
Saturday 30 March 2019

Mixed up Saturday including Michele's Magazine Review

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and enjoying the weekend, we have lots going on so I think ours will go really fast.
Paul is picking up a little 'run around' car today to save the cost of fuel driving to and from work, then the girls need dropping off into work, when they come home we are taking Lucy to collect her first Car, we went last night to look at a very nice little Mini Cooper and she fell in love with it when she had a drive, so Paul asked 'all the right' questions and Lucy paid her deposit and she is collecting today after work.  
Which means that we are no longer tied to the work runs!  No guilt when we make other plans or go away and they need to organise their own lifts!! 
So Sunday Paul can have a lie in too! Rebecca is treating us to lunch for Mother's Day so no cooking either! What could be better, I think we may just do a nice late old fashioned Sunday tea, (sandwiches, cakes, trifle) although it won't be Angel cake or Battenburg as we had when I was a child as nobody really likes those in our house.  I fancy a nice Coffee and Walnut cake, or Lemon Drizzle.  
What is your favourite cake???

Our Val attended an ''Etching Class'' during the week and that amazing cutting board above is what she created, it's bloomin brilliant Val, it looks exactly like the ones in the shops, you must be delighted.  You get to try some fantastic craft activities out there, I wish we had as many around here.
Thank you so much for sharing your creation my Lovely xxx

Now we have our weekly feature..………

Michele's Magazine Review 

Hi Ladies, 

Papercraft Inspiration magazine comes with a cute Embossing Folder & set of stamps .

Inside the magazine there’s some fun themed free papers

Simply Cards & Papercraft free gift this month is an Embossing Folder, Stamp & Die set. There so many possibilities with this free gift. 

Great inspiration in this feature using buttons.

There’s some lovely Easter inspiration in this article.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this weeks magazine Review .

Michele .

Thank you so much Michele for a fantastic review of two great magazines, both have some amazing features that would appeal to most of us I think, so I can see one or two of our friends putting these on their shopping lists.

I hope that you all enjoy whats left of the weekend, especially tomorrow.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Val-what a great crafty it a one off piece or are you continuing with Etching?

    Sandra-the car for Lucy sounds great plus you + Paul will really benefit from more time at home.

    After my blood donation last night I phoned up to book my next appointment & was informed that as last night was my 75th donation I’d be receiving a certificate, badge & new donor card. I was quite tired yesterday evening so I’m glad I didn’t go ahead with the Car Boot Sale today.

    My only plans for this morning is to take a couple of bags to the charity shop then I plan to spend some time in my craft room.


  2. Morning All
    VAL = Oh what a super project. I love it.

    MICHELE-thank you for the mag review I'll be popping into Smiths to have a look this morning.

    Our plans are shopping as usual and our Saturday morning to meet up with Jim's Niece for a coffee and a chat.

    Tomorrow will be a quiet day - well that's the plan.

    The CAFE is OPEN and cream teas are on the menu this afternoon.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Morning ladies,

    Very foggy here this morning, I can see the cars and houses at the side and end of my garden but after that the largest of the oak trees is nothing more than a dark grey shadow. Let's hope the speed freaks drive slower today.

    Lovely magazine review Michele, I don't need to buy this mag as I was sent the dies and EF in my package of goodies in response to my complaint of the previous free gift. I can report that the embossing folder is really cute and came out perfectly on pearlised for the Thank you card I made for them.

    I have a clear work-table now and raring to go making die cuts to include in childrens craft boxes.

    Enjoy your weekend,
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. VAL! Your board is gorgeous I absolutely love it and as SANDRA said it’s very professional

    Thank you MICHELE for a great mag review I’m going shopping in a mo to s bigger supermarket than I’m used to so I’ll definitely be taking a look

    I’ll be busy tomorrow - I had invited SIL and daughter around for Sunday lunch as it’s a first anniversary of sorts Not heard back from SIL but daughter is still coming AND I’m seeing her later which means I get to see OSCAR two days on the trot!

