
Saturday 23 February 2019

Mixed up Saturday including Mag Review

Janet's New Boxes

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all relaxed and ready to enjoy the weekend, I hope the nice weather holds out for a little bit longer, the girls had a Super-busy day at the Wildlife Park yesterday, record breaking amount of visitors for February, they took over £10,000 in their restaurant, so needless to say they were shattered when they got home, Lucy had been doing the job of two people and Sophie was a 'Barista' for the day, making all kinds of coffees!

We are off to Farnborough to the Make It Show today with Sue and Margaret, meeting up with Brenda when we arrive.  I love this show as it is so much more accessible than other shows and there is a greater range of stands.
I am hoping that it hasn't changed too much, as its in a new Hall this time. 

Our first picture today is of Janet's newest Boxes, they are the latest Tonic Box dies, they are a fantastic size Janet and I love how you have decorated them, do the different panels work for both box shapes? The Ballerina panel is so pretty, such a lovely design for gifts for Girls, image buying their first Ballet shoes and presenting them in that box.  The other decorative panels are beautiful too, the ornate floral one is decorative enough to just leave as it is, the lattice panel one is perfect for men as it is but could have flowers added to it to embellish it further.  Such a lovely collection Janet, thank you so much for sharing them with us. xxx

Now we have Michele's 'in depth' review of 'Die Cutting Essentials' Magazine...….

Hi Ladies,

Diecutting Essentials issue 48 has a gorgeous Tattered Lace teapot die free this month. Plus there’s a great offer to send for coordinating stamps-you just pay the postage. 

This is one of the articles inside the magazine using the free gift. It shows you how to use the Die in different ways.

The next 2 photos show more ideas including a tag & shaped cards. 

This picture shows you how you can get more from this Die-look at all the different elements you can cut out. 

There’s a great feature on using Diecutting as a stencil including a step by step guide.

This feature shows a lovely style of card-Shadow Box Cards. They’re great because they fold flat to post but look very impressive. 

That’s everything for this weeks Review. 


Thanks Michele for another brilliant magazine review, it makes it so much easier to decide whether to buy or not being able to see so much detail . xx


Val has treated herself to a Trimmer, she has used a Craft knife and mat up until now (Sue does the same and it amazes me how accurate the mats are) so I think you fill the trimmer so much quicker Val, I cannot believe that you make all of those cards without a trimmer, you deserve a medal!

Val also couldn't resist that beautiful Floral corner die, it looks so pretty Val, I can't wait to see it die cut and on a card.  I can see why you wanted it.  xxx


Michele finally got her £50 prize for sending this card photo in a magazine and writing a short email explaining how to use it.  So it just shows it is worth sending in to these things, I always read them but think that my cards wouldn't be good enough!!  I actually bought that magazine for a couple of pounds on Moremags as I loved this die when you used it. 
Thank you for sharing your happy news with us my lovely xxx

That's all for today ladies, thank you all so much for taking part for taking part in today's blog post.

We are off Craft Shopping!!! yay, I wish you were all coming, mind you we spend too much time talking now and end up rushing round to finish our shopping, our lunch is usually a good 2 hours.

Have a lovely Saturday my lovelies,

Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    MICHELE-thank you for the mag review. It looks an interesting month. I'll be having a look this morning.

    VAL-you will really appreciate a trimmer. I don't know what I'd do without mine.

    Have a good shopping day at Farnborough today.

    Off to do my shopping this morning and the perhaps a feet up afternoon for me.

    The CAFE is OPEN. Cream teas this afternoon for anyone popping in and would like one.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

    1. Have a lovely afternoon with your feet up Janet. I love that type of afternoon. Sending hugs.x

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-hope you all have a fantastic time at Farnborough and buy some lovely craft goodies.

    Janet-WOW! The boxes are amazing, so beautiful.

    Val-lovely Die and I have the same trimmer and I think it’s brilliant.

    I finally got my £50 voucher on Thursday so I’m hoping to have s look online this weekend. We had some good news yesterday-hubby heard his job was safe so no redundancy!!!!!!


