
Tuesday 26 March 2019

Another of Pat's Gorgeous Groovi Cards

Good Morning Dear Friends,

I hope that you are all well and have been enjoying the lovely sunshine, I had a super busy day yesterday, we had our hairdresser coming in the morning and the rest of the morning and half the afternoon was spent on the telephone.
I was waiting for a telephone consultation with my GP first of all, he explained my blood results and he seemed to think that I have a Viral Infection that exactly coincided with me starting the Bisoprolol, he came to this conclusion because the level of Antibodies was raised quite a bit and so was the inflammatory markers.  The levels are all going in the right direction,  So he has told me to start the anticoagulant immediately to reduce the risk of stroke and I have to go and have bloods again in two weeks to make sure everything has returned to normal and then start a half dose of Bisoprolol, take bloods again a week after to check levels and see how things go, fingers crossed, it will go well this time.  It looks like I will also have to be referred back to the cardiologist as my AF has gotten a lot worse.

The next call I was waiting for was from our Bank and a company called 'The Divorce Manager', this was because we had had a Direct Debit set up on our account and Paul noticed that the payment was taken from the account at the end of last week.  I saw who the account was payable to and panicked but Paul soon reassured me that I had nothing to worry about.
Anyway it turns out that all you need to set up a Direct Debit on somebody's account is the Sort Code and Account number, NO NAME/ADDRESS, just sort code and account number!
I was shocked that the bank had allowed this Direct Debit to be processed and paid out, it was for a considerable amount too.
What frustrated me was the fact that when I was trying to buy a blender with my card earlier this year the bank kept declining the transaction and I needed to verify and prove and lord only knows what, but its fine for a total stranger to set up a Direct Debit !!
The Divorce management place were very apologetic and confirmed that the person who's account it should have come out of had a completely different name and address as us, she was shocked that the bank had allowed it to go through.  So ladies my advice to you is to check your account very closely and very often, as we can't rely on the bank!

Now to the highlight of the blog post...….. Pat's gorgeous card !

Pat, in my opinion this is one of your most beautiful Groovi cards so far, the daisies are so pretty and I love the delicate stems and leaves, you have managed to get such lovely colour into the daisies the white work is beautiful and the yellow centres really make the daisies 'pop' !
The part of the card that makes it so special is the beautiful is that stunning parchment work at the bottom, Pat you have made it look like the most delicate lace work.
It must have taken you ages to complete, what a lovely gift to give someone.
Thank you so very much for allowing me to share it with our friends. XXX

Just as I am finishing writing this blog post, Orphan Lamb number 4 has been bought home, another busy night ahead !!!

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Pat-what an absolutely beautiful card, it’s gorgeous. Any Crafter would be thrilled to receive that card as they would appreciate how much work has gone into it.

    Sandra-your day sounded busy yesterday. Seems like good advice from your GP & a referral back to the Cardiologist is an excellent idea. I think the Banks don’t like tounto have access to your own account but it’s ok for other people to have it. I had a similarly frustrating time on the phone to Barclays on Thursday as they’d removed someone off my payee list. Th person I spoke to informed me that I had done it....well, let’s just say the tone of the conversation changed after that comment!


  2. Morning Everyone
    PAT- I am in awe of your gorgeous piece of art. It is definitely more than a card and would beautiful framed and on a wall where everyone can see it.

    What has happened to our Banks! At one time you could trust them with our lives but these days things have certainly changed. Sometimes I really want to turn the clocks back and I don't just mean GMT either.

    It's K&N this afternoon for me so I'm looking forward to that catching up with everyone.

    The CAFE is OPEN usual hours so pop in for a cuppa and a chat.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

    1. Enjoy K & N today Janet. I’m glad you liked my card.

  3. So so pleased to read that things seem to be heading in the right direction SANDRA What a relief
    Your card is amazing PAT I am so so tempted but I just know I can’t justify the cost
    Thank you to MICHELE I have managed to locate the die -VAL I don’t know if Julia Watts or Crafts4less ship to Spain ... or I could buy one for you and post to you ...
    I have GP telephone consultation this afternoon and then I hope to craft and dancing tonight
    Just finishing my breakfast in the cafe and doing a bit of crochet Take care all xxx

    1. You're so kind Karen but I'll wait for Joanna Sheen to get it in as it's free post to Spain.
      Hope your GP call goes well and enjoy your dancing.x

    2. I’m glad you liked my card Karen. Just a shame you don’t live closer as you could borrow some of them. Hope the telephone consultation goes well.

