
Friday 8 March 2019

Beautiful Box Of Daffodils from Michele

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Sadly I didn't even make it into my Craft Room yesterday, I just couldn't summon the energy, it took me forever just to get up and dressed, I literally managed nothing else.  I seriously think that I cannot continue to take these tablets,  I have an appointment with the nurse next week for bloods etc, I think I will discuss it with her.  I mean I understand that I need to take something to regulate my heart but if it's at the expense of having a 'normal' (or normal for me) life I cannot see the point.  Did the symptoms improve for those of you that have taken this medication. ?

Now onto Michele's gorgeous Box of Daffodil's I can tell you that this photo really brightened my day yesterday, those daffodils look so realistic, the papers are all so bright and vibrant and capture the essence of Spring perfectly. 
Michele made this card using Freebies from the 'Simply Cards & Papercraft Magazine' that she featured a week or so back. I have to admit that seeing it made into such an amazing project makes you think twice about buying it.  The colouring of those daffodils is just spot on, then when you look closer and see the extra special touches that Michele has added, like the white picket fence with bunnies hoping around. Putting that vibrant green patterned paper behind the daffodils really makes them 'pop'.
Such a perfect card to brighten someone's day Michele and  to Celebrate Easter of course, it really brightened my day, thank you so much my lovely. xxx

Your Next Weeks Challenge is...……….


This idea was picked by Karen, as I was just having a mental block and didn't want to do another TicTacToe. I think that 'Things with Wings' is a very versatile Challenge as the wings could be on anything...….

Aeroplane / Glider 

Birds, Bees, Insects, which would include Robins for Christmas and Dove for 'Peace at Christmas' type cards.
Don't forget Bumble Bees, which are super popular at the moment as one of paper companies has a Bee themed line out.
Butterflies, Dragonflies
To name but a few, I'm sure there are many more. 

I can't wait to see what you all come up with, I predict lots of butterflies, but I could be wrong!
What ever you choose, have fun, get messy and take lots of photos! Thanks for the idea Karen xx

I am so sorry if the blog posts are a little miserable right now, just bare with me while I get these bloomin meds sorted.  I am so grateful to have you all to talk too.

Love and hugs to all you 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-Thank you for sharing my card and the kind words about it. I had great fun making this card & hopefully I’ll make a couple more although I’ve not really been “feeling the love “ for crafting recently.

    Sandra-can I suggest you contact your GP surgery today to book a phone consultation rather than wait until next week as the nurse shouldn’t be advising you on swapping or discontinuing your medication.

    After torrential rain all day yesterday (and a bill of £201 from the garage) hopefully today will be nicer. It’s looking fine & dry so we’re planning on heading into the garden again this morning then off to Tesco after lunch for some shopping.


  2. Your card is terrific MICHELE I haven’t made a pop up box card in a while So thanks for the nudge

    I totally agree with MICHELE too about contacting GP and do it TODAY

    I hope you like this challenge ladies
    I don’t know what we’re doing today Later this morning Alan is helping move some of MIL’s furniture and then the way things are we won’t feel like doing anything He’ll slob in front of the tele managing to find some sort of sport and I’ll be joining him but crocheting too
    Have a good day all. Hugs for SANDRA PAT PETE VAL and LILIAN
    Remember “let’s be careful out there”

  3. Margaret Palmer8 March 2019 at 12:37

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I so sorry you are suffering side effects of tablets, I cannot honestly remember how I felt when I started on them, perhaps you need a lower dose, I would endorse what Michele & Karen said & talk to Dr. Hope you feel better soon, hugs on
    Michele beautiful card, I have yet to make one of these, they do look lovely. Enjoy the rest of your
    Just waiting for Sue to arrive we may get some crafting done this afternoon.
    Sending hugs to all who are poorly & anybody else who needs them love

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. This is a lovey card Michele. I love all of the extra little details you have added too x
    Sandra, please remember that we are all here through thick and thin just likethe same as you are for us. I’m so sorry that you are feeling so bad still. I agree with Karen about talking to your doctor. At least he will be aware of how you are feeling at the moment and maybe able to offer some help. Big gentle hugs are on their way to you my lovely xx
    Thank you again for your kind words about my Steggie yesterday x
    It is very quiet here in the Cafe today. I hope you are all ok. I’m just about to leave Mum and Pops and must take and send my cc photo when I will get home. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for you Sandra and all in need. Take care xx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    MICHELE your card is beautiful love the daffodils. Like Karen I haven't made a box card for a long time.hope you had a good day.xx
    I went to the doctors this morning & she has changed my medication. I have got to ween myself off the pregabalin 75mg twice a day. I have to take 3 capsules twice a day for 4days then 2 capsules twice a day for 4days then 1 capsules for 4 days then stop them & start new tablets Duloxetine once a day & 25 mg pregabalin at night. I googled it said for neuropathy diabetes nerve pain chronic back pain arthritis also used for depression. So fingers crossed they help me.
    Sorry that was long winded 🤓Xx
    KAREN thank you for the challenge for next week you know the first thing I thought of don't you BUTTERFLIES 🦋 HAHA🦋
    Hug's for everyone extra for Pat Pete Sandra Lilian Val
    Love Lynda xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I am now back home having spent the last few days in Loughborough with my sister, she is progressing really well and is still in the convent infirmary, so has nursing staff and care workers fussing over her. When she is fully mobile she will return to her own room on the first floor. Where she is now she looks out onto the garden, it’s very calm and relaxing. All of her crafting goodies have been taken to her infirmary room, we bought her one of those little Ikea trolleys, it holds most of her crafting goodies, she thinks it’s great. While I was there she wanted me to help her get to know her Gemini, I think it worried her when it crunched when she tried to run a die through it. We actually made about six cards and even had an order for a 50th wedding anniversary, I was given the task of making a box for it, not easy without my big score board, but it worked out fine.

    I’m sorry I haven’t been in for a couple of days the internet there is diabolical, it’s fine in the community and dining room. Where Anne is its nonexistent, in the room I was in quite intermittent - I gave up trying to get on line - sorry.

    MICHELE, your box card is beautiful, even better when it was a freebie. xx
    SUE, WOW the amazing dinosaur card you made for little Chris is brilliant, definitely a treasured gift. xx

    Sandra I hope you have rung your doctor for advice on your medications, also if you did the advice was helpful. If there is any way we can help please say. xx

    I have been trying to write this message for about two hours, think I had better say goodnight before I get any more interruptions, sleep well everyone,
    Hugs Brenda xxx

  7. Hi all,
    Love this pop up box from our Michele.
    Like to make another one myself for the one and only I have made wasn't that good.
    Like the Challenge for next week, thanks Karen.
    Sandra, I hope you listened to the others and contacted the doctors today and will get some other medications pronto.
    Have come down with a stupid cold which have knocked me for six (splitting headache/sinuses and dizziness) so have not done any crafting the last few days so no cc done as yet, if not feeling better tomorrow.....
    Sending many hugs to you all, xx
