
Wednesday 6 March 2019

Something to Brighten the Day....

Good Morning Ladies,

Well it's Ash Wednesday, did you all have your pancakes last night, as I am writing this I haven't yet started the marathon Pancake making session, I will have to have assistance this time though as the new tablets have left me feeling somewhat 'flat'. But never mind.
Have any of you decided to give up anything for Lent??  I could quite easily give up chocolate, although I know that's not the point!  I didn't realise until reading into it that you were not supposed to eat meat on Ash Wednesday or every Friday during Lent, although we often have fish on Friday anyway, this was a tradition that Paul's family have always had and we carried it on.  Although fish isn't the cheap alternative these days, Paul's Mum always talks about getting something called Cod Cheeks from the Fishmonger, they were a really cheap part of the fish back then, if you can get them now they are classed as a delicacy and your are charged a fortune.

Today's card is one of the new stamps I bought at Farnborough from Honey Doo Crafts,  the stamp is called Blooming Flourish, I stamped it in Versamark ink and added Silver Embossing Powder then heat set.  I was undecided about how I was going to colour them so went onto Pinterest and saw a version this coloured in similar shades but with alcohol pens, I didn't want to go down that route, I wanted to use something that I hadn't used for a while (blame that challenge from a couple of weeks back, I've been obsessed with hunting out old materials)!  I wanted something bright and vibrant to really cheer myself up, so I decided to use the Honey Doo Mica Powders, I think I bought them in 2017, they were a bargain price at Ally Pally, I think I have used them twice since then!
So I chose some pretty spring colours and opened the lids, added a few drops of water to each lid and mixed a small amount of the mica powder to make a thick enough paste to paint with (TIP) Mixing the powder in the lid makes for less waste, as when you have finished you just pop the top back on and you can add a little water to remoisten next time you want to use, so there is zero wastage.
After it had dried I die cut the piece of white card and matted on to a piece of coordinating orange card, for the sentiment I covered a small piece of card with the green mica powder and die cut a Sue Wilson, 'Just for You' sentiment and added that to the top corner.

I took a second close up picture to try and capture the shine that the Mica gives, I thoroughly enjoyed my little painting session, I found it quite relaxing.

Oh just an update, I think the total was 30 pancakes, that was without Matt being in at supper time, so he may want to make some when he gets home.

Karen, I hope that your day went smoothly, you were in my thoughts all day xxx

Pat special hugs for you too xxx

Lilian and Val, healing hugs for the both of you too. xxx

Love and huge hugs to everyone else too,



  1. Morning Everyone
    What a cheerful card to start the day. I love it.

    Well after Pancakes yesterday it's 'Ash' today whether we're not supposed to eat meat or not here in my part of Yorkshire we always had 'Ash'. This is very similar to stew but cooked on top of the cooker in a saucepan instead of inside the oven. We often had 'Ash on top of pancakes' throughout the winter months (it was one of Dad's favourite foods).

    I'm not sure what's on the cards for today.I'm sure I'll find something to do that is if my joints move as they

    KAREN- I hope all went as well as it could yesterday.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all to pop in for a cuppa and a chat.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, born in Birmingham our stews were always cooked on the hot in the biggest saucepan we had. If it was put in the oven it was called a casserole. It is lovely to hear of the cooking methods and recipes from the counties north, middle and south of our small island.x

  2. Hi Janet. Thank you for telling us about Ash. I didn’t know what it was but will be looking up the recipe in a minute. Thank you for the pancakes yesterday. I don’t put much lemon on but still think that with sugar is still my favourite topping for them. I hope you are still taking it easy and are starting to feel better now x

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, love the subtle sparkle on it. Sorry to hear you’re not feeling great on your new medication-fingers crossed things improve soon.

    We were extremely busy yesterday-hubby hired a Scarifier and I was in charge of bagging up the debris! 20 bags later I was exhausted. I also got petrol for the machine, borrowed the leaf blower from my Dad and I went to B+Q for another tub of cement (to fix a new washing line post in place). Needless to say we’re having a more relaxing day today -hopefully out for lunch.


  4. Morning ladies,

    Such vibrant colours on your card today Sandra that make it so special.

