
Sunday 24 February 2019

Your Something Old Challenge cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all having a lovely weekend, I am in fact writing this Blog Post on Friday night as I think I will be too exhausted Saturday night, unless there are any more cards to add of course.

You have all made so absolutely amazing Challenge cards,,,,,,,,,,,,


Brenda has made two amazing cards for this weeks challenge,  I love both of these cards Brenda but will be totally honest and say that the Honey Doo one is my favourite.  Although I love Samuels card too, I think those dies are very clever.  
 I will add Brenda's description below:

My First card was for Samuels birthday. Last year I bought Stampin’up  Layering Alphabet Edgelits dies and Lined Alphabet photopolymer stamp set (a considerable purchase) I was so excited to try them out - well my first attempt was rubbish, I was so disappointed, they were banished to the shelves where I keep my Stampin’up stamps and dies. So when I was thinking about making a birthday card for him I decided to blow the dust off and have another try. The results can be improved on but he was happy. Oh and the Studded Boots die is by Tonic and has been sitting on my work space for about a year. 

The second card is for a friend of my sisters a lovely sincere and caring lady her birthday is on the 29th of Feb. So she has had (I think) 15 actual birthdays.

The stamp I bought April 2017 at Ally Pally from Honey Doo Crafts, it’s called Lovely Lily, this week is the first time I have taken it out of the packet. At the same time we both bought the Roses are Red die, Lynn had made a gorgeous demo card using vellum, I did the same with this card.

Two incredible cards Brenda, thank you so very much for taking part my lovely xxxx


Two fabulous treats from Our Janet this week, I adore the vintage style card, it's so beautiful, I always think that they are in fact more of a gift as they took longer to create than a standard card and have so much more detail.
The second card is equally as beautiful, I do in fact have this 'Sue' die and loved it, but we just forget to dig for them don't we!!

My First Challenge Card is created by using Crafter's Companion beautiful Lilac card (sorry I have had this for so long that I cannot remember the name but they produced a pack in pinks at the same time). The lace around the topper which is from  'LaBlanche' I bought at least 18months ago. The gold flowers are of course a Tonic Die.

My Second Challenge Card was created by using one of Sue Wilson's early dies -Caribbean. The centre image is from LaBlance and the pearls are from my stash.

Thank you so much Janet for two amazing 'Something Old' Challenge cards xxxx


Karen, I love everything about your Challenge card this week, I love the colours, that background is just beautiful and your flower embellished frame is stunning. Karen has used both something Old and something new, thats a whole new challenge!!

Flowers = something old Marissa’s Bouquet
Foliage = something new a die bought from Wish.

Thank you so much Karen for such a stunning Challenge card. xxxx


Another stunning Challenge card from Our Lilian, I love the colours in this card, your design is fantastic too Lilian.

Here is my card for this week, had this stamp set for ages, and never used it.
They are from Chocolate Baroque, floral mannequins.

Thank you so much Lilian for a gorgeous Challenge card, I hope your sore throat has eased a little, I am a strong believer in gargling with salt water, it used to always work when I suffered badly with Mouth Ulcers.  I hope you feel better soon xxxx


Three fabulous cards from Lynda for this weeks 'Something Old' challenge, you always come up with such amazing designs Lynda.

No1 Tumbled glass Stormy sky oxide inks

No 2 carved pumpkin & Mustard Seed Oxide inks

No 3 challenge SW Calbria die

Thank you so much Lynda, although I am not sure what happened to the other 59 cards you were making??😉😜 xxxx

Margaret has made two beautiful cards for this weeks challenge, using some older things that I also have and had forgotten about!!

The first is a Stampin Up Stamp, it's retired now and the name escapes me, but seeing Margaret use it reminded me of how much I loved it, it's one of those stamps that creates a fantastic card with just one stamp, you can leave it just as Margaret has without adding colour or you can colour it in, either way it looks stunning.

I think a few of us have a hoard of Anne Marie card from' back in the day'  when they like stampin up did everything coordinating.  I loved the paper then and still love it now, a simple design that works perfectly.

Thank you so much Margaret for reminding and inspiring me this week xxxx


Such a beautiful Box frame card from Our Maria. The paper/card you have used is absolutely gorgeous Maria. 

