
Friday 15 March 2019

Michele's Fantastic 'No Die' Cards and Next Weeks Challenge Topic

Good Morning Ladies,

Welcome to the Weekend!! Wish the weather forecast was a little better but never mind its the weekend all the same, have you all got plans??  I think that the weather forecast means that a few of us will be in our Craft Rooms!

I will announce our next challenge first this week as thats what Michele's cards are to demonstrate.

Next Week's Challenge …..

For our Challenge that commences on Monday next week 18/3/19  I would like you to make a card that used NO DIES !!

I know that's quite a big ask, we have done it before though, I thought that it would be fun and might be good practice if a No Deal Brexit leaves us with Power Cuts ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 hahaha
Anyway I just thought it would be good to use other things for a change, you can use anything else, so that would include.....

Paper Piecing
Groovi Board
Stencils with different mediums...texture paste, inks, Mica Powders etc

Absolutely anything else, in fact I for one sometimes turn to dies as the easy option, I think that if we took them out of the choice for making cards we might all be a little more adventurous!
I have lots of ideas buzzing around my head and I actually feel excited about crafting for the first time in a few weeks so....let's go!!

Now I spoke to both Michele and Karen last night about the challenge and Michele had some cards that would work beautifully as Inspiration for the upcoming challenge.

All three of those beautiful designs are from Michele's favourite Digital Designer 'Ella's Design' the first two cards are from CD's the third is a Digital Download.  I think Michele will pop in later today and tell us exactly which ones and where we can get them Download from.
I honestly think that they look like they have been stamped and coloured in!
Thank you so much Michele for sharing these lovely cards to inspire us for this next challenge. xxx

Now for the Challenge for the week after we will be using Cheryl's Challenge suggestion so stay tuned for that too, I love it when you can come up with ideas, it gives my brain a rest and you all come up with fun original ideas that are generally completely different. So thanks in advance Cheryl xxx

I have got a new toy to have a play with this weekend.....while I just happened to be watching Create and Craft last Friday (something I haven't done for a very long time) but I was feeling rubbish and was laid on the Sofa, Hochanda had rubbish on so I switched over 'just to see', they had a lady demonstrating the Scan and Cut with a new 'add on' , now as you might remember I have a Scan & Cut but rarely use it, so I thought I would watch and get inspired.  The new thing that were featuring was something that they called a FoilQuill, you get three different sized pens (quills) that fit in the blade housing of the Scan & Cut and they heat up and foil any design that you have on the screen.
I have been looking at the different foiling machines that are coming onto the market but with those you are limited to the dies that they bring out to got with them and the idea of passing a hot plate through my gemini or platinum just worries me, I have in the back of my mind that they will break at some point, although I am probably wrong (I hope so for any of you that have bought them).
Paul came home while I was watching and I was chatting to Our Resident Scan & Cut Expert Karen at the same time too, it was a really good price and on flexi buy so Paul said 'why not get it to try)!
He has watched my frustration with the whole Laser Printer and Laminator foiling thing, which I cannot get to work successfully.
It made a change to get some use out of my C &C Membership, (they catch me out every year by taking the money out earlier than the renewal).
It arrived yesterday so I will blow the dust off of my Scan and Cut later and have a play, I do wish Karen was close by to come and help me though!

I hope that you all have a lovely Weekend my lovely friends,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Very pretty cards MICHELE My mind is buzzing and can’t wait to have a play
    I wish I could come over and play SANDRA If I didn’t already have the other foiling kit which I hardly use because it is such a faff I would have bought this one as it was quite a good price
    My advice would be - dust the machine including the scanner and re-align the cutting blade Very easy to do Then you’re away I’m so excited for you I hope you won’t be disappointed
    Will that be one of your cc - a foiled card? If OH goes dancing maybe we could FaceTime or WhatsApp chat tonight or when he’s at work tomorrow.....
    Thank heavens it’s Friday or as we used to say POETS day I needed to make three cards yesterday and only managed one
    I tore a piece of card trying to remove it from die for another and so walked away
    Have a good day all and you’re feeling better than yesterday I’ll be back later xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great challenge for us next week. My first two cards are from an Ella’s Design CD-ROM-Say it With Flowers and the third Card is a digital download from Ella’s Design Etsy shop, it’s cslled Wild Rose.

    Yeah-I have an extra day off this weekend. I’ve got a parcel to collect this morning then I’m considering a trip out to a craft shop (within a garden centre) then on to The Range & Hobbycraft at Aintree. The weather isn’t great do I might just head out for a look....!!!!!


    1. Thanks for telling us about Ella's design, hope to find the wild rose. Did you colouring it in yourself ?
      have fun going to all the craft places, I'm sure you find some bargains (our bargain queen) xx

  3. Morning ladies,

    Still very windy down here in my little corner of Somerset. My green bin has been blown over again and this time it will have to stay down. I found trying to upright it in the gale force winds was a complete waste of my efforts. It is so unwieldy with the cover blowing open every time I tried to hoist it back up that I gave up in the end. And it was against a wall lol.

