
Tuesday 5 March 2019

Lynda's Card for her Daughter in Law Sam

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is one of Our Lynda's designs, it is an Eclipse card, made for her Daughter-In-Law
Sam, it's such a beautiful design Lynda.

Lynda has added a watercolour wash to the background and then stamped the lady from the Beautiful You stamp set in the foreground, masked her out and then stamped the Mediterranean Moments stamp in the Background,  the next step is to die cut the letters and after mounting your background piece you add the letters back in on Foam Pads. Lynda has then added a sentiment that comes in the Beautiful You stamp. which says:  Live with passion, Laugh Out Loud & Love Deeply !
Not a bad mantra to live by!
A stunning card Lynda which I know Sam will love.
Thank you for sending to me to share with everyone xxx

Well ladies I spent the whole afternoon tidying my desk because it had got to the point of having to just sweep everything off to the side to make space for making a card, I could also see Paul frowning at me as I was trying to balance my trimmer on top of everything and something would fall on the floor etc!
So apart from having the essentials to hand my desk is quite clear, by the time  had finished it was almost tea time, as I was making sure to put things back in the packets and put them away properly.
There is a saying that goes ''Don't put it down, Put it AWAY!' I just wish I could stick to it, I am such an indecisive crafter, I will be in the middle of making a card and want to add 'that little something' you know, the little something that you can never find but empty 2 drawers and 4 boxes trying to find?!!  well I end up leaving them out!!  Never mind its tidy again now, until next time I make a card!

Sending hugs to all of you that need one today,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    LYNDA- Oh what a beautiful card which I just know will be treasured.

    PAT-hoping you had a restful night. HUGE HUGS on their way for you and PETE. You're both in my daily prayers.

    I'm aiming for another restful day for myself as my body is really telling me it's not 29 anymore and here's me thinking it is lol. Jim is on hospital duty this morning so at least it will be quiet lol.

    The CAFE is OPEN and Pancake mixture will be ready after lunch with all the toppings you may like- lemon/orange/syrup. Looking forward to seeing you all tucking in.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safexxxx

    1. Thank you Janet for you kind words o my card.
      Hope you have a restful day take it easy.xx

  2. A beautiful beautiful card LYNDA
    Sam will absolutely love it
    Quick visit today I just wanted to say thank you for your kind thoughts It is going to be a very difficult day but we’ll see/do her right (southern saying)

    1. Thinking of you and your family Karen.x

    2. Thank you Karen.
      I Will be thinking of you & your family today Hug's .xx

    3. Margaret Palmer5 March 2019 at 12:37

      Thinking of you and family today.xx

    4. Margaret Palmer5 March 2019 at 12:46

      Hi Karen thinking of you and family

  3. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-what a fabulous card, it’s lovely.

    Karen-thinking if you today.

    Day One of my week off and it’s raining plus very breezy! I need to pop into the village which will be in the car unless the weather improves. Might spend some time in my craft room, playing.


    1. Michele thank you .
      Hope the rain has stoped & you were able to walk to the village.
      Enjoy being in your craft room playing.x

  4. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA thank you for showing my card for Sam & describing it perfectly .
    Lovely sunny day but very windy making it quite chilly.
    It got a pile of ironing to do then pop to Tesco to get some lemons & small bag flour for Pancakes tonight as CU spotted the advert on TV that it's pancake day today.😱So have to make them.
    Then hopefully get into craft room. SANDRA you have made me look at my messy craft room so will tidy up before I start Challenge card.
    Well better start the ironing otherwise I won't want to do it.
    PAT thinking of you hope Pete has settled in the home & you both had a good night's sleep.take care sending Hug's.
    Well better get moving Hug's for all who need them
    LoveLynda xx

    1. Margaret Palmer5 March 2019 at 12:49

      Hi Lynda what a beautiful card, Sam will love

    2. Thank you Margaret for your kind words on my card.
      Have a good day xx

  5. Margaret Palmer5 March 2019 at 13:11

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sorry I did not get in yesterday, I had to go for blood test & then I had my first session at the gym, which I really enjoyed but was tired when I got home. You made a lovely card with your new stamps & dies, love the colour. Well done on clearing your desk, hope your new tablets suit
    Pat pleased Pete is settled in the home hugs to
    Val & Lilian hope you both feel better soon, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. HI ladies,

    Lynda such a lovely card. So love the lady die. I sure Sam will be delighted with it.x

    Pat so pleased Pete is settling into the home. Sending us to you both.x

    Margaret. Glad the gym was enjoyable and not surprised it tired you out. Hope you managed to have a rest this afternoon.x

    Been in the craft room for an hour the afternoon making a card for Paul for his birthday tomorrow. Like you Sandra I had to clear my desk before I started. How does it get so messy?

    Sending hugs to all.
    Love Valx

  7. Hi my friends, sorry being late but have been out and about today and then this evening had a wonderful meal cooked by my OH. It's our anniversary so just had to have something special. He's team is playing on Tv now so a few pancakes with lemon and sugar is on order at half time.
    Lynda- Love the card for Sam. I too love the lady and you have made a fab background for her walking in the rain or is she holding a parasol against the sun.
    Sending you all my biggest hugs and hope your day was fine.
    Love Maria xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lynda what a lovely card, Sam is going to love it. xx
    Sandra ‘Well Done’ getting your work area sorted, you should feel very satisfied with yourself. If you are board you are more than welcome to go and organise mine while I’m away. Ha ha . Arrived here in Loughborough late morning, after lunch and chatting to everyone, my sister was wanting to be shown how to use her Gemini. She was afraid she might break it. Well before supper she had three cards completed. She should have a very satisfying sleep tonight.
    Pat I hope Pete settles into the home, at least now when you see him you will have quality time and not be running around trying to sort out all of the problems. Sending hugs to you both xx
    Time to get to bed, the internet here is not great. I’m am doing this message standing up in my bedroom. When I sit down the signal disappears!
    Sleep well everyone, Love Brenda xxx
