
Thursday 14 March 2019

Another Challengs card two ways....

Good Morning Ladies.

Two challenge cards for you today, both made with same die, that I borrowed from Our Margaret.

I made both of these cards with different blends of Distress Oxide Inks, the first card uses Milled Lavender, Picked Raspberry & Squeezed Lemonade, I chose a piece of my Stampin Up card to match the Distress Oxide inks on both cards.

The second card uses Distress Oxide Blend.... Lemon/Lime Twist, Peacock Feathers & Salty Ocean the card base is also a Stampin Up card base.

The Sparkle gems I have used on parts of the flowers are all stampin up too, they just like they match the  Disrtress Oxide colours of paper perfectly.

My link to the challenge is the tiny little bird on the centre of my  card topper.

It was so lovely to see Sue yesterday, I was a little down when she arrived as I had passed out in the kitchen, I think that my blood test had caused part of my of it, I just remember waking up with Paul on the phone, very panicked!  Thank fully Sue came over so I wasn't on my own at least.

We had a lovely time, lots of chatting, crafting and cream cakes!! (thanks sue) xx

How many of you have seen that Creative Expressions have gone back to Create and Craft !
I was quite surprised to read it in my C&C magazine..  I confirmed it by 1speaking to Ben at In2craft1

I hope that tomorrow is a brighter Day for you, have a lovely

Sending love and hugs to all if you.



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-Toe beautiful cards. That Die is lovely and the colours in the background really make it stand out.
    I’m hoping that you fainted because you’d been stressed-very good job Sue was about later on.

    Very busy day at work yesterday, went up see a friend last night-considering she’s had a Hernia operation only 2 weeks ago (she’s in her seventies) she looked amazing. Another friend was there & we chatted about card making for quite some time then it was time for me to leave.

    We have strong winds again & torrential rain but the sky looks like things might improve-fingers crossed.


  2. Morning Everyone
    We have yet again gale force winds and torrential rain here.

    SANDRA- two beautiful cards today. I particularly like the blue background.

    Another hectic day ahead for me. My hairdresser this morning hospital visiting this afternoon and I haven't finished my CC yet. I'm sure I'll meet myself coming

    I hadn't noticed the CC had gone back to C&C. I wonder what they have all been tempted with to move.

    The CAFE is OPEN-once again the brolly bucket is by the door. I've rescued one or two daffs from the horrible weather so at least the tables look Spring like with the yellow flowers on them.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with loads of extras for all Dear Friends in need. Take care and stay safexxxx

  3. Two very pretty cards SANDRA Both colour ways work I hope you’re OK now after fainting yesterday

    Like JANET I am wondering what’s attracting the “big boys” back to C&C Looks like I might have to renew my membership and what about Ally Pally? Are any of CE going to be there?

    Off to see diabetic nurse this afternoon My diabetes has gone really skew whiff and don’t know where to start at correcting it all The new insulin might help...

    I hope to craft later Take care all xxx

    1. Hi Karen. I love your Get well card. I made one a few years ago but don’t have a photo of it. I I know I would have used a plastic type of plaster as we have lots of that type as I can’t use them and it is rare that anyone needs one anyway. None of our children like or needed them much luckily, they all preferred a magic kiss especially eldest son RJ who refused point blank to wear any type of plaster. I hope you are able to get your Diabetes under control very soon, that must be a worry for you. Take care x

  4. Morning ladies,
    Two beautiful cards Sandra, particularly like the blue one. Hope you're feeling ok after yesterday. Glad Sue was around for you.
    Off to Slimming Club shortly then card making. I had to make some Golden Wedding cards for the shop yesterday as we've run out and I felt the old thrill come back. Maybe my mojos back for the first time this year. Yeh.
    Hope you all have a good day.
    Love Valx

    1. I’m so pleased your mojo is coming back xx

  5. Hi Ladies.
    Two very Beautiful cards Sandra,do love the backgrounds.
    I had seen a message about CE going back to C&C, don't understand why and like Karen I wonder if they will be at Ally Pally ?
    My wish for a better day is not going to be this one and any Mojo there were is gone. This weather we got don't do any good at all.
    Hope you all can have a nice day, warm hugs Maria xx

  6. Afternoon ladies,

    I've finally got time for me and you.

