
Wednesday 27 March 2019

Michele's Doctor Leaving Card

Good Morning Lovely Friends,

We were treated to another lovely sunny day yesterday here in Wiltshire, I do hope that you were too, it was still very chilly in the shade though, we did manage to get the lambs out in the garden twice, finding big patches of sunshine for them to enjoy, they are still very nervous though so tend just to stand around my legs. Hopefully it won't be long before they are bouncing around.

I was so pleased that you all loved Pat's card yesterday, it was beautiful, I have a few more that Pat has shared to show over the coming weeks.

Today's fantastic card is one of Our Michele's incredible creations, now initially I thought that this was a 'Get Well Soon' card but Michele has very cleverly used the 'White Coated' Bear to represent one of her Colleague's who like Michele is a Pharmacist.
Michele has used this style of card as a 'Good Luck' card, I will add Michele's description below...

"Leaving card for my lovely friend (she’s a Pharmacist) who is going back to Greece to run the family business -her Dad is a Pharmacist & wants to reduce his hours/retire."

I know it will be sad for you as she is your friend and she is leaving but it's quite a nice story, she is going back home to help run the family business.
I think that your card is Brilliant Michele, it's such a fantastic idea, your friend will love it.!

I am going for my Ultrasound of my abdomen  today, my appointment is at 9.45am , so not too long to wait hopefully, I have to fast for 4 hours before, so it will be a late breakfast for me. 

Lynda, I am sorry that you have been in so much pain, maybe it's because you have been slowly coming off one of your tablets, I do hope that you can get the larger dose of this other drug so maybe you can get some relief.  I sincerely hope that you are well enough for Ally Pally my lovely xxxx

Lilian, I am hoping that you are starting to feel better too my lovely, we all really miss seeing you in the café xxx

Sending huge hugs to all of you,

Lots of love too,



  1. Morning Ladies

    My card was an attempt to make something “different “ for Alex to take home with her. It’s a lovely thing she is doing & she’s going to be missed so much at work .

    Sandra-good luck this morning.

    Quick visit as I’m having to set off early as imyin a meeting all morning at the other hospital siite which is a longer drive.


  2. It’s a great card MICHELE I love it and although you’ll miss her it is lovely to see that she’s carrying on the family business
    Good luck with the scan SANDRA Hope it goes well
    I hope you had a better night LYNDA
    Did the asthma clinic go ok Do you take any crafting with you if it’s a long wait?
    I am having my nails done this afternoon and then as I am home alone I will be doing a cc later Bugs all around I’m thinking of you even if I don’t mention you by name xxxx

    1. My brain is working quicker (this early?) than my fingers VAL - did the asthma clinic go ok?

    2. Hi Karen, the usual procedure is have the test then straight into doctor for the results. This year it's at a different hospital where I had the test yesterday then have to go back next Tuesday for the result. It was so much better before as it was over in one visit. I didn't take any craft as I have my interpreter with me. Although I speak some Spanish I'm very wary of discussing medical matters. Anyway that was a waste of money as she's got to come with me again next week.
      Enjoy being pampered with your nails this afternoon.
      Love Valx

  3. Morning Everyone
    A lovely and unique leaving card MICHELE.

    K&N was lovely yesterday and we had a good afternoon crafting and chatting.

    It's going to be a busy day here so better get a wriggle on. I've a birthday card to make today and need to make a start on preparing 8 kits for next K&N.

    The CAFE is OPEN usual hours. Table linen and flowers have been changed this morning so everything looks Spring like.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  4. Hi ladies.
    Fun card for your friend Michele. Sad she is leaving but maybe you get to go over to see her and have a good catch up one day. Have a good day.
    I wish you all a nice day and hope the pain is a bit better for anyone who are struggling.
    Going to see SIL down London way so best get a wiggle on. Take care everyone, Hugs or bugs (Karen)hihi xx

  5. Hi everyone.
    What a great card Michele. Bet your friend loves it. How sad she's leaving but what a lovely excuse to visit Greece.x

    Off to play crib shortly. Lovely day to sit out in the sun.

    Just spoken to my lovely brother. He's tracing our family trees and a relative in America has just contacted him. He's had a tough time tracing our dad's family as dad was brought up in an orphanage and didn't have many details of his family so this is a real breakthrough and so exciting.

    LYNDA so sorry you're in so much pain still. It can really wear you down. Hope you get sorted soon.x

    Love and hugs to all. Valx

  6. Margaret Palmer27 March 2019 at 12:00

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Michele lovely card for your friend shame she is going home but understandable she wants to carry on family
    Sandra hope your scan was ok, you will enjoy your breakfast when you get home. How lovely, the lambs think you are their mother as you feed them most of the time. Take
    Lynda hope you had a better night, hugs on
    Val how exciting for you & your brother to have found a relative, good
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Just a quickie until later as I’m needing to prove I’m a robot and pressed publish in error and lost everything I’d written.
    Fabulous card Michele. A shame your friend is leaving but good she’s going to carryon the family business.

  8. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    MICHELE great card for your friend she will love it.
    SANDR& EVERYONE THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HUG'S & BEST WISHES. I did sleep better last night but still struggling to do any housework CU has been doing most of it bless him. I did try & go for a walk with the dogs but ended staying in the car & I'm writing this post. I still haven't got my extra tablets as my doctor won't issue it with out the consultants letter So have to wait.
    SANDRA I hope your scan went well this morning. Lovely being a mummy too the lamb'sfor a while It must be lovely being in the garden with them running round your legs.
    SENDING you all Hug's love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      You could ring the hospital and ask them to send the paperwork. Not to sure how long you’ve waited but they could fax it through to the surgery. Which is what they did with Pete’s new medication one time. It was just sat in the secretaries tray waiting to be posted.
      Gentle hugs coming your way.

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry to be so late again. I have been out all day, I'm still out , at daughters she has been up in Leeds for the last two day for work. SIL did school runs etc yesterday and today we have stepped in. Daughter should be back about 10pm I think she is going to be very tired when she gets home.

    Michele your card is lovely..... just what the doctor ordered!! Perfect choice for your friend, I’m sure it will be a very treasured gift.

    Sandra hope the scan went well, when do you get the results? xx

    Lynda I hope your doctor can get the medication sorted out soon. You shouldn’t have to be in the discomfort you are having. xx

    Hope you have all had a great day Love Brenda xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Michele, your card is great, a lovely way to say goodbye. I hope the meeting wasn’t too bad x
    Sandra, thank you for a lovely day as always. And seeing the lambs was great. They are so sweet, and they certainly treat you as Mum don’t they 😃 xx
    Once I got home I ate dinner then sat down to come into the Cafe then woke up about 30 mins ago with my phone still in my hand with my comment half done!
    Lynda, sending gentle hugs to you, and CU of course, and I do hope you can get your pain meds sorted very very quickly dear friend. GPS and hospitals delays don’t need to happen at all these days as any information should be clear and easy to find with a quick check on their computers!!! xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Sandra, Lynda and all in need. Take care xx
