
Saturday 9 March 2019

Mixed Up Saturday

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

Oh Thank goodness it's the weekend, with my mind being 'adrift' this week I had lost track of the days, so it was a genuinely amazing surprise when Paul walked in yesterday lunchtime, I really had no idea it was Friday, hahaha.

Michele has done us another 'in depth' magazine review, this time on the Papercraft Inspirations magazine.  Before that I wanted to share with you some of the things that I made earlier this year for my 'Pocket Letter' Swap with the lovely Kay Maude (Kayzeekins) on fb.  I used the same, beautiful paper throughout the swap, Kay was very 'honoured' as I had hoarded that paper for a long time, as it is so pretty, it was called 'Shabby Chic' by Crafters Companion and sadly they no longer make it.

The first photo features the three extra bits that I made to go in with the Pocket Letter, now these were quite 'big' projects for me because unlike our Janet and Danielle etc I don't do '3D crafts', I thoroughly enjoyed stepping out of my comfort zone though and I have to say I was really proud of  what I made too. 
The three items were....
A gift Bag, that was decorated to compliment the Pocket Letter, my most complicated (for me) piece was the little folder that I made that was to hold a set of handmade notelets that I had also made with the same paper, there were 6 little notelets inside, 3 hexagonal and 3 small rectangular ones, all with matching envelopes. I added little lace appliques on the front and back and used seam binding to use as a closure.
The third Item was a cover for a Chocolate bar, I used another piece of the beautiful paper and wrapped it around the bar of Green & Blacks Chocolate, adhering the paper at the back, I then added a piece of pretty lace across the front and attached some beautiful blue rose trim on top, as Blue is Kay's favourite colour and there were elements of blue in the paper too.
I hope you like my little projects ladies.

I will hand over to Michele now for another Magazine review.....

Michele's Magazine Review.....

Papercraft Inspirations

Hi Ladies,
Papercraft Inspirations has a Glitter Decoupage Kit as the Free Gift this month.  The Kit contains enough to make 4 cards plus a set of stamps that could be used for many Occasions.

This photo shows lots of ideas using the free gift.

This features shows you how to make Shaker Cards perfect for children's Birthdays.

This feature has step by step instructions that to make 2 very different style cards using the same shape dies.

This Months free papers are so cute, they'll make lovely Easter Cards.

There is also an article showing 3 projects using Emoji's, I bought a set of Emoji Dies ages ago and I haven't used them.  Maybe this will Inpsire me?!

Happy Crafting,

Thank you so much Michele for another fantastic Magazine review, it's so useful to read about features other than the Free gifts, as also the freebies are one of the main reasons we buy the mag, its al real bonus if there are some useful hints and tips features, for example the Creative Stamping magazine I bought a few weeks back had an amazing feature showing you how to make your own really detailed backing paper, using distress inks and the free stamps, that to me was a huge bonus.
So I really appreciate the effort you go to to let us know exactly whats featured inside. xxx

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend ladies, the weather isn't any good for gardening, so my solution for all of you is to stay warm and dry in your craft rooms!!

Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Love your 'Pocket Letter'SANDRA. I have never tried one of these but having seen one or two now I might just give one a try.

    MICHELE- thank you for the Review. I'll be popping into WH Smith this morning to have a look.

    Off on our usual Saturday morning shopping. Jim has an eye appointment and I have to pop into the bank and then we are meeting Jim's nephew who is over from the Netherlands for a few days. It will be a nice long coffee break.

    The CAFE is open as usual and there'll be cream teas this afternoon so help yourselves.
    HUGS are battling through the winds but should be with you all shortly. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your crafty projects are beautiful, so very pretty. I’m sure Kay was thrilled to receive them.

    Well-we have 40mph or stronger winds & now we have heavy rain! I was hoping it would stay fine until I’d been to Southport but it looks like I’m Hugo get very wet!!

    I’m going to test dries car at lunchtime-not something I’m looking forward to but I need to know what the car is like if I’m going to buy one! I hate the whole “csr buying “ process & will be very glad when it’s all sorted.


    1. Not sure who Hugo is but maybe he’ll do my shopping to save me from getting wet!!!!!

  3. Morning Ladies,

    Such pretty gifts for Kay Sandra.

