
Sunday 17 March 2019

Your cards for Karen's ''Things With Wings'' challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Welcome to another Sunday Blog Post jam packed with your amazing card designs that use Karen's "Things with Wings'' Challenge.....


Michele has designed three fantastic cards that feature ''Things with Wings'' …..

My 3 challenge cards. Picture of Plane is a Hunkydory topper & I’ve Embossed the background. Owls are a Cottage Cutz die that I’ve had for years & probably never used, background is a leftover scribble one from weeks ago. 3rd Card is made using various magazine freebies.

Thanks Michele for 3 fantastic challenge cards. xxx


Lynda has also designed 3 gorgeous cards for this weeks challenge,  all completely different I particularly love the one that has one of your amazing backgrounds Lynda.....

No1.This one  paper pad from Works,  middle pink Embossing past onto a mask the stomp is a Clarity stamp the frames are SW
Noble collection Lavish accented octagon
Flowers cut from same backing papers
No.2  paper pad  from the Work I stamped a bird onto a mdf tag added some oxide ink pad

 No.3 Pretty papers from a works pad with JL dragonflies added

That third card had me convinced it was made with one of your backgrounds, all three of your cards are amazing Lynda, as always xxx


Karen had designed three completely different challenge cards, if I didn't know better you would think that they were for different challenges, so clever.  I love all three of your designs Karen.

Here’s three cc for you
I’m in to using old with new at the mo

Number 1 is an old style of card that we did at a Julia Watts workshop (Maria will remember that one!)
The robin die cut is placed onto a double sided sticky sheet with a black background The exposed areas covered with red sparkle gilding flakes and then parts are painted with CS Iridescent Shimmering paints I like the way these paints do not block out the gilding flakes underneath

Number 2 is a style of card I made years ago using a Sue Wilson inspiration she did with Les Papillon dies The squares are Marvellous Squares die cuts and the new are JL’s butterflies

Number 3 When clearing MIL’s flat we came across a Candi (remember Candi?) kit I bought her from C&C So I decided to have a play The base has some glossy accents and the Candi is added with Pinflair The new is the added JL butterflies.

I love that you are using 'Old With New' at the moment Karen, such a great way of using up some of the vast quantity of old stash that we all have.
Thanks for 3 fab cards. xxx


Maria, such a beautiful card, so pretty, I love that background its such a delicate colour...

Maria has used that gorgeous background and then very cleverly Fussy cut the beautifully coloured bird and branch and added them to the card along with the sentiment.

Thank you so much Maria for making your card, I really appreciate the trouble you went to my lovely,xxx


Janet had created three incredible cards, like Karen's these cards are completely different in style, how funny Janet that these cards would work so well for this weeks upcoming challenge too!!

The third card is a stamp by 'Dolly Dimples - Toadstool Girl
The second and third cards are stamps from 'Crafter's Companion Sheena Douglas'

Thank you so much Janet for 3 completely different cards, I love how you have stayed away from the obvious choices. xxx


Lilian has designed a beautiful background for her card, I love the shimmer and shine, the Spellbinder butterflies are cut from that same background, I love how shimmery they are Lilian.

The background die is one of Tim Holtz's , the butterflies are Spellbinders that gorgeous shimmer comes from Starlight Paint and embossing powder, such an amazing combination Lilian.
Thank you so much for your inspiration. xxx


Two fantastic cards from Brenda featuring 'Things With Wings' for this weeks challenge...

Brenda's first card is one that she made with her sister Anne when staying in Loughborough, I quite like the simplicity of the card, Brenda did say that they didn't have any embellishments on hand but I like it as it is (guess what you will be shopping for at Ally Pally)!!

Brenda's second card is made with a Crafters Companion die cut front, featuring butterflies, this has been laid over an gorgeous coloured Background that Brenda had made herself. I love the colours you have used Brenda.

Thank you so much for taking part my lovely xxx


Oh Val, I love your card, both the background and that stunning Fairy image, beautifully embellished with those pretty butterflies and bows and gorgeous stick pins too.
Now I will put my hands up and say that I normally 'don't do' fairies because like angels they kind of remind me of graves, but this gorgeous Fairy is so delighful.

Thank you so much Val for such a lovely card, I am thrilled you have your 'mojo' back xxx


Margaret has gone for a 'Clean & simple', monochrome card for this weeks challenge, she has used the Stampin' Up! 'By The Bay' stamp for the main focus of the card, the sentiment is a simple 'Thank you'  that Margaret has punched and edged with black ink.
I love the look of your challenge card Margaret, thank you so much for taking part xxx

That's all for this week my lovely friends, I would like to thank you all for you lovely comforting messages yesterday, it means so much that you are all thinking of me, I really do love and appreciate all of you. 

Have a lovely Sunday,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    What s fantastic selection of challenge cards today.
    Karen-Thank You for suggesting this challenge, it was clearly very popular.

    Lovely meal out last night-sad though as our colleague will be leaving us soon. Also it was 4 years to the day since our wonderful colleague Dave died and that restaurant was one of our favourite places to go as a group.

    No rain today(so-far) just very windy so we might manage to go for a walk later.


  2. Morning Everyone
    YEHHHH it's not raining!!!! We still have high winds like Michele though.

    What a fantastic Challenge KAREN.So many beautiful cards. I really do like Sunday mornings to see what everyone has created.

