone really lethargic, he also had a really upset tummy, so that was me in floods of tears as I thought I was going to lose him after bringing him back from the brink of death last week, anyway we separated him, because we thought that the newer lamb that we had adopted who is already huge compared to our triplets had maybe trodden on 'little one' in its attempt to escape which it became able to do with ease, so Matt had a look at her, gave her some antibiotics and tube fed her, we then put her in her own little box to rest overnight, before I could go in to feed them at 5am this morning I had to go get Paul to check that she was still with us. Thank heavens she was stood up and shouting for some breakfast!   Matt also decided that the 'big girl' that was only couple of days old buy now super strong was well enough to go back to the barn to be with the older lambs, I bought Matt and bucket feeder (which is basically a bucket with little taps that have teats on around the bottom)  so he could fill it, hang it on the fence and make feeding a little easier.  He is exhausted, as the lambs starting arriving a couple of weeks sooner than he expected added to the fact that he has a new job so is reluctant to have time off work and that this is the first time his latest additional flock of 'Wiltshire Horns' have lambed and they do not appear to be very good at all things 'maternal', all of the lambs that we have had to adopt have come from them, Matt's original ewe's are coping fine, he has had two big strong Rams so far which is good news.  I think that we still have 15/20 Ewe's still to give birth so we aren't out of the woods yet. We could do with the weather warming up as it makes things a little easier as far as keeping the newborns warm etc.

Now onto todays cards and this week's challenge.....

I have already shared with you some of the 'Notelets' that I have made for a ''Swap' that we have running over on our Facebook group, I had originally offered to pair up with a lady that lives in New York as she wanted to take part in the challenge but I didn't have another partner for her within the USA and I didn't want to exclude her because of the cost of postage.  Plus I thought it would be nice to do an 'International swap.  But after trying to contact her for three weeks and getting no reply I thought that she had changed her mind, so I sent the original butterfly ones to another swap partner instead.  Anyway she popped back up on the group asking for my address as she was ready to send hers!! I couldn't believe it, so I had to rustle up another set today, I quite like how they turned out, so I will package them up and get the shipped.

Your Challenge for Monday

I wanted to have something that included Polka Dots for this weeks challenge but didn't want to be that specific, so I chose this TicTacToe that features Polka dots along with many other categories, it's a  pretty simple grid and I am sure we have done it before or one very similar to it, the possibilities are endless.
I hope you enjoy it my lovelies, I can't wait to see your cards.

WOW bit of a lengthy blog post today!

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-lovely set of cards. The lady in USA will
    Love them.

    Nice to hear about the lambs & glad “little one “ is improving.

    I’m hoping to finish slightly earlier than normal tonight as I’m booked in to give Blood at 17:30 and it’s s rush to get into Southport in 30 minutes. I was considering doing a Car Boot Sale Table tomorrow but a colleague is taking my place as I really don’t feel like getting up at 6am and rushing to get set up.


  2. Morning Everyone
    I'm sure your notelets with go down a treat across the pond.It will be interesting to see some American crafting.

    I don't know whether it's me but I cannot see a Tic Tac Toe grid in this mornings blog.

    Well it's that 'swear' word again so you all know what I'm doing this morning and then I have to get my CC sent off which I thought I'd done yesterday.

    The CAFE is OPEN and the sun is shining so I've popped one or two tables outside. HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day and stay safe xxxx

  3. Morning Ladies,

    Beautiful notelets Sandra, I did not join in this challenge as I had misread notepads and didn't have a clue how to make one.

    I cannot see a TicTacToe either so perhaps it is floating into cyber space. I love the idea of polka dots though as I have many DSP that has them.

    It is beautifully sunny here in Somerset and I have enjoyed the warmth streaming through the windows this week and getting many items packed into storage boxes for my fetes this year. I found 3 boxes of lovely 'smellies' in front of my computer this morning, they are by courtesy of Jamie's friend who is moving house this weekend. All donations are very gratefully received.

    A couple more cards to do today for my male friends' birthdays next month after which I am planning on getting to grips with my embroidery machine and starting my quilting projects next Monday.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Well...what a change in just over an hour, lovely bright sunshine then a sea fog came rolling in (we are only 8-9 miles inland from the coast) and the sky has turned grey.

  4. Great idea for notelets
    I too, can’t see the Tic Tac Toe
    In a rush - overslept So I’ll be back later xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely notelets Sandra. I’m sure the lady across the pond will love them.
    I also can’t see the tic tax toe on your blog. I expect with everything going on you forgot. Hepoefully the lambs will be ok.
    I’m having to prove I’m not a robot again.

  6. Margaret Palmer29 March 2019 at 10:18

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sorry I didn't comment yesterday had a busy day, your unicorn card was brilliant and your notelets are lovely, I am sure they will be appreciated. Good luck with the lambs sounds as if you are kept busy with them. Hope the weather stays nice for the weekend. xxx
    Lynda hope you get tablets sorted soon & you can get some sleep, hugs on
    Val hope you had a better night, well done on weight loss, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Lovely hearing about the lamb's & hope the little one will be OK.
    Love your note cards Sandra very pretty. I also can't see a tic tac toe grid. I will try & put together this week's CC today & see what happens. I managed to walk round Tesco's yesterday by the end I had enough. When we got home getting out the car I pulled the left side of my back. I'm really fed up.
    Anyway enough of that.
    We have lovely sunshine this morning but not upto going out with 8paws. I will just play in craft room.
    Hugs for everyone extra if neaded.
    Love Lynda xx

  8. I can see the grid now
    Well done VAL on losing 3lb at slimming club
    Work was chaotic Not only is it the end of the month but it’s the end of year too
    Feeling very tired so am going to have a nap Why is it I can fall asleep at the drop of a hat during the day but really struggle to drop off to sleep at night?
    I’m a bit peeved at mo I bought some Woodware fine applicators in February and the beads of all three pins have broken off
    Take care all xxxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely notelets Sandra, I’m sure the lady in NY will love them, it’s great your Facebook site is reaching out to the USA looking forward to seeing her swap (that’s if you don’t mind sharing) Love to read haw the lambs are progressing, sounds like that little one gave you a fright. Matt must have the patience of a saint, as this time of year they need an awful lot of attention, he is also very lucky to have such a supportive family ready to step in and share their demands.
    Pleased you managed to sort out the tic-tac-toe. like the choices, polka dots work with almost every style of card. Fingers crossed I get chance to send you a card, mind you I’m still working on this weeks CC.

    LYNDA sending you caring hugs, you really sound as though you need lots of TLC I really hope life improves soon. xx

    Love to everyone, Brenda xxx ..... AKA Anonymous

  10. Hi ladies.
    Another fun challenge and such a pretty notelets, the lady in US will love them. Hope all goes well for the lambs.
    This week have flown away and I have had Thursday most of the day so tomorrow I will do what was thought for today, gardening. Take care everyone.
    Many hugs ,Maria xx