Maria's description:

I wasn't sure what to make for this weeks CC but remembered I got this 
die at Ally Pally some time ago and never used so this was my first attempt
 to make a frame of kind. Guess you can also put little photos in the frame etc.

Thank you so much Maria for a stunning challenge card xxxx


Michele turned to an old Magazine free die for her 'Something Old' Challenge card, using the classic Black and cream card combo gives a real sophisticated look.

Navy & cream 5 x 5 card. Magazine freebie Die plus gems on it.

Thank you so much Michele, I love your card, that die is amazing xxxx


Now I can't act as shocked and stunned at Sue being on the Challenge card list this week because she has become a regular lately, I have to say I am very impressed!!

Sue has used two lots of old things for her Challenge card, firstly the Gilding Flakes, I think we have all had these in our stash for longer than we card to admit.  The stamp is an old magazine freebie, but stamped and then having gilding flakes added over the top gives it a real WOW finish.
A truly amazing card Sue.

Thank you so very much for taking part my lovely xxxx


Val tried something new for her Challenge card this week and the best thing about that is that she had fun while she was 'making a mess'  I love the look of your card Val, this would be a great Thank you for a man, which you don't always see.

Here is Val's Description:

My cc is also enclosed. I bought some Inkz spray inks  quite a few months ago and they were still in the packet so I thought I'd have a messy hour. It's not really my sort of thing but I enjoyed getting ink on my fingers. I cut out some black letters, tied some twine around the card and added a little star charm.  Simple I know but I enjoyed using something I don't usually use.

Thank you so much Val, I am so pleased that you feel a bit more up to crafting, it is good therapy, especially when you make a mess!! xxxx

Well ladies another amazing display of challenge cards, every one is amazing, all completely different, it's been lovely to see some of the old familiar craft products seeing the light of day again.
Thank you so very much to all of you.

Have a lovely Sunday,

Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    What a fantastic selection of challenge cards today . All so very different & all so lovely.

    We went to see my M in L yesterday afternoon and hubby was sorting through some paperwork for her. She asked if we could drop her off at the Nursing Home(we had playing going straight home) but we did call at the Hone. Keith was in good form-quite chatty. He’s back on hourly observation as he’s had a few issues that shouldn’t have been missed by the staff.
    I got a message later yesterday evening saying Keith thought Phil brought a different wife with him every time!! Very sad to think after almost 30 years that he no longer recognised me.


    1. That is so sad MICHELE that he doesn’t recognise you anymore

    2. I’m sorry to hear that Michele. Any dementia is so painful for those closest to the sufferer. It is very hard but keep reminding yourself that it is the dementia talking and not your dearly loved FIL x

  2. Another beautiful arrogant cards Some Have reminded me of stash I have and should get out again
    I am the lucky owner of one of MARGARET’s cards and it is far nicer in real life A HIGE THANK YOU MARGARET for thinking of me I have been so busy that opening my laptop to send emails has been the last thing on my mind
    I know you got some lovely goodies at Farnborough yesterday SANDRA I hope you others were as equally successful
    I am looking forward to Stamperama fo a good old mooch I do have a small shopping list
    I need some acrylic blocks and have one die in particular that I’d like to get I expect (as we all do) I’ll see a demo or something and think “yes I can do that”
    So I’d better go and get ready I’ll pop back later Take care all xx

    1. That should have said “array of” NOT arrogant

  3. Morning Everyone
    What a bumper bundle of gorgeous craftiness we have on the boards this week. I love all of them and some have even reminded me that I too have some of the dies etc still at the bottom of my boxes. I must have another deeper dig to find them out.

    I hope you all had a good day at Farnborough yesterday and that you have a good one today KAREN.

    The CAFE is OPEN and the menu for today is Roast Pork so place your orders. HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe whatever you have planned.xxxx