    We are going out to lunch today to give me a break as these last couple of weeks have been hectic to say the least.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual but sorry no lunch menu today.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Have a good Sunday;take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. Oh ladies -Thank you Thank you Thank you for taking part in the challenge and every single card is amazing Some of you surprised me too! LYNDA- no butterflies! Great to see a couple of ideas for men cards too
    I had a lovely time yesterday trying out DO blends (for this week’s cc) At first I wasn’t sure as they still seemed “patchy” to me but now they’re dry, they look OK
    Last night was good fun A lot of the “old” Salsa lot were there and the Soul band were great
    Take care all xxx

  4. Hi everyone,
    Thanks Karen for this great challenge. So good to see so many different winged things.

    Lovely day here, already at 27 degrees BUT we are due for stormy weather from tomorrow and the temperatures going to drop for the next few days so will make the most of today. Isn't there an old saying "don't cast a clout til May is out"
    oh how true.

    Must give credit to my friend Wendy for her lovely stick pins.
    Sandra, I agree about fairies. Very rarely use them but trying to make use of stuff I'm hoarding instead of buying more.

    Have a good Sunday everyone.
    Keep safe if you're court up in bad weather.
    Hugs to all. Valx

  5. Margaret Palmer17 March 2019 at 12:55

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Karen thank you for this challenge, it was
    Sandra thank you for your kind words on my card, I had others stamped but never managed to finish, never mind they will come in for this weeks challenge. Hope you are feeling slightly better hugs on
    The weather has improved today the sun is shining & wind has dropped, may go for short walk after lunch.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a beautiful display of “Winged” ccs. The big surprise was our butterfly Queen Lynda using birds and dragon flies instead of butterflies, but you still made three beautiful cards. I love the colours you have chosen x
    Sandra, thank goodness you been lucky enough to have found a good GP. He seems to be right on the ball and will be there helping you through this testing time. I know you will be worrying, and who wouldn’t, and I am here for you. I’m sending you big gentle hugs and you are in my thoughts my lovely.
    Once again I see I have missed commenting, my short term memory is really bad at the moment and I’ve been busy with various things which doesn’t help! I am hoping to get a bit of time crafting later on so I can join in the No die cuts challenge, a great challenge.I think I will be going down the stamping line but who knows what may change my mind as I llook through my stash 😀 I hope you are all safe from the awful gusts of wind and hail storms which we have already had a couple of today. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Sandra and all in need. Take care xx

  7. Afternoon ladies.
    Many,many lovely cards to look at today.
    Such a surprise, no Butterflies Lynda :)
    Some wonderful Backgrounds. Love Brenda's and Lilian's, stunning. Thank you Karen for the cc idea.
    I hope to make some cards this week, thought we were doing for Children but must be for another time so stamping and freebies will have to come out :)
    Had a nice catch up with my new sister and she is coming over for a week in beginning of May, can't wait. Also had a catch up with my Niece who is studying in Australia. She is friend with a girl from Japan so going over there for a fortnight before going back home. That was 3am this morning but funny enough so did I get up some hours later and had a nice walk in the sunshine, well that was before the rain and hailstones came down and the sky is now so grey and nasty looking.
    Have a nice Sunday everyone xxx

  8. Good afternoon Sandra and ladies
    We had a lovely sunny morning so decided to take 8🐾out down to Broadstairs beach we just parked the car & got to the beach we all of a sudden the sky went pitch black the the rain hailstones the snow hit us all at once the hail stones were like golf balls & they stung my face as we tried to get to the café we was soaked through. Terry scooped Rea up & put her in his jacket Bailey is a bit more robust so he had to walk up the hill. It lasted over an hour so had a nice cupper to warm up. We managed to make it back to the car once it stopped.
    I went straight in the shower to get warm. Now I'm in my craft room trying this week's challenge so far so good bit of a challenge not going to my dies.
    KAREN you made me smile saying no butterflies in sight it was hard not using any 🦋😁.
    I loved all today's challenge cards you are all amazing crafters well done.
    SANDRA I really hope your feeling a bit better today & hope your blood test & scan goes well tomorrow 🤗🤗
    I am on my last 4 days of weening off my pregabalin so just one twice a day The I start my new ones on Thursday just hoping for no nasty side effects.
    Well better put dinner in the oven.
    So Hug's for everyone & extra for all who are poorly
    Love Lynda xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a fantastic display of challenge cards, thank you Karen for suggesting this challenge. I could only think butterfly’s, it’s lovely to see everyone’s beautiful cards.
    JANET I hope you enjoyed your Sunday lunch out today hope you had lots of choices. You deserve a Sunday off. I have to say you really get my taste buds working with your tempting menus. xx
    LYNDA Hope you have recovered after your experience with the hailstorm. We had a hailstorm here, I’m pleased to say I was indoors at the time! xx
    SUE Take care, it sounds as though you have been working to hard, try to have some me time. xx
    Time to go and check how the roast potatoes are doing, we are having Gammon today (OH favourite) the nice thing is we always have some left for a sandwich or two!
    Hope you are all snug and warm, take care, Brenda xxx

  10. Hello All, like most of you we have huge hail showers, they make such a noise on the velux windows, you can’t hear yourself speak, at least the wind has dropped.

    What a lovely array of cards today, loved all the different ones, I’m afraid I fell back on butterflies.

    Sandra so sorry to hear you are so very unwell, take it easy and try to relax, I know it’s not easy.

    Keeping it short as having trouble with eye sight again today. Hugs to all Lilian
