
Thursday 7 March 2019

Sue's Amazing card for Christopher

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, the weather has really turned around hasn't it, so windy and cold here, lots of rain showers too.  I hope it was brighter where you are.

Today's amazing creation was created by our Sue for Little Chris's fourth birthday, now when I looked at the card I thought it had been made with card that Sue had coloured with Distress Oxides but Sue told me today that it is in fact card from £1 shop, its in the Children's craft section, it has what looks like fish scales on this one which works perfectly for Dinosaur skin! What a genius find Sue, it couldn't be more perfect.  
Sue used this card to trace and fussy cut four Stegosaurus that she joined together with a card spring (see pic)   
Sue made 4 of these to join each dinosaur to the next one, this is where Sue excels, with the engineering side of things. 
Sue used a grass die to create the grass at the base of the dinosaurs, cutting lots and layering them up.
I absolutely love this card Sue it is testament to how much of a genius you are when it comes to thinking up new and original. ideas.
I know that Little Chris would have loved this and it looks like it's sturdy enough for him to play with too.
Thank you so much for sharing it with us my lovely. xxx

Now I want to have a little Rant and warn you all not to by a Gift Card called Restaurant Choice, its for places like Nando's, Jamie's Italian, Pizza Express and a few others.
Paul's sister bought us one for our Wedding Anniversary, well we were planning to use it on our next trip to London as there are none of the restaurants near to us now, so I went online to check how much we had and where we could use it in London, when I checked that there was still balance available (after discovering that the One 4 All gift card takes an admin fee each month after a year) Only to discover that it had EXPIRED, what is the point of a Gift card that only lasts 12 months??
There is no reason for such a short life on a card, absolutely ridiculous, I phoned them and explained that there wasn't any near us and that I wasn't 'able' to get out easily etc, but they didn't give a hoot! 
Nothing we can do was the response!!! 

Thats all from me for today, all I will say is tablets are not going well!!

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning ladies,

    Your dinosaur card is genius Sue, what a wonderful card to send to your grandson, I'm sure he will love it.

    Regarding the gift card Sandra, I think in that case your Sil would have to complain on your behalf too as it was she who bought it. Did they make her aware of how long you had to use it? Most gift cards state how long they are active. I've never heard of any company who takes management fees of a gift card, how can they as they already have your money and get interest on what you have paid? I would have a chat with Trading Standards or CAB.

    I am off this morning for my first Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Will let yo know what happens later.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sue-what a fantastic card, it’s amazing & I’m sure it was very well liked.

    Lovely relaxing day yesterday-our for lunch with hubby then I had a play in my craft room. My car is going to the garage for a service & MOT this morning-i absolutely hate leaving my car anywhere. Hopefully it won’t take long or cost too much!

    A few chores to do today plus collect my parcel = my purchases made using my £50 voucher for Crafters Companion.


  3. Morning Everyone
    SUE- what a FANGTASTIC creation- more like a toy than card and I'm sure it will be played with for ages.

    Very wet and windy here this morning just like yesterday and we have to go out this afternoon hospital visiting our Friend who was kept in yesterday.

    I'm hoping to get my CC photographed this morning.

    The CAFE is OPEN and the brolly bucket is just inside the door. Please don't forget them when leaving lol.

    HUGS are on their way with loads of extras for Dear Friends in need. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  4. Hi ladies,

    Sue, I'm so impressed with your dinosaur card. The papers match it perfectly. Bet little Chris will have great fun playing with it.
    Sorry I wasn't yesterday. I had a bad day and it took such an effort getting out of bed.

    Just waiting for Lynn to pick me up to go to slimming club then I have two orders for cards I really must make today.

    Hugs to all who are in need today.
    Love Valx

  5. WOWSER SUE! That’s brilliant I love it and I expect Little Chris loved it too
    Going back to yesterday my mum used to whenslow cooking meat It would always be done in the oven It was called stew if we were having dumplings and casserole if If was being topped with slices of potato
    I really hope that you begin to feel better soon SANDRA I didn’t know that companies charged a monthly fee That’s outrageous Sadly I do know that a lot of vouchers are only valid for 12 months
    At the moment I am sitting in my living room bathed in bright sunshine and it feels really warm through the glass - what a change from yesterday
    Hope to go out for lunch with OH today A local restaurant has a new menu with an offer of BOGOF
    I finished a cc last night and hope to have another play in a moment It’s craft club tonight too Take care all xxxx

  6. Morning ladies.
    Love the dinosaur Sue you made for little Chris. I'm sure he will have many hours of fun playing with it. Paper just perfect to make scaly animals with.
    Unfortunately many gift card are only for 12 months but didn't know they are charging a fee. Hope the tablets will agree with you soon or you might have to try a different type. hugs.
    Sue- OH cooked me Fillet steak to perfection, chips and pepper sauce. He is not doing it often but it was real nice to get for once. I only went and dropped a glass dinner plate just before serving so we had glass all over because it just exploded in lots of small pieces so hover and dustpan and brush out and yesterday OH knocked over a full glass with Blackcurrant squash ! Wonder what next....
    We been married 26 years Lynda so we have some catching up to do hihi. How many years have you and CU been married this year ?
    I hope you all can have a nice day and if in pain it will be a better day. Hope to make a cc today and that time will have my thoughts on anything else then pain for some time hopefully but have to get out and do some food shopping first. The wind is cold and rain is coming so a good day for being indoors and doing some crafting. Take care all.
    Many hugs to everyone, xxx

    1. Hi Maria you got a long way to catch up to me & CU it will be 50 years in July Golden oldies us.xx
      Glad you enjoyed your meal OH cooked you. Sorry about the dropseys big Hug's xx

  7. Margaret Palmer7 March 2019 at 11:50

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sue you really have made a superb card for Chris, I know how much he loved it, well done, love
    Sandra sorry you are suffering from the effects of the tablets hope you find the benefit soon, hugs on
    Val sorry to hear you still feel poorly hope you improve soon, hugs on
    Lilian you are missed hope you feel better soon, hugs on
    Pat thinking of you & Pete hope he is settled, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Thank you for all of your kind comments ladies. For once I was actually rather pleased at the way Chris jnr card/? ( I like to make something a bit different to a card for the little ones) turned out. I did originally cut 4 Steggies out in plain green card but just before sticking it all together I remembered the patterned card which gave a much better finish. And Chris jnr noticed I had made four layers (deliberatly) and was extra pleased “...because I’m four now too Granny” bless him.
    Sandra, I am thinking of you my lovely. I know it is very hard for you at the moment. I do hope the effects of the new meds settles down really soon. Sending you the biggest hugs xxxx
    Oops, one of our wheelie bins had just been blown over in the strong winds we have here at the moment so had better go and clear up quickly!!! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hi Sue I loved your card it's AMAZING little Chris will love it.
    Hug's Lynda xx

  10. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I've been round Margaret all day well Terry was supposed to pick me up at 4 but it was 5.30pm so just finished dinner. I took her birthday card round as won't be able to go Sunday her actual birthday. She seemed to like the card.
    Sandra hope you were better today on the tablets sending you BIG HUG'S.
    Hope everyone had a good day. Boy it's been cold with very strong winds. Its still blowing a gale.
    Well better go & wash up at the doctors tomorrow and 11.30am just hope she can do something for my feet & legs but won't hold my breath but we shall see.
    SENDING you all some Hug's extra for Lillian Pat & Pete Val,Sandra.
    Love Lynda xx
