
Saturday 16 March 2019

Mixed Up Saturday /Michele's Magazine Review

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's Blog post will be very short and sweet (for a Saturday Post) as I am struggling with my health.  I got a call from the Doctor Surgery yesterday morning which I thought was going to be the results of my blood test giving me the go ahead to start my Anticoagulant tablets.  This was not the call I received, the receptionist was very nice and called to say that my Doctor was not at all happy with my Blood Test results and that he needed to see me as a matter or urgency, so I was made an appointment for the afternoon and told 'not to worry'!! (haha)  
We went in to see the same dr that prescribed my tablets a couple of weeks ago, he was visibly concerned and then just out and said that I had Hepatitis, which made me feel instantly sick, he went on to explain that the enzyme called ALP in my liver should have a reading of below 30 and mine was currently +181, showing that my liver was very inflamed and very unhappy.  He has told me to stop taking the Bisoprolol, although he doubts that is what had caused the issue, although it does tie in with me feeling so unwell.  Unless that it was just a coincidence that I felt unwell as I started taking the medication, he explained that it called be a Virus or Infection that has caused the high reading too.  I have to have more bloods done on Monday morning and he has ordered a urgent Ultrasound scan appointment for my liver.  I am trying not to stress about all of this too much ladies (for the sake of my heart) but I would be lying if I said I wasn't terrified. 

Anyway first up today is an Amazing Bag that Danielle has made for her Mum for Mother's Day, isn't it amazing how you can create such amazing things with Paper, Our Danielle is the Queen of all things 3D and this project shows that.  Its the amount of detail that she puts in, like the little matching purse and those beautiful flowers. 
Thank you so much Danielle for allowing me to share your bag on the blog today xxx

Next up we have our Michele's Magazine Review......

Michele's Magazine Review

Hi Ladies.

Cardmaking & Papercraft has a bumper set of stamps & 2 piece Die set this month. 

The stamps could be used for Weddings, Bon Voyage or Good Luck Cards. The scooter Die is so cute. 

The free papers are the ones I used for last weeks challenge cards.

Part Two.

Making Cards magazine has some gorgeous papers this month-just look at the colours in the Mandalas. You get 18 mandalas & the rest are the Fashionista images plus backgrounds.

There’s a great feature on Colouring On Kraft Card plus a 2 page article on “supporting your local craft shop”- just wonder how many of us still have a local craft shop??? I know 2 have recently closed that were local to me, there’s just a craft shop within a Garden Centre plus Hobbycraft left. 


Thank you so much Michele for another fantastic review, I am tempted by both magazines, the stamps in the first magazine are very versatile and I love how they give you so many inspirational ideas for their free gifts.
Thanks again for your time my lovely xxx

That's all for today Ladies, I hope that you are all enjoying your weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Danielle-what am absolutely stunning bag you have created, it’s gorgeous.

    Sandra-I hope you manage to relax a little this weekend, which I know won’t be easy
    We have gales again here with heavy rain. Hubby wasfir yo play in a golf competition st 7:10 but the course has been closed due to the weather. I’m off to meet a friend at Dobbies for coffee + a chat then I’m off out tonight to meet up with some colleagues-one is leaving us and moving back home to Greece. It will be sad evening I think.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Yes we are still having gale force winds and torrential rain. When is it going to stop. I suppose we're now suffering from having that beautiful weather we had in February.

    DANIELLE- what a gorgeous bag.Love the colours.

    SANDRA- try and stay calm over the week-end. Not easy I know but at least it sounds as though you have a good GP.

    Unfortunately we have to go out this morning as it's our morning to meet Jim's Niece for a coffee and chat and then it's hospital visiting this afternoon.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all to pop in when you can. Afternoon Tea is on the menu so help yourselves.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. A very pretty bag DANIELLE
    Thank you MICHELE for the magazine review They are invaluable
    Oh SANDRA What a shock for you I know you’ll worry but try and have a bit of relaxation too Lots of crafting is my prescription for now It does sound like your new GP is on the case
    We’re out tonight to a 60th birthday party Hopefully it’ll be a great catchup with some friends
    Take care whatever you’re up to xxxx

  4. Morning ladies,

    We have beautiful banks of blue in amongst the white fluffy things floating past and it looks like we have had a dry night, the first this week I believe and the wind does not seem to be as fierce as the last few days. We shall see later whether the rain comes back or not.