    Sounds like LUCY struck lucky finding a little mini and will so help you and Paul

    My favourite cake has to be a proper traditional Victoria sandwich When I’m out and lucky enough (blood sugar wise) my cake of choice is a fresh cream meringue which doesn’t happen very often at all
    Have a great day all Plenty of hugs for you xxxx

  5. Hi ladies,
    MICHELE Great mag review. Really like the little girl holding the balloon. Very cute. Congratulations on receiving a certificate. That's a real achievement. Well

    SANDRA how lovely that Lucy is getting a car. The first one is always special. It will give her a lot more independence and less running round for

    Thank you Sandra for showing my board. I must admit I am Pleased with it. It's so fiddly to do so no Michele, I won't be having another go. We are lucky here. We go to a local community hall and classes are held twice a month on a range of different crafts. The lovely lady who runs the classes has such an imagination and comes up with some great ideas.

    As for cakes, I'm with Karen and I love a meringue but my favourite has to be coffee and walnut cake especially the one Lynn makes, yummy.

    Off to meet friends for coffee later then I think a few hours in my craft room.

    Lovely thoughts Lynda, Lilian and Sandra and anyone else in pains Pat and Pete, daily hugs for you.x

    Love to all.x

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Another lovely sunny day. Got all the washing out on the line yesterday smells so much fresher. So another wash will go out again today.
    VAL your sketch is brilliant. Must be nice having a range of craft for you & learning different things. We don't have anything like that either.
    MICHELE thank you for a great magazine review. Congratulations on achieving 75 blood donations you must be proud of yourself.
    SANDRA well done too LUCY on finding a car bet she can't wait to start driving it. Is SOPHIE having driving lessons. Have a good day.
    I still haven't managed my CC yet but will have a go this morning. Margaret phoned me yesterday & said she won't be going to the Creat it show at Detling as Hochanda can't host it as Gordon & Justin have gone back to Creat&craft as they are with creat it. So Creat & craft are doing Detling this time
    It seams they are taking over all the craft shows & saying Hochanda can't attend them. But I can't see how they can stop them going really. So seems like CC are taking over the craft world.
    Well I'm going to go & try my Challenge card. Have a good day
    Hug's for everyone & extra for all who need them.
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra your weekend sounds full of exciting events. Lucy is going to absolutely love the independence she will gain from having her own car, and you and Paul will have time to do just what you want, without having to watch the clock to either pick the girls up or drop them at their destination. Last weekend our daughter spent four hours in one day chauffeuring two of her children around to various destinations, and she wonders why she has no spare time!
    I hope you have a lovely Mothers Day, enjoy your special lunch. xx

    VAL your etching in lovely, is it all free hand or did you have pattens to follow, how long did it take to complete?

    MICHELE Thank you for your magazine review, they are always so helpful. Well done, 75 blood donations is quite an achievement. Unfortunately after having cancer I couldn’t donate any longer, I did receive a very nice thank you letter for all the years I had donated.

    What ever you are doing tomorrow I hope you have a lovely Mothers Day.xx
    Love Brenda xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies in the cafe'.
    Hope your day have been all right and you could enjoy the sunshine we had today.
    Val, well done making this board. It looks great and you have done an amazing job.
    Thanks Michele for the magazine review. Well done for giving so much blood. Do you have a special blood group ?
    Wish Lucy many happy miles driving her little car.No more late night pick ups.:>)
    Have been busy digging in the garden, pleased with how it looks for a while but probably can't move very much tomorrow. Still got the back part to finish off but so much clay in that area so will let Son to help.
    Instead for cake we are having a nice lunch at home tomorrow but if I could a coffee and walnut one is around the top followed with ginger I think, oh and Margaret's Lemon drizzle which is Super Lol
    Have a lovely day tomorrow ladies, many hugs to you all.
    Love Maria xx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love I loved your chalkboard etching yesterday.
    Especially love all the child cards today. Such a variety as usual and not one the same.
    The whole family spent the day at the Cotswold Wildlife Park yesterday. Sophie picked up Pete from the nursing home. Had his walking frame and wheelchair in her car. Pete can’t stand up unaided so being a carer she knows how to hold him up while he’s standing. Transfer his cushion on his chair to the seat in the car and get him into the car. I have no strengh to then hump a heavy wheelchair and frame into a car. Sophie was and has been a godsend when Pete was at home and now taking him out. Amy picked up Doreen as well and brought her. 12 of us altogether went, and such a gorgeous day as well.
    Hope everyone has a lovely day today on Mother’s Day.

  10. That was Val I loved your board yesterday. So busy proving I wasn’t a robot I forgot to read it back.