  4. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Wowser beautiful Challenge cards this morning all gorgeous well done everyone.
    SANDRA hope your not too sore today after yesterday's craft show & you got some lovely goodies really surprised you couldn't find any Tim Holtz masks.
    SUE MARGARET BRENDA I also hope you all enjoyed your crafty day yesterday & you all got lots of goodies. Please all share your buys with us.
    KAREN enjoy your craft show today & find all your looking for.
    MICHELE so sorry your FIL doesn't recognise you any more that's so very sad.
    We have another sunny day after a foggy start yesterday. Terry took 8🐾Out yesterday afternoon I didn't go as feet were so painful. He said it was good I wasn't with him as a big Rottweiler attract Bailey he said he jumped on him growling the dog owner pulled him off luckily Bailey was ok just shaken up in a way it was lucky it wasn't Rea as being so much smaller doesn't bare thinking about. He shouldn't be off his lead.
    I will have a walk with them later today then put some backgrounds I made yesterday into cards I have a few more I want to try out . SANDRA you might get all 59 cards this week 😂😂😂 only joking.
    Well just got to wash up breakfast dishes then get ready.
    Sending Hug's to everyone extra for Pat Pete Lilian & Val xx
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda. I’m sorry your feet are so painful. And I hope Bailey is ok, how frightening for him and Terry too I would imagine. Give them both a hug from me and of course one for yourself too xx

    2. Sounds like that dog should have been on a lead How irresponsible
      I hope BAILEY and TERRY are OK

  5. Morning ladies.
    Oh just look at all the card this week. Having a cup of weak tea hihi with feet up and have some time for yourself to look at the cards and reading what you are up to is one of the best time of the day. Roast pork sound good Janet so yes please let me have a order in.
    Karen- have a fun day. Hope you find the things you are looking for.
    Michele- very sad you FIL not knowing you anymore. It is a horrible illness and so many suffering with it. Sending you a extra hug.
    Lynda- glad Bailey is alright. He must have been so scared bless him. You take care, enjoy the sunshine !
    Had a bad night so so tired today and have not been able to do much yet but hope to start on some backgrounds for this weeks cc, fingers crossed. You know the other site I started to follow to make a xmas card a week ? Ah well they suddenly decided they couldn't do it any longer.....very surprised but I had already printed off the tasks so will give it a go and follow the list anyway and hopefully my stash of xmas cards should be fine this year. wonder never sees.......
    Many hugs sent to you all and extras for you who need some. I have plenty to give out. Have a good day as poss. love Maria Xxx

    1. Hi Maria , sorry you are having s bad tome at the moment. I hope you get some decent sleep tonight. It’s a shame that the site aiming to make one Christmas card a week has already folded but good luck on you getting it done by yourself. I hope to get one or two done this week using the background challenge x

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Lots of great challenge cards this week, and with lots of lovely dies etc. I think we could all do this particular challenge quite a few times each year and still not touch the bottom of our “older or unused for more than a year” stash couldn’t we, lol.
    I hope you’re not in too much extra pain Sandra and Mum. The venue wasn’t as good as it used to be but it was nice to see a really good range of dies etc. rather than just about every stand selling only one or two ranges.
    It was lovely to see A Crafty Place at the show and I think we all bought several things from this lovely couple as their prices are so much cheaper than other companies. In fact you are inclined to look twice at the price tags as you think you have made a mistake but you haven’t as it really is that much cheaper.
    Brenda, it was lovely to spend some time with you too. I hope you had a good journey home x
    Karen, I hope you had a great tome at the show and managed to get everything on your shopping list x
    Janet, roast pork for me with extra apple sauce and crack Olin good please x
    I am just about to have a little play with my New Distress Oxides and other new stash, after taking a photo of it first of course! Have a goo day ladies and enjoy the beautiful sunshine. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  7. I had a great time at the show and like you yesterday I bought a lot of stuff from A Crafty Place
    We did their make and take too
    As some stalls had been at Farnborough there were some “sell outs” that I missed out on But hey ho It was interesting to see, OK not as many stalls as Ally Pally, but a better spread of products
    Off go a cuppa now and rest my achy feet

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra It’s always a delight to open blog any day, but Sunday is a special day when everyone rises to your challenge and today is no exception what a fantastic display of challenge cards.......... Ladies you are so talented, your cards are gorgeous.xx
    KAREN sounds like you had a good day at the craft show. The stall holders work so hard, they had to clear of the Farnborough venue by 7pm yesterday then go onto another show today setup work all day then dismantle the stall again, I don’t know how they do it, I applaud them for there hard work.
    I have taken photos of my shopping from Farnborough but haven’t had the energy to play with anything today, hope tomorrow I will feel up to it.
    Love to everyone, Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Commented after Janet this morning but doesn't seem to be there.
    Hope everyone's had a good day as I have.
    Love Valx
