
Monday 4 March 2019

A pretty start to the week....

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all stayed safe in those horrible winds yesterday, what a change from last week.

I missed Janet's roast yesterday so ended up having to make a lasagne, it went down well though, seriously though Janet I hope you are ok and didn't go over doing things preparing for the new stair carpet.  Your roasts are a Cotswold Café Tradition, are we having pancakes on Tuesday??

I am quite lucky ladies as soon after my second hip operation Paul learned to cook quite quickly as he can manage just about anything, he isn't keen on baking though, although he makes an amazing Sticky Toffee Pudding (Nigella Recipe) we were having it quite often at one point but the amount of sugar and butter make it a heart attack waiting to happen so now it's a special occasion treat. 
I hope that Alan rustled up a delicious Sunday Roast Karen, how was the apple Crumble??

Now onto my card, it is made with some new goodies that I ordered from our Margaret, I have been wanting them since before I finished stampin up so I was really excited to get my hands on them yesterday.
I started off by stamping my background using Sahara Sand ink, I laid the stamp on my desk tapped the ink all over and then popped my piece of white card on top a lightly rubbed over.
Next I took a piece of vellum that has a petal pink pattern printed over it and added a piece of double sided adhesive to the back of it, this meant I could adhere it to my stamped background without any glue showing.
I mounted this onto a piece of Petal Pink card and then onto a white base card, I die cut the lacy border die in Petal pink card, stamped my sentiment in Sahara Sand and die cut with a 2 1/4 inch die, I then added that pretty border die over the sentiment.
I wanted the background to be the main focus of this card so I kept embellishments to a minimum, I added a bow topped with a resin flower and a few coordinating pearls.

The categories is used are : Any shade of Pink/Die cut/Ribbon

The new stamps and dies that I used are above and if you would like to order either just let our Margaret know and she will get them ordered for you. 

We ended up having a quiet Sunday as rain stopped play, although I can't think what we did, mind you making lasagne from scratch took a while, we popped to shops to and over to Margaret's where I got to meet 'Pops' for the first time, what a lovely man, great sense of humour too!

My main job today is to tidy my craft room, it is in the worst state I have ever seen it, I think it's partly down to buying new things and having them all stacked on my desk not knowing what to use first.  
I am a firm believer of the fact that having too much stuff to choose from can be as much of a hinderance as not enough!  
I feel like I should share a photo of my desk as accountability, or maybe just to shame myself into tidying it up, does ANYONE want to come help me???? Please!!!!

 I hope that those of you feeling under the weather have a better week this week, sending gentle hugs to those of you that are in pain too. xxx

Pat, sending you and Pete hugs for today, thinking of you xxx

Oh by the way, I am starting my Beta Blockers today so I am giving you advance warning, if they make me feel rubbish I made need you to send me some cards to blog, I am hoping they won't though.  It's far too complicated and stressful to explain to you all why but I am terrified of going back to feeling like I don't want to or 'can't' get up and out of bed in the morning, so please keep everything crossed for me. xx

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA-Oh what abeauytiful card to start the week. I love that base colour.

    WOW such a bumper bundle of CCs yesterday. Loved everyone of them. Sorry I didn't get in but we spent all day putting the hall back in place so at least if anyone calls the hall is neat and tidy once more. The landing now needs doing but that is going to wait for a few days as I definitely cannot move very well after such a heavy week and Jim has hospital duty tomorrow so he needs a rest too.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all to pop in for a cuppa and a chat. YES we are having Pancakes tomorrow and of course Ash on Wednesday.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all with loads of extras for all dear Friends in need especially PAT and PETE today. Take care and stay safe if going out in the high winds.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Just got in from getting Oete settled in his new home. Had lunch with him as well today. The nursing home he’s moved to is very close to where we live. But Donna his Macmillan nurse asked if he could go to a nursing home in Witney. I’m looking forward to pancakes. But as I’ve never eaten ash it’ll be an adventure to try it.

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    What a beautiful card to start the week. I love the crackle effect background stamp and the delicate Petal Pink colour is so pretty. I had a feeling you wouldn’t be able to wait until Wednesday to get this lovely stamp and die set and I’m glad you can now put a face to Pop when we talk about him. Yes, he does have a great sense of humour especially when him and Chris are together as they make a right pair hehe. I know it’s easy to just say don’t worry about the effects the beta blockers will have on you but I have everything crossed that you won’t get any negative effects from them. I’m sending big gentle hugs and will be thinking of you my lovely xx
    Karen, thank you for the details of your lovely backgrounds. I will be having a go at it x
    Janet, sorry you are suffering after your busy weekend. I’m sending healing hugs to you x
    Lilian, I hope the meds are starting to help you feel better x
    Pat, I hope Pete is as well as he can be x
    I have paperwork that I must get on with so that’s my job today until I pick the girls up later on. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  3. Hi ladies
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday. I typed a comment a couple of times but the internet kept switching off all day. Seems ok now. Fantastic cards yesterday. Such beautiful backgrounds. I still can't get the motivation to make cards at the moment. Everything is such an effort.

