
Thursday 28 March 2019

My 'Childrens Card' Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

For once I was really stumped for ideas for this weeks challenge, mostly because I don't make many 'Children's' cards these days, no doubt in a few years I will be making lots for our Grandbabies (fingers crossed).

So I searched on Pinterest as I was inspired by Danielle's card at the weekend, I saw that a lady called Monica Gale had made some Unicorn invitations and kind of went with her theme, although she drew her eye on and I am not that good an artist, so as I don't have a die to cut the unicorn from I used  various dies that had nothing to do with unicorns.  The Eyes are made from cutting a black card with scalloped edge die and then cutting into the same piece again, giving me those tiny Crescent shapes, the lashes were made with a Impression Obsession Fern dies, that I trimmed to look like eyelashes.  The horn I just cut with my trimmer, the ears are leaf dies.
I added a little pink ink for the cheeks and a few sequins and sparkles and some ribbon for the Mane.
What do you think??

I had my Ultrasound scan yesterday, the result is that I have a very inflamed Bile Duct, apparently the piece of duct is what they leave behind when you have you Gall Bladder out, she seemed to think that there may well be a stone inside as it is so inflamed, she said that also went with the symptoms that I had been having of pain under my ribs and feeling like something was swollen inside.  She said that they will monitor it with blood tests and if it flares up again they will refer me back to the hospital.
So at least we have some answers now.

When I got back I fed the lambs and then Sue arrived and we both had a lovely crafty afternoon.

I hope that you all had a good day too,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a fantastic card, it’s gorgeous.
    Glad to hear you have some answers now after having your scan. Let’s hope the stone gently moves out or they can shatter it.

    I actually spent some time in my craft room yesterday evening-hubby was out and he’s out again tonight so I plan to continue in there!


  2. Hi ladies
    Oh Sandra I like this card so much. It's really cute. I may copy it if you don't mind.
    Glad you were given some answers after your scan. Hope you're not in too much pain.x
    I don't think I slept more than an hour last night. I'm in a lot of pain especially my shoulder and neck and I just couldn't get comfy. Have a busyish day as well. It's Slimming Club in a hour then this afternoon I'm going to an etching class.were making a chopping board this time. I wasn't so keen with the coasters I made a few weeks ago so hope it's more successful today.

    Special thoughts are with Lynda Lilian and Sandra.x

    Love to all Valx

    1. I am sorry to read you’re in so much pain
      Enjoy the class
      I’ve just received an email from JS to say the Happy Birthday edger die is back in stock

    2. Hi Karen, Thanks. Igot the email myself and have just ordered it. Yeh. Lost 3lb at slimming so a good day all round.x

    3. Hi Val
      I’m sorry to hear your in a lot of pain.
      Hope slimming club goes ok. Just read you’ve lost 3lbs, well done.
      Gentle hugs coming your way.

    4. Hi Val, I feel for you and the other ladies who are in so much pain. I'm drugged up to whatsit and still feel it so. Well done losing 3lbs, how much have you lost all together ? many gentle hugs are on their way over for you xx

  3. Your card is brilliant I love it Such a clever way to use dies to make the eyelashes
    I am so glad your scan results are Ok It’s treatable
    I crafted for a bit last night A cc is ready to put together and I have an idea for Oscar’s but struggling to translate it to ScanNCut
    Need to get ready for work I’ll be back later xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    I love your challenge inspiration unicorn card. She looks so sweet. And I think using the scalloped and pine needle dies to make the eyes is ingenious. I will be making my own version in a couple of weeks for Granddaughter Paige’s 8th birthday as she loves all things unicorn. I am glad that you may well have got an answer to your stomach pains and hope that it can settle down without causing you any more pain my lovely xx
    I have a lot of things to do at the moment so I had better get on. I hope you all have a good day. Love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue thank you for the extra Hug's. Glad you had a nice crafty day at Sandra's yesterday. Have a good day love Lynda xx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra your card is absolutely gorgeous what little girl would love to receive this, and so clever the way you created this fantastic design, A real inspiration. XX
    Really pleased you have some answers to your tummy pains, hope you will soon be able to get your life back on track and start enjoying all the things you have missed out on over the past weeks. XX

    Val Sorry to read you are in such pain. Enjoy your class later...AND Well Done on loosing three pounds, xx

    We are going over to Wimbledon to do some shopping, I love the shops there so better get a wiggle on. Catch up with you all later. Love Brenda xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    An ingenious idea Sandra. The card looks fantastic.
    I’m glad to hear you now know what’s going on after your scan. Let’s hope if you have a stone it gets rid of itself in due course. I’ve nessaged you again for your new email address. I’m sure you meddahged me with it a few weeks ago but I’m blowed if I can find it, I wondered which day your going to Ally Pally this year.

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sandra your card is brilliant. I must admit my mojo is missing for this week's challenge although Harry's birthday is in June. But haven't got any idea what to make.
    Val well done loosing 3lb.sorry your in pain also with your shoulders & neck I sympathise as mine is still ach among other things.
    SANDRA glad you got some answers from your scan & now know what your pain is. Hopefully it will disappear by itself.
    Shopping today so I'm going to see if I can manage to walk round Tesco's if I start flagging I will sit on the seat & let Terry finish off the only thing with that he buys things that's not on the list. Better get a wiggle on.
    Sending Hug's too everyone & extra for all poorly friends.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. many gentle hugs are winging it's way over for you Lynda, hope the shopping was all right and you only came home with what on the list. Take care xx

  8. Hi everyone.
    Glad you had a nice time crafting with Sue yesterday. I adore this unicorn card and amazed how you did the eyes, brilliant.
    Hope the stone if it what it is will remove itself and you soon feel a lot better. God you had the scan done.
    Enjoy watching the lambs tottering around outside.
    OH asked at what age do they not called lambs anymore and they are ready for the table ??
    Anyone in pain I hope by doing some crafting the mind is busy on other than the pain for a while.
    I made one card for Molly so took that with us down to SIL yesterday. We had a fun day and went to a nice restaurant for a late lunch. Did fancy a dessert but just had a skinny latte and we walked there and back,ca three miles, so hoping that was ok.
    Planned to do a bit of digging in the garden but we decided to have another walk in the sunshine instead, it was so lovely but are now tired so going to have a drink and watch a film so I wish you all a nice day and sending you all in the cafe' and for you looking in some hugs.
    Wish you could comment and we got to know you all better who are looking in and we might even meet up at upcoming Ally Pally, we don't bite (much) Lol
    Love Maria xx