  4. Morning ladies,
    Oh Pat what a pretty card. Love those daisies and the borders are beautiful. Daily hugs from you and Pete.x
    Sandra so pleased things are being sorted, health-wise.
    Certainly banks aren't as efficient as they used to be. We have the same problems over here.
    Can I ask about the lambs in front of your Aga. Did their mums die or did they have multiple lambs and can't look after them all?
    You can tell I'm a townie can't you!

    I have an asthma check up at the hospital later this morning which with all the hanging round usually takes a few hours.

    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Thanks for the hugs Val and I hope your checkup goes ok.

  5. Pat, those hugs should be for you and Pete.x

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Glad to hear your results are going in the right direction Sandra. Sounds a plan to start you off slowly with the Bisoprolol, and to have your heart checked.
    Thank you so much everyone for liking my card. Yes, the white work and cutting do take awhile to do. The whitework takes 3 or 4 days to do as you need to build the whitework up slowly. The lacework is another thing to master.
    Such a shame you and Lynda don’t live nearer to me Karen as I’d willingly let you borrow some plates.
    Thanks for the hugs everyone they’re very much appreciated. Pete’s brother and his wife who live in Bournemouth came up to see him yesterday. Stayed a couple of hours then went to visit Sues brother in Burford.
    Oh dear I’m back to proving I’m not a robot.

  7. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday I had a really bad night on Sunday I just ached everywhere & couldn't sleep so yesterday I was sleeping on & off the pain is quite bad at the moment I just didn't want to do anything. I rang the doctors again & they said my doctor is waiting for the consultant to write to her about increasing my tablets.I'm just praying 🙏I'm OK to go to AP. I have appointments with podiatry this morning so have to get moving soon.
    KAREN your card yesterday was lovely love that off the edge die you've used.
    PAT wow your card is gorgeous I just love it. I can imagine you not wanting to give them away as non crafters don't appreciate the work you have put into them.
    SANDRA glad your doctor is sending you too the heart clinic & hopefully you will be fine back on the tablet's. Not so good feeding the baby lamb's through the night & morning. Sorry you had someone setting up a Direct debit on your bank account its so frustrating I wouldn't have a clue how they do these sorts of things.
    Sorry I left you in mid stream while I went prodigy clinic I'm back now. So hopefully I will feel better today the sun is shining I must go in craft room & tidy up first as got a few more bits from Margaret so I have got to put things on ebay.
    Wishing you a all a good day Hug's for all love Lynda xx

  8. Margaret Palmer26 March 2019 at 15:30

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Pat your groovi is beautiful don't know how you have the patient, well
    Sandra pleased you had a talk to Dr. yesterday, he sounds a sensible man. Sorry you had a problem with the bank, you have to watch your statements like a hawk, there is always somebody out there who is waiting to con you. Sounds as if you are going to be busy with yet another lamb, take
    Lynda sorry you are suffering so much, why don't you hire a wheelchair at AP that's what I am doing, we can then have races!!! Think about it. Hope you feel better soon, hugs on way to you
    I went down to Petanque this morning just to watch & then went out to lunch which was very nice & unexpected. Lovely to get out in the sunshine. Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    PAT your groovi card is beautiful, you really have remarkably patients creating this gorgeous work of art.
    SANDRA I’m so pleased the talk with your doctor has got your health issues moving in the right directions, he sounds a very good doctor.
    Hope you have all had a good day, Love Brenda xxx

    OMG I’ve just seen I’m me again!!! YIPPEE

  10. Hiya all,
    Fabulous card Pat, it must taken you ages to cut the little bits out. Lovely plate, anyone who receive this card will love it forever.
    Sorry Sandra to hear what the bank done. Scary to think what else could have happened. Take care and good luck with the lambs.
    Hope your day have been good. Many hugs to you all and wish you a good night xxx