    This week has been so busy helping an older friend Mike to perfect his aperture card. He paints watercolours and gave Pete a beautiful view of Cannington Brook with the Friendly Spirit and church in the background for his 50th birthday. He was so touched when I said it is still on show in our house. Anyhoos, we have spent quite some time this week sharing crafting knowledge. He used to get his Cannington watercolours printed out as Christmas cards but for some reason the gallery let the lady go who dealt with Mike and now he didn't know how to DIY his cards so we have had some fun along the way.
    My Pulmonary Rehabilitation exercise group started and I am really enjoying the classes. We have a kind of show and tell from the admin at the end of each session, then the next group starts. I am so glad my session is 9.30-11 0'clock as it means I still have the rest of the day to get everything else done without rushing through tasks.

    My dad's birthday was yesterday and we enjoyed a long chat on the phone without Mum interrupting and taking over the conversation.

    Still haven't managed the CC yet but I would like to suggest as one of the challenges...a child's card. I've just finished mine for a great niece who is very girly but also loves gymnastics and dancing. I though I had got it right then looked again and my ballerina did not have wings so it is back to the drawing board. The card was made with background papers and decoupage teddies that Maria put on the swap table at our retreat in 2015. I unearthed them from a large plastic basket that houses all my Grand SB dies, i.e. the larger ones. I now have the pleasure of 8 more cards to make with what was in the plastic wallet which will take me up to teatime.

    Perhaps CE did not make enough profit for their shareholders without the extra revenue from being part of C&C? either way seem a bit suspect now.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Glad the Teddies came to use hihi can't believe it is over 3 years since we met Cheryl ? hugs xx

  7. Good afternoon Sandra & Ladies
    Well Margaret has just left after just popping in for her mail at 12oclock ended up having iunch,so now going shopping tomorrow 😩😡
    SANDRA love both your cards & both colourways love your blending too it's seamless.Sandra sorry to here you fainted yesterday hope you ok today xx
    I was shocked about Creative Expression going back to C & C not sure what's going on first Crafters companion Tonic Dawn Bibby now CE. I'm not sure that CE will get as much air time now with C&C what with the annoying Stephanie Waitman (Tattered Lace & Sara Davis CC ) I haven't watched C& C since Hochanda started.
    They got some not very nice comments on the CE Facebook page.
    Dose that mean Julia & Lisa will be leaving Hochanda as well
    MARIA sorry your feeling unwell today take care my friend.xx
    I'm going to my craft room to finish my Challenge will pop in later.

    1. Sorry pressed published to soon
      Hug's for everyone extra fo Pat Pete Lilian Val Maria & Sandra.
      Love Lynda xx

  8. Hello All, very wet and windy here, it’s in until the end of the weekend.

    Been to see GP today, she has doubled one of my tablets, although I explained that they make me feel rubbish, but she says they are necessary.

    Lovely cards again today, love the colours you are using.

    A/P is run by creative expressions, it’s their show, Hochanda will not be there though, not sure what’s happening to Hochanda, tried to using PayPal, but it wouldn’t accept the order, emailed them but no reply, hope they will survive.

    Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. What a shame you can’t have different meds, upping your dose is not going to help you at all is it. I’m sending you gentle hugs xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love both of your cards, the Distessed Oxides do blend so easily and you have used a beautiful palette of colours. You certainly looked much better by the tome I left you yesterday than you did when I came in, bless you I do hope the doc will be able to find meds that do the trick but that don’t make you feel so awful. I will be coming over much more if you are going to be home alone if you faint again my lovely, even if you are in bed we can just chat about nothing and everything as usual xx
    I hope the wind and rain haven’t caused any of you any problems. It is calmer today and we haven’t had a lot of rain so hopefully it has passed by us now.
    I feel really tired and my joints aren’t good either so I’m off to bed now. Sending you all love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  10. I do wonder just what is happening with Hochanda and Create and Craft? The only really big name Hochanda have left is Clarity I think. Wouldn’t you like to be a fly on the wall at C and C to find out what they are offering the big companies with to get them back. I also wonder if C and C will be at Ally Pally as obviously Hochanda won’t be? If anyone hears any more please let us know x
