
Wednesday 13 March 2019

A Mid-Week Get Well from Karen

Good Morning Ladies,

Is anyone else sick of this whole Brexit Nonsense???  I never thought it was a good idea in the first place which makes the whole thing even more tedious!  It just seems to take up so much of the news every night and that Peston fool drives me crackers on the news!!
Sorry rant over, Soap Box returned to the cupboard, feel free to help yourself !!  
There are so many things I COULD use it for this week but I am trying to keep myself calm as these flaming tablets have not reduced the frequency of my episodes at all. 😢   
I have blood tests at 8am this morning.😢 After they have results I should then be able to start my Apaxiban.

Today's fabulous card is one of Karen's amazing designs, such a simple design using a real Sticking Plaster, but it really works, what poorly couldn't be cured with love and a plaster, especially as a child, that memory stays with you though, so the card still works for adults too. I love that sentiment Karen, such a pretty font and a nice size. 
Karen made the card for a friend that has undergone a complicated knee surgery, this card will definitely bring a smile to his face Karen.
Thank you so much for allowing me to share it with everyone. xxx

I didn't get around to making a card yesterday, Pat asked if she could come over and of course I said yes, I didn't realise how much these tablets affected me until after Pat had gone, I was so exhausted I went to lie down and fell asleep. Who'd have thought that chatting could wear you out?!

I hope that you all have a lovely day today ladies,

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-how lovely for you to have a catch up with Pat. Hope everything goes ok with your appointment this morning.

    Karen-what a fantastic card, it’s brilliant.

    My plan was to head up to my craft room yesterday evening but I was exhausted so I just sat & read. We have gale force winds here-about 60MPH with heavy rain showers but there’s also sunshine! I’m hoping work isn’t too crazy yesterday but as we’ve already got an emergency patient slotted in for treatment, it’s looking like it could be another busy one.

    I’m off to see a friend this evening-the lady who has donated some of her stash to me. She’s just had a Hernia operation & is fed up as she can’t go & visit her very poorly husband (who has had to go into a Nursing Home) so I’m off to show her some of my recent makes.


    1. Have a nice evening Michele and hopefully work will go quickly, take care x

  2. Morning Everyone
    Well it's still gale force winds and rain here. It's been a horrible night.

    We are hospital visiting this afternoon as our friend is still an inpatient. I need to try and finish my CC this morning. Well that's the plan.

    KAREN- love your card. It's in that category of 'less is more' and these cards always work.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in when you all can.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

    1. Fancy a skinny latte and a fat free, calorie free toasted tea cake.Thanks Janet for keeping the cafe' going. So wish it was real hihi. Take care x

  3. Haha Thank you SANDRA for sharing my card Now it’s been photographed I think the beet should have been smaller Hey Ho! It’s in the post now It is such an easy card to make I tend to use fabric plasters but they’re a bit awkward to keep straight as you can see The dies are Paper Boutique It’s a volume 2 of their sentiment range and it’s got some really handy ones like With Sympathy, Belated Birthday Wishes etc
    I hope you’re able to walk a bit further today VAL and that you’re in less pain MARIA
    Good to see you in the age LILIAN
    I hope the blood tests go OK SANDRA and have you spoken to Gp about how these current meds are dragging you down?
    Off to work in a mo Take care all xx

    1. Great card for someone poorly Karen. No worse, think the cold is going. OH have it now, oops :)
      Hope you day is good x

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card today Karen. Great to use a proper plaster.
    Lovely to see you yesterday, but such a shame it wore you out and you had to have a rest. Hopefully your meds will be able to be changed if they don’t settle down.
    Very windy here at the moment, but I hope the rain holds off. Looks like storm Gareth is on its way to Denmark so it should calm down a bit.
    Hugs to all who need one today. I’m off to prove I’m not a robot.

    1. Glad you're not a robot Pat. Take care if going out, even I have problem standing up straight in this wind we got. Hugs x

  5. Hi everyone,

    Oh just love your card Karen. Hope you don't mind if I copy it!!!

    I'm happy to say Sandra, the ' B ' word is banned in our house.
    Hope the blood tests go ok this morning.x

    Maria Well done on joining WW again. So hope you're in less pain today.x

    Off to crib later..

    Sending hugs to all.
    Pat, glad you and Sandra were able to meet up yesterday. Bet you had a lot to catch up on.x

    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope your walking a bit better each day. But please make sure you don’t over do it.
      I hope you enjoyed your crib today. Great to meet up with like minded people.
      Sandra and I did have a lovely catch up yesterday.

    2. I hope your pain is better and you get to have fun at Crib. take care x

  6. Margaret Palmer13 March 2019 at 11:13

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra how nice that Pat visited yesterday, it does wear you out just chatting when you are not feeling well, hope blood tests go ok, hugs on
    Karen what a brilliant idea for get well card, well
    Lilian good to see in again
    Maria hope you are feeling better, well done on joining WW
    Lynda how are you getting on with your new tablets, don't you wish we could do the Gay Gordons still? xxx
    Wishing everybody a safe day particularly Michele & Janet, you seem to have it worse, sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret I haven started new tablets yet as I'm weening off the pregabalin three more days. Hope your feeling OK now Hug's for you & pops xx

  7. Hi all.
    Hope the blood test went well Sandra and you soon feel better.Nice you managed to catch up with our Pat. Hugs are on the way.
    Brenda- hope you not falling apart and hospital appointments goes well. I can send you some gorilla glue if needed :)
    Lynda or someone , could you tell me what Gay Gordon is ?
    Went out this morning for some hours as I'm feeling better, did a little walk but ou this wind is tough. Had coffee at Costa but nothing to eat as they didn't really had anything healthy. Looked at their porridge but it was ready made and a bit grey , not for me hihi
    I wish you all a good day, love Maria

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣Haha Maria the Gay Gordon is the name of a dance. Not a very good one though
      Glad your feeling better Good luck with WW xx

  8. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sandra hope blod test was OK.
    KAREN A great card from you today lovely idea.
    LILIAN nice to see you commenting
    Hope your feeling better.
    ON Monday we had really strong winds & torentual rain it took the roof off Tesco's so been shut since then. I've got to pick up my prescription from doctors now so Hug's for everyone extra for Pat Pete LILIAN Sandra & Mar
    Love Lynda xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra hope the blood test went well and you are not kept to long waiting for the results. Great you had time with Pat yesterday, it’s surprising how tiring just chatting can sometimes be, but considering you have been under the weather lately it’s no surprise you were so tired. xx
    I haven’t made a CC yet, as I’ve been busy cutting butterflies, sentiments and crosses (the religious kind) for my sister, also typing up verses in inserts. Her printer is upstairs in her room. She hasn’t liked to ask anyone to bring it down to the infirmary. So asked could I do some for her. Best crack on before I make dinner.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. SORRY KAREN, Please forgive my bad manners, I didn’t comment on you card. I think it B..... Brilliant xxx