    Yesterday was going to be my craft day until I received an 11.30 phone rom Joseph's school asking e to come and pick him up. Apparently a young 'lady', used very loosely, had sprayed him in the face and eyes with her perfume, which necessitated a trip to the minor injuries unit in Bridgwater. Luckily he was seen straight away and had his eyes tested and irrigated but then came a 3 hour wait to see the eye doctor before being allowed to go home. It's a good job they have a vending machine with fresh sandwiches inside so we could at least have something healthier to eat than crisps or chocolate. My prawns, sugar snap peas, baby peppers and mushroom stir-fry with lemon juice and date molasses was very welcome indeed for an early teatime.

    My projects for yesterday will be now done today, so as we have very wet weather forecast I will not feel guilty for taking the day off for me time.
    Enjoy your weekend however you plan to use it.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. I hope Joseph is OK today

    2. Hi Karen, yes he is fine today, the eye practitioner put some orange dye into his eyes to check for any scratches or cuts on his eyeballs. Then gave him some eye cream to ward off any infections, he has to use 4x daily for the next 4 days. So glad it wasn't worse as you do not know what goes into these cheap perfumes the young girls buy today.

  4. Great makes from your swap SANDRA I don’t do 3D apart from the occasional pop up box card
    I hope you spoke to your GP yesterday...
    Thank you for the in depth review MICHELE always helpful and luck with the car hunt
    I don’t what our plans are for today A new “Range” has opened in St Albans and I’d love to take a look but.... I won’t suggest it as I have spent quite a bit on craft stuff I should really wait until AP. It that hasn’t happened I ordered a Kerry Lord book last night!
    Take care all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely pictures of your pocket letter Sandra.
    I’ve just about read the blog but have been to busy to comment. You haven’t mentioned if you rang the Drs to arrange a phone consultation re your meds. No point in putting up with meds making you feel ill when they can be changed.
    Michele great to read your magazine reviews today. Thank you for taking the time to send these in to Sandra.
    Pete wasn’t to good yesterday as he now wants to come home. I’m afraid that’s impossible as I can’t manage him on my own. We can’t even take him out as it’s so windy, cold and wet. He went down to the lounge on Thursday and is adamant he won’t go down today. I’ll pop in to see Doreen after doing my shopping and go and see Pete later. Getting tricky to juggle visiting two different nursing homes.
    I’ve just seen snow on the tv around Co Durham.

  6. Morning ladies.
    Lovely pocket letter items Sandra, that paper is so pretty.
    Thank you Michele for the mag review. I like the freebie with this issue so will have a closer look when next in Tesco.
    Pat- take care. Warm hugs to you all.
    Cheryl- hope Joseph is alright ? Like to see what you making at the moment.
    Janet- have a nice meet up with family. Hope Jim's eye op goes well.
    Lynda- hope the coming off the pills goes well, you are on a strong dose.
    Take care everyone if going out today, the wind is crazy. I'm back to bed or sitting on the sofa and doing nothing day for me . Only wanted to wish you all a good day as possible and sending hugs to all in need. Love Maria xxx

  7. Margaret Palmer9 March 2019 at 15:37

    Hi Sandra & all café,
    Sandra your Pocket Letter is beautiful I am sure Kay loved it. I hope you are feeling better today at least you have Paul home for a couple of
    Michele thank you for an in depth review again, hope you find a car to
    Maria hope your cold improves soon hugs on the
    Lynda hope the new tablets help your feet & don't feel any side effects, hugs on
    Lilian I hope you are improving, miss your comments, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hi everyone,
    Sandra your pocket letter is so pretty . I also love the wrapping for the chocolate bar.

    Many thanks Michele for the in depth coverage of the lovely magazine. Also it was an amazing how you made yesterday.x

    We went out for a very tasty lunch today to celebrate Paul's birthday last Wednesday. I'd told myself I wasnt going to have a desert but when I saw the lemon meringue pie my self control crumbled. Wow it was delicious.

    Just about to watch Crufts.

    Bye for now.
    Love Valx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra your pocket bag is lovely, the wrapper for the chocolate bar looks so luxurious.

    Michele thank you for your Magazine review, thay are always so helpful, if I look at the craft magazines on sale I could be tempted to choose quite a few, your reviews really help me select. THANK YOU.

    Sandra Sorry to be so late. I haven’t even had time to make a CC. So many things have needed my time since I came home. Hope life will settle down now and I can get back to some sort of normality.

    Sleep well dear friends, Love Brenda xxx