    1. What a relief MICHELE I am so pleased your husband’s job is safe

    2. Oh Michele what a load off your mind re your hubby's job. That calls for a celebration. Sending hugs X

    3. Brilliant news Michele, have a lovely weekend xx

  3. Good morning all
    Have fun at Farnborough and are able to get some good bargains I am really looking forward to Stamperama in Stevenage tomorrow It is so close to me it would’ve been rude not to
    If anyone’s going let me know so that we can say “hi” at least
    The boxes are gorgeous JANET Not only are they pretty but look a substantial size too
    Thank you for the review MICHELE I appreciate it and so pleased that your husband’s job is safe
    Like SANDRA said BAL you deserve a medal making all those cards without a trimmer I donated one to work but brought it home again as I was struggling with a cutterpillar Just make sure the “handle” is fully up and the card is butted right up to the edge too
    Today I need to scan a lot of photos for a collage my daughter wants to make for the funeral and finalise a shopping list for tomorrow
    Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen, I must admit I haven't used my trimmer yet so I'm still using my knife and ruler. I really must try it though
      Bet there'll e lots of memories sorting through photos.
      Sending hugs.x

  4. Hi ladies, lovely Saturday goodies.
    JANET your boxes are so lovely. You must have so much patience making them. The decoration is beautiful.x
    MICHELE Thank you so much for the great mag review. It's a lovely free die and the samples look so good as do the shadow boxes. Congratulations on winning money with your lovely card. Have fun spending it.x

    When I started making cards about 15 years ago I don't think there were such things as Trimmers so Ive always used a knife and ruler. My eyesight is now not as good as it was which is the reason I've bought the Trimmer. Not tried it yet so must put it on my desk so it's within reach.

    Having coffee later with two friends. Lyn's taking me and picking me up. Don't know what I'd do without her.

    Have a good day everyone .

    Hope ladies at Farnborough have a wonderful time. Enjoy your meet up and look forward to seeing all the goodies you buy. X

    Love Valx

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA sorry I didn't get in yesterday I did comment but when I pushed publish it message came up can't send mail as no server I'm not sure why as the hub was showing the blue light & not red one.but trying on computer with same message.
    Was like it trying to comment during the day so hope this one publishes.
    JANET love your boxes a good size too. You must have a good collection of box Dies now. Have a good rest this afternoon.
    MICHELE congratulations on your £50 prize. Thank you Your mag revive this morning very interesting.
    SANDRA SUE & MARGARET have a great time at Farnborugh today wish I was with you all & you meet up with BRENDA. Looking forward to seeing all your goodies.
    I phoned the Doctor yesterday for appointment as my feet & legs are really painful now. Also on Friday I was doing the dinner & thought I was going to faint & then my heart started with strong palpitations so I took my angina spray which did calm it down it had a few smaller episodes for a few weeks so thought I should get checked out. The first available appointment is 8th March.
    Well I have some ironing staring at me so better get on with it.
    Hug's for all extra for Pat & Pete Val xx
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Sorry VAL loved your shopping the Die looks gorgeous .xx

  6. Hi Ladies.
    Wonderful boxes Janet, lovely decorations. Hope you get some time today with feet up. hugs for you and Jim x
    Val- you are amazing with having used ruler and craft knife all these years. Hope you get along with the trimmer. I love my guillotine but a bit annoyed with the little trimmer as it like to chew the paper sometimes.
    Thanks Michele for the Mag review. Happy spending the £50 :>)
    All who are going to Farnborough today, have a fun day !
    Washing is going on the line, yay , sunny and blue sky here ,hope you got the same. Had a lovely walk yesterday over to Dobbies and sat on their decking outside which was lovely.
    Have a nice day everyone and hugs all around xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I have had a fantastic day, Farnborough didn’t disappoint, the new venue is great. Met up with Sandra and Paul, Margaret and Sue, also saw Littlelamb she looked well. We all enjoyed a lengthy lunch together. (Thank you Margaret your cake was delicious) I certainly enjoyed my day. haven’t unpacked my trolley yet, but will take photos of my shopping.
    JANET Wow your boxes are beautiful. xx
    MICHELE thank you for the magazine review. xx
    VAL Love the dies, think I need a new trimmer. I cannot imagine how you have managed with a Craft knife for so long. But then you are a very gifted lady. I really am in awe. xx
    If your day has been half as good as mine - you have had a great day.
    Love Brenda xxx