    A very productive day in my craft room, I gave up with the kitchen idea when a large envelope dropped through the letter box containing an wonderful assorted of stamps and the cutest EF. It was from a papercraft magazine to whom I returned the free gift because of the horrible plasticized smell of the foiled elements which really affected my COPD and I couldn't breathe. I have smelt that once before and that was on a Unicorn 12 x12 paper stack, full of amazing pictures but honestly the smell drives me nuts and I had put it away in a box. One day I might take it in the garden and see whether fresh air will get rid of the stench. What a lovely way for the company to apologise and I immediately made a Thank You card for them using the EF. Another card layout slipped into my mind and I had to get it done to see if what I imagined was as good on paper and I have to say yes it is. I've only five cards now left to make with the rest of Maria's teddies.

    I'm now in two minds now whether to do the kitchen first or play til lunchtime and I think playing is winning.
    Enjoy your weekend what ever it is that you have planned.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Hi everyone,

    Oh Danielle what a pretty bag. Bet your mum will love it.x

    Michelle, great mag review as always. I do have the Making Cards one but love the free gift in Cardmaking and Papercraft.It look great for male cards. X

    Sandra sending hugs x

    Meeting two friends for coffee later then Lynn and I are going to pick up a delivery of Easter eggs. Yum.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Hugs for all not feeling so good today.
    Love Valx

  6. Morning ladies.
    Gorgeous bag for your Mum Danielle, she will love it.
    Thanks once again Michele for the Mag. review , you have a nice day and try to have a fun evening.
    Karen, enjoy tonight. Must catch up soon.
    Janet, hope you be alright going out. We got the wind down here too, it is dreadful and no fun for a walk or anything. Luckily we have a indoor shopping centre so somewhere to go.
    Val, have a nice day.Don't eat all the eggs at once :)
    Margaret, hope you ok, hugs for you and Pop x
    Lynda, hope your feet feel better and you not in too much pain. Hugs for you and CU.
    Lilian, take care. Hope you soon feel better.
    Pat, my daily hugs for you and Pete, take care.
    Sandra, I'm sending you some extra big hugs for you and so hope everything will be fine. You know we are here for you!
    Face timing my new sister soon so I wish you all a good day
    and take care if going out. Many hugs & Love Maria xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love the bag Danielle and thank you Sandra for sharing.
    Great reviews as usual Michele.
    Sandra it sounds like your new Dr is on the case. Sounds like you had this problem before you started your medication. As the others have said try to consentrate on doing some calming crafting rather than trying to out think what’s wrong. I’m sure they’ll be able to get it sorted soon.
    Hospital at Home rang about 12.00 to say they’ve outsourced some care for Pete. I told her he was in a nursing home in Witney. I told her to contact Sobell House to find out if it’s permanent or not. I think it is but she’d need to talk to them. Would be good if he could come home, but seeing as they monitor what he eats and drinks ( which is hardly anything ) and has to have hourly monitoring I think it’s unlikely.
    Crikey I’m back to proving I’m not a robot. I thought yesterday was to good to last.

  8. Margaret Palmer16 March 2019 at 16:02

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra so sorry to hear news, at least you have a Dr. who is on the ball, hope the scan comes through quickly, sending special hugs to
    Danni what a beautiful bag & purse, I am sure Mum will treasure
    Michele thank you for a good review again.
    We have strong winds & it looks as though it is going to pour any minute, hope you all keep safe.
    Thanks Maria for best wishes, hope you are feeling better, hugs on
    I want to spend some time crafting before tea so will send hugs to all who need them love

  9. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    I lost a comment I did this morning 😩
    WOW Dannii absurlutly love your bags. Your mum will love it well done.
    MICHELE another great magazine review thank you very much.
    SANDRA sorry you had a bit of shock when your doctor rang you this morning all very well the receptionist said don't worry but but I think most of us would worry
    .( well except my friend Margaret she says she doesn't worry about anything but she forgets she has her guard down sometimes. You don't get any sympathy from her either.)
    Well I think I will go in my craft room & give this week's CC a go
    My goodness the wind is blowing a gail it's getting stronger. Went shopping yesterday but Tesco was still shut as still fixing the roof it's much bigger area than I thought.don't envey the workmen in this wind. We ended up at Asda but didn't like it as couldn't find everything I wanted
    Enjoy the rest of your day sending Hugs for everyone extra for Pat & Pete Sandra Lilian Val & Brenda & anyone who need extra.
    Love Lynda xx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra your GP sounds really on the ball, he actually spoke to you himself, he is going to make sure you get the treatment you need. Just the sort of GP everyone needs. We are very lucky to have great GPs. I’m pleased to say.
    DANIELLE You are so clever. The bag and purse are gorgeous
    MICHELE Thank you for the magazine reviews.
    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
    Love Brenda xxx

  11. Trying going to bed now. Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
    I'm going for a walk later on so see you after xx
