
Sunday 10 March 2019

Your March TicTacToe Challenge Cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

I want to start today by thanking the most important person in my life...Paul for an incredible 30 years of love!!
I was lucky enough to meet the love of my life on the 10 March 1988, our meeting was purely by chance, although I like to think it was fate as I honestly think that nobody could be lucky enough to just happen to bump into the person that they will get to spend the rest of their lives with!  I was so incredibly lucky on that day, I often feel the need to pinch myself just to make sure I'm not dreaming.
As each year passes our love grows and for me the 'honeymoon' phase has never ended,  still get excited with butterflies when I know he will be almost home, I miss him terribly when he isn't home and we both never tire of each others company, we can be together 24/7 for weeks and not get bored of each others company.  So thank you Paul, for an incredible 30 years, you are my life, my love and my happiness combined, I cannot wait for the next 30 years!! ❤💛❤

Sorry for that indulgent moment ladies, let's get back to today's amazing blog post, you have made some absolutely incredible cards for this weeks TicTacToe Challenge...……


Cheryl has made a lovely Birthday card, in the prettiest Blue Floral decorative paper, with a ribbon border and then a stamped topper, that really stands out against that pretty background.
Cheryl chose to use Categories:  Any Shade of Blue/ Flowers/Die cut
Thank you Cheryl for such a lovely challenge card xxx


Three stunners from our lovely Janet this week, I have to say that I honestly get excited as I am waiting for your cards to down/up load Janet as I never know what style they will be, it's always a pleasant surprise too, so thank you my lovely xx

For my First CC I used:-Blue/Pink/Die Cut
For my Second  CC I used:-E boss/Die Cut/Flowers/Ribbon
For my Third CC I used :- Blue/Die cut/flowers (lace)

Thank you so much for 3 stunning Challenge cards Janet xxx


Karen has made two totally fabulous Challenge cards for this week's TicTacToe challenge, your 'Pixie powdered' background is super pretty, love the colours you have used and it works so well with that embossing folder too.
My favourite card is the Pink Polka dots with the SW Papercut edger die, wow wow wow that vibrant pink polka dot card is stunning, I'm not super into pink, but goodness me that card is a 'head turner' I love it !!
Here is Karen's description…...

''Here are two cc

Card No.1  Die cut - ribbon - flowers -  piece of PP’d  (Pixie powdered) card
Die cut is a free Altenew 3 layer die with Hobbycraft ribbon,  Bed of Roses EF (ooh part of the challenge!) and a Phill Martin sentiment cut with a very cheap die from The Works

Die cut - polka dots - any shade of pink I love love love these new papercut edger dies

Thank you so much Karen for two amazing cards, I have to say that the super cheap frame die from the works is fantastic, I love the shape!! xxx


Lynda has made a beautifully coloured card for this weeks TicTacToe Challenge, so bright and cheerful.

Lynda used Categories:  Shades Of Yellow/Flowers/Ribbon

Lynda has made one of her beautiful coloured backgrounds, using shades of yellow blended over the card, she then stamped that beautiful flower in a lovely raspberry red coloured ink, such a lovely contrast colour. Lynda finished her card with a pretty yellow bow finished with a pearl flower.

Thank you so much Lynda, I know how busy you were this week xxx


Two super pretty cards from Margaret this week, both cards are made from the fantastic paper pad that was £1 for a 12 x12 pad from the Every Crafts a £ stand at Farnborough, funnily enough I had already bought two from the Online store after Danielle pointed them out to me, they had lots of embellishments to go with them too, flowers, pearls etc.  Margaret has shown the pad off beautifully too.  Its great to think that those cards cost so little to make with the main papers being so inexpensive.

Margaret chose to use Categories:  Flower/Shades of pink/ polka dots   for the first card

Margaret chose to use Categories:  Flowers/Shades of Pink/Polka dots    for the second card

Thank you so much for two beautiful cards Margaret xxx


Three fantastic cards from Our Michele for this weeks TicTacToe challenge.....

3 challenge cards

First one = Blue/sequins (gems really)/die cut.
Second one= Yellow/Diecut/flower. 
Third Card= pink/sequins (gemstones)/Ribbon.

Thank you Michele for 3 lovely spring cards, I love the pattern of the gemstones on the third card, so unusual and I see you have used lace too!! xxx


I watched Sue making this card on Wednesday, I will say that I was amazed that you actually got as much done as you did as we literally didn't stop talking for I don't know how many hours (mostly because we had missed a couple of weeks). 
Sue was determined to get her Christmas cards started and succeeded, well done my lovely!

Sue chose categories:  Shades of Blue/Polka Dot/ Die cut

One thing that you can't see from the picture is that Sue has suspended the snowflake on fishing line (invisible) so it looks as though the snowflake is floating around, so clever!! 
Thank you so much Sue for taking part again this week. xxx


 Val has used a Minions image for her Challenge card this week, they are quite cute little things aren't they?  I think that you can look at them and recognise at least 1 person that you know either from their look or personality!
The perfectly matched marble effect background was made by Our Val at Craft Club the week before, I would love to know how you made it Val ?!

Val used categories :  Shades of Yellow/Blue/Embossing

Thank you so much Val for such a fantastic card, perfect for Cameron's 10th Birthday, he will love it! xxx

Ladies, thank you all so much for another amazing display of cards, I would also like to thank you you ALL for all of the love and support you have shown me this week, I really have struggled and I explained to a few of you how very worried I am about ending up back were I was a few years ago, in a very dark place, starting this Blog and finding all of you amazing friends has dragged me out of that part of my life. I know that that sounds dramatic but I promise you its the truth, writing this blog every day has given me something to get up for, given me a purpose, most of all it's given me the most amazing group of friends.  I will conquer this medication/heart issue, please just stick with me, I will admit that when I looked in on Friday and at lunchtime there were only 3 comments, I thought that you were all sick of my whinging and had left me!! teehee xx

Have a lovely Sunday, we are planning to have a day doing just what we fancy!

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-Happy “Anniversary “ of meeting Paul. I hope you soon start to feel an improvement health wise.

    Lots of lovely challenge cards on display today, all so different but using the same Tic Tac Toe.

    Karen-Thank you for suggesting this weeks challenge. I’m also challenging myself to use something I’ve not used before or for a long time plus use up some stash!

    The Test Drive was ok, the Car was great but it’s a bit pricey so I’ll keep looking. I managed to get all my shopping done in Southport without getting wet-miracle. Today we have yet more rain but not the gales that we’re predicted so no gardening today.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Happy Anniversary to you both SANDRA/PAUL. Have a really lovely day.

    Well what a beautiful bundle of craftiness we have this week on the board. Each one so very different too. They really do brighten the Cafe.

    Busy day (again)today. We are hospital visiting this afternoon as our Friend is still an inpatient. As I'm writing this we have a slight covering of snow here and I've everything crossed that we don't get any more.
    It was a really good morning yesterday meeting up with Jim's Nephew who we hadn't seen for about three years.

    The CAFE is definitely OPEN and on today's menu it's Roast Beef with baby new potatoes/green beans and 'pudding' hasn't been decided yet.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Hi everyone,

    Beautiful cards again ladies. All different of course.

    SANDRA and PAUL, Wishing you both a very happy anniversary of the day you met. Hope you have a special day.
    Sandra so hope the medication effects wear off quickly for you. Did you ring up the doctor again?

    My background was made at craft group.
    I smooched yellow and blue ink over a piece of A4 paper then scrunched it up into a ball. Then I smoothed it out and lightly ran a black ink pad over it all so it caught the lines of the folds. Then spray it lightly with water, place another piece of A4 over the top and put it through the die cutting machine. I made 3 in different colours. A bit messy but fun.

    Lovely day here today, may even have a sunbathe later.

    Love to all and especially those not feeling so good.Xxx
    PAT, special thoughts for you and PETE.XXX

    Love Valx

    1. Thank you Val.

    2. Thank you Val it’s a very clever background

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Happy Anniversary to you and Paul. I hope you both have a lovely day.
    Lovely lovely cards on show today. I’ve done a couple of cards that I could have sent in Sandra but I forgot. Might send them later if I remember.
    No lunch for me today Janet as I’m going to friends for dinner.

  5. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY SANDRA AND PAUL and here’s to your next 30 years
    Amazing cards ladies You are all so clever at interpreting the challenge like VAL using yellow AND blue together - genius
    Surprised to read you’ve got snow JANET
    We have beautiful sunshine but horrendous winds
    Going to visit the new Range just opened in St Albans - yippee
    Take care all I hope the new meds are helping LYNDA and SANDRA I hope you get yours sorted
    Take care all xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Wowser beautiful CCards this morning well done everyone
    Not upto much today we have gale force winds the poor birds🐦are clinging to the bird feeders like they are on a white knuckle ride
    😂😂 Don't know how they are hanging on. Although we have lovely sunshine but not warm.
    Terry said about going for a walk but don't think Bailey & Rea would stay on the ground with this wind they might take off.
    Going to finish housework then have shower then see what happens.
    Enjoy your day Hug's eveyone. Extra for Pat Pete Lillian Val Sandra
    Love Lynda xxx

  7. Hi Ladies.
    Happy Anniversary to you Sandra and Paul, have a lovely day together !
    So many wonderful cards on the boards today, I love them and thanks Val for telling us how you made that background.
    Sorry I didn't made it this week but my head and eyesight is not with me long enough so another day just sitting, listening to the wind and rain outside.
    Have a nice Sunday, Hugs to you all and extras for you in need. Love Maria xxx

  8. Hello All, cold and very wet, huge hail showers.

    Sorry to be missing lately, feeling very rough, have another appointment this week.

    Lovely cards today, will try and do one this week, not been in a very crafty mood.

    Hugs for all, Lilian

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Happy Anniversary Sandra and Paul, hope you have had a lovely day. xx

    What a lovely selection of challenge cards, all so very different. VAL thank you for explaining how you created your great background.

    Weather not been good here today, we have had strong winds and intermittent showers, not a day for going into the garden which we had hoped to do........ ok jobs for another day.

    Will say goodnight, sleep well, Love Brenda xxx