    For Lent I am donating one item each day that I no longer need, use or wear to charity. I saw this on Facebook and thought what a jolly good idea. It is another way of decluttering, which I started last year, and I suppose it does come under the heading of Spring cleaning too. My Nan and Mum sorted out the jumpers with holes in them and we would sit down and help unpick them, sort the different colours into skeins, then wash and dry them for to them be reused into new jumpers.
    So it makes me laugh when the younger generation say we 'oldies' do not understand the idea of 'being green'. Excuse me, we were recycling everything since before they were even a dot in the great plan of the universe. And they are the most profligate of all generations with their constant slavish following and buying what the singers, actresses and designers offer up as clothing, their use of all things plastic and throwaways, fast food junk served in nonrecyclable materials and using so much electricity to power up all their gadgets, and using the family car as a taxi service which also wastes petrol and diesel when they are perfectly fit enough to walk where they need to go. The list could go on but I have to find something for today's Lent offering.

    Great big comfort blanket hugs to all in need of them, I hope your day becomes kinder to you.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. What a great idea to donate to charity each day of Lent. It is true that the older generation automatically led much greener lives than youngsters today. I was sent a great email a while ago listing lots of ways things were recycled etc. years ago. I will try and find it and send you a copy x

    2. Hi Sue, look forward to receiving your email, thank you xxx

    3. There’s a YouTube video too that says the same thing

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    What a lovely bright and cheerful card, just what we need on this dull day. I love the shimmer that you get from both the embossing and the mica powders. Thank you for the great tip about using the inside of the lid, that saves wasting any of the powder at all ( I like the way you have the “Tip” in bold lettering) Well done on clearing your desk. Mine has paperwork all over it at the moment after I cleared my crafting things off of it (the shelving above the desk are another story though!) I hope you’re not feeling too bad today. I will see you later on my lovely xx
    Karen, I was thinking of you yesterday and hope it all went well x
    Maria, belated Happy Anniversary. What did OH cook for you? x
    Lynda, I love the card you made for Sam. No doubt she loved it x
    Mum, I’m glad you got to the gym but I bet you were tired afterwards. Love you you and Pop xx
    Pat, I hope Pete is settling in at the home. My goodness I can’t believe how lucky you were to manage to get him a place in a Witney home straight away, and in the one that is so close to your home at that. Most people usually end up having to go into one much further away until a space becomes available in a local one! What luck for all of you x
    Brenda, how good that you were able to help Anne get used to her Gemini. Enjoy crafting together x
    Lilian, how are you feeling now? Better I hope. I hope the high winds didn’t cause any damage down in Cornwall x
    Val, sorry that you’re crafting mojo is still taking a holiday. I’m sure it will return once you are feeling better x
    Michele, enjoy your days off. I hope the weather is kind to you but if not you will just have to craft.... that would be so sad wouldn’t it, hehe x
    I had better get on and pack my bags now, it always takes a while as I decide what to take to Sandra’s. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Not very nice out today very cold & windy. We have to pop to shops for spaghetti bolognese bulk cooking which I will cook when we get back.
    SANDRA I love your card is so pretty & vibrant love the colour's. Hope your feeling ok today on your new medication. Enjoy your day crafting with Sue.
    SANDRA Terry was jealous when I told him you cooked 30 pancakes & he only had two 🤣🤣
    KAREN I hope yesterday went as well as it could I was thinking of you all day sending Hug's.
    MARIA Thank you for licking my card yesterday. HAPPY ANIVERSARY for yesterday how many years ? glad you had a nice meal. Enjoy your day today.
    BRENDA hope your having a nice couple of days with Ann & enjoying crafting together.
    Must get ready now and get to Tesco, as I also need to get in craft room today as well I have got to start Challenge card & finish making some envelopes for my swap challenge on Riley & Rose Facebook page.i have made the note cards.
    Sending Hug's for all that need them.
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Afternoon all
    Thank you again for your kind thoughts It went as well as it could be expected Lots of tears but a lot of laughter too I did feel pretty wiped out at the end of the day So Sadly pancake day passed me (us) by
    I’m sorry the meds seem to be leaving you feeling a bit flat SANDRA Hopefully it won’t last
    Big hugs to PAT PETE VAL and LILIAN
    Hope to make a cc later
    Take care xxxx

  8. Margaret Palmer6 March 2019 at 16:40

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a bright colourful card you have shown today I love it. Have a lovely day with Sue & hope the meds kick in soon, hugs on
    Maria belated congratulations to you both, hope you had a lovely day, hugs on
    Karen I am pleased all went well yesterday, it does take it out of you. hope you feel better
    Brenda hope you enjoy teaching Ann to card making, she certainly has a good teacher. Sounds as if she has recovered
    Hugs on way to Lilian, Pat & Pete & Val love