    I don't know if my neighbours know something that I don't as I was up at 7 am to put out the recycling bins as normal for the 7.30 pick up and apart from 2 houses near me nobody else has put theirs out. Just looked at the time and the collectors are late, maybe it has something to do with the excessive winds.
    We had 1 inch of snow back along and they cancelled the entire day's collections. Maybe this time too but how are you supposed to know if you are not permanently connected to the internet with phones and gadgets?

    Lovely idea for the challenge Michele, I'm all up for that one as it will take me out of my comfort zone. One point of question though Sandra....punches came out before dies but are they not technically the forerunner of die cutting machines? They do use metal blades same as the dies have for the purpose of cutting out shapes.

    A spring clean of my kitchen using my steam machine is in order today, I'm fed up with mucky wet footmarks in and out of the back door. Although we use water to clean how come rain is dirty?
    Another anomaly and conundrum.

    Hugs to all in need of one. Just wrap your arms around your shoulders and you have a hug from me.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Morning Cheryl. The man who is washing out our green bin told us because of the wind he couldn't do it for us this time and so many bins have been flown around so our neighbour have left theirs laying down too. So hope this stops soon and we get a nice Spring. hugs back xx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      I also wonder why when the rain comes in when the front door is open it seems to be dirty.

  4. Good morning all.
    Beautiful cards Michele and I love to know where and how to get hold of them. They look like art, so pretty.
    Sandra- hope you feeling much better and you have some fun today playing with the Scan and Cut.
    My thought for this weeks cc have been without any dies but so far nothing been done other then the stamping so hope today will be more productive. As you say, the weather is perfect to stay indoors to do some crafting but need to go food shopping later when OH have woken up.
    I wish you all a good day and sending many hugs to you all. Take care, love Maria xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Re Hochanda and C & C. Apparently the people that have gone back to C & C were given a good deal to go back apparently. Plus C & C are now hosting Ally Pally because Creative Expressions seem to be in charge there and they’ve gone back to C & C. A lot of people are unhappy about it on Facebook, they don’t like C & C so won’t be watching.
    Lovely cards today Michele. Sandra showed me her magazines when I was over there. Her latest one had some swans on. So although I’m trying to downsize my Dies and stamps I might just get that one if our shops have it.

    1. Hi Pat, agree with you saying many crafters unhappy with C&C, I read the comments too and some were quite brutal in stating their feelings. I flicked over this afternoon to watch Tonic Nuovo demos only to find a singer sewing machine as the talking point for the whole programme x

  6. Hi everyone,
    Really pretty cards Michele. I'm definitely out of my comfort zone not using dies.
    Sandra god luck with your new machine today. Hope you're feeling a lot better today.
    Just off to craft club. There's not many ladies expected today for one reason or another so it will be cosy.

    Hope the winds are dying down in your area. Stay safe.
    Lots of love Valx

    1. Hope you enjoyed your craft club Val. Not so windy here today Val.

  7. Margaret Palmer15 March 2019 at 12:36

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sorry I didn't comment yesterday could not get laptop to work. Your cards were lovely love the background,
    the challenge this week suits me fine, thank
    Michele your cards are lovely today.
    Sue has just arrived so will send love & hugs to all

  8. Hello Sandra & ladies
    MICHELE I love all three of your cards especially the Rose so pretty.
    Good challenge for this week.
    SANDRA good luck useing your new toy hope you enjoy playing. Hope your feeling a bit better today.xx
    Don't know where the morning went we have to go shopping in a moment as soon as Terry is ready oh he's calling me to put my shoes on so pop back when we get back.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday we went shopping first thing, by the time we returned home I was feeling really rough. Could be side effects of the antibiotics the doctor gave me, my head was throbbing and the ‘normal ‘ aches and pains were ten times worse, my ankles felt as though they had elastic bands around them. I was good for nothing. Had an early night as I could not settle sitting down. Today I feel so much better I’m pleased to say.
    MARGARET Your cards yesterday were lovely. I couldn’t choose a favourite they were both gorgeous.
    MICHELE Wow, three lovely cards and not a die insight, NOW that is taking me out of my comfort zone.
    SANDRA hope you have enjoyed and had success playing with your new toy. It would have been silly not to get this addition, seeing as you already have the Scan and Cut.
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I’m glad to hear your feeling better today.
      Wow. I’m bad to me after a long time of proving I’m not a robot.

  10. All three cards are lovely MICHELE
    I might “play” with Serif or MCS or I might even have a bash at stamping
    Are we allowed to fussy cut with scissors as well as punches?
    Visit to diabetic nurse went OK She reassured me that sugars/HbA1C weren’t as bad as I thought Good news is when my current pump is due to be replaced (September) the new model is a lot more intuitive which hopefully will be more helpful when I go dancing and chasing Oscar
    Enjoy the rest of your evening ladies cx