    Sandra very pretty pink card today. Lovely crackly stamp background.

    Karen hope oh managed the dinner ok. Bet it was delicious.
    Will be thinking of you and your family tomorrow. Hope it goes as well as those occasions

    I should have been flying back to UK today. So sad I'm not going. Was looking forward to seeing family and friends and doing craft shopping. I have a long list but looking at my craft room do I really need anything else? The answer is no of course but as you all know, collecting craft is a bit of an

    Sandra good luck taking your new meds.x
    Lilian hope you're starting to feel better.x
    Special hugs to Pat and Pete.x
    Love to all.

  4. Beautiful card SANDRA I am enjoying creating/backgrounds and just have a sentiment as the focal element
    Sunday lunch went well It was a 80% me 20% Alan only because we had a bit of a calamity in that the kitchen sink became blocked so he spent half the morning trying to sort that out Not sure I’m a fan of waste disposal units at the moment
    He was a huge help and he seemed to enjoy what he did
    Thank you for everyone’s kind comments over the weekend
    I hope the meds help SANDRA
    BIG hugs to all Take care xx

  5. Hi everyone.
    Just got back after a trip over to Waitrose and a very blustery windy walk and cold it felt as well.
    Lovely to be back home and popping into the cafe' for a hot chocolate and a cinnamon bun if any left :>)
    Your card is so beautiful Sandra, what a fabulous background stamp and such a pretty colour.
    Fingers crossed you be fine with taking the beta blockers. If you for any reason not feeling up for posting some days we all understand and will still keep your blog going. This is the place I have met so many wonderful friends ( bit envy you have met Pop hihi)
    Karen- glad the meal was good and he enjoyed doing some of the cooking. Mine is cooking for me tomorrow so we have to wait and see how much I am ending up doing in the end.
    Sending you a big hug and will be with you always.
    Janet- hope you taking it easier today. I hope everything getting together and you are happy with all the new.
    Val- you take care and look after yourself and hopefully you will be feeling better so you can come over to the UK. Have you ever been to Ally Pally in April ?
    Lilian- sending you hugs and wish you soon getting better. Hope you were ok last night with the high winds ? it was a bit scary here and we are in land so to speak.
    Lynda- hope you took care walking 8 paws. Mum said when taking out their dog she felt the wind in her back and it nearly knocked her over even when she holding on to the walker and dog didn't want to go outside but back in to the flat again sharpish :>)
    Pat- my daily hugs for you and Pete. Take care.
    Sue- hope you ok at the moment and you get the paper work done so you can have a play later on. Do the girls enjoy helping you doing some crafting when they are over ?
    Mamma Margaret- sending hugs for you and Pop, have a nice day.
    Love and hugs to you all xxx

  6. Afternoon Ladies

    Just finished my meeting in Liverpool.

    Gorgeous card Sandra & lovely purchases.

    Couldn’t log in again first thing this morning!


  7. Hello Sandra and ladies
    I love today’s card Sandra, it is gorgeous, you have certainly showcased your new dies and stamp to perfection.
    I’m going to Loughborough tomorrow to spend a few days with my sister, I should be able to check in and see how you all are. I HOPE 🤞

    Sandra hope the Beta Blockers don’t have any side effects and you are able to carry on without any problems. We are all here for you, But I’m sure you know that

    Karen pleased your Sunday lunch was a joint success, Alan did his best having two challenges - What a star cooking and DIY 👏. Hope tomorrow goes well, Thinking of you. xx

    Pat and Pete sending love and prayers. xx

    Val, hope you are taking things easy and will able to get back to UK soon to visit your family and friends xx

    Sleep well everyone, Love Brenda xxx


  8. Hi SANDRA & Ladies
    Gorgeous card as always Sandra
    . I hope your new med's are fine tomorrow with no side affects.
    KAREN glad your meal went ok with Alen having to sort the sink out still able multitask & help with lunch. Will be Thinking of you both tomorrow Big Hug's.
    JANET you take care after all that lugging furniture about Have a PJ day I tend to have a few of them these days.
    VAL hope your better soon & will be able to get to the UK ASAP take care & enjoy your sunshine.
    PAT hope Pete is settled in his new home & he is comfortable. You take care sending Big Hug's for you both.xx
    LILIAN hope your feeling a bit better take care.
    BRENDA hope you enjoy your visit to your sisters safe journey Hug's xx
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx
