
Monday 25 February 2019

As Seen On TV......

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I just couldn't resist having the title.....As Seen On TV !!!  

I was like many of you I expect watching Sue on Hocahnda yesterday afternoon and I saw that the 'Millie' Die was featured on the Line up, so I decided to send an email in with the photos of the two cards above attached, to my complete amazement at the end of Sue's 5pm show they featured my cards!!!  Sue loved them too, I hope some of you saw it. 

I also shared my cards with Sue on Instagram and she messaged me back saying ''Absolutely Stunning'' in my eyes there is no higher accolade!

I was absolutely exhausted yesterday and unusually for me spent most of the day on the sofa but this gave me the hugest Buzz!

I will leave the link below in case any of you want to pop over to In2craft to have a look at this die and some of the many on offer, I will admit that I went over yesterday and bought some Glitterbitz and Lustre Polish!! Shhh!!!

I was also really suffering after our day at Farnborough, this was the worst I have felt after a Craft show, I had had a really rough night on Friday, having only maybe 50 minutes sleep the whole night, mostly because I just couldn't get comfortable and my AF was giving me hell.  Milo was also very unsettled which is never a good thing when you are trying to sleep.

Farnborough was good, although I'm not sure if Sue, Margaret and Brenda agree that it wasn't 'as good' as previous years.  
Firstly the parking, before it was in an indoor structure that adjoined the show venue,( a bit like the one that they have at the NEC for disabled parking).  So you didn't have far to walk or wheel yourself,  this new building had outdoor parking that was far enough from the venue to cause issues for someone that really struggled with walking or had to wheel themselves in a wheelchair, there were also a large amount of steps up to the entrance, they did have a ramped access but it was Very long and quite steep, there is no way I could have got myself in there on my own, Margaret wouldn't have managed either.
There were also a lot less Craft Stands there too, before there was a huge range of Parchment craft stands, I didn't see one this time, there were a long line of rooms doing workshops, I think that there were one or two this time, there were a few make and takes though. I just think that there wasn't that much choice as far as range of products, for instance apart from Distress Oxide inks there were virtually no Tim Holtz products on sale.  Lots of SW dies, Tonic dies, Crafters companion Embossing Folders had a lot of repetition,  there were some favourites like Honey Doo, Inkyliscious etc.  It was lovely to catch up with Anne at 'The Art of Craft' stand, they have now expanded their range of dies etc, looking forward to seeing them again at Ally Pally.
Right now I'm not sure if we will bother with Farnborough again, especially if Stamperama is on the same weekend, we will probably try that show next time.
The highlight as always was spending the day with lovely friends surrounded by lots of crafty goodness, oh and Margaret's Lemon/Coconut cake of course!

Today I will hopefully be playing with my new crafty goodies, making some lovely backgrounds for this weeks challenge.

I hope that you all have a lovely day too,

Special hugs to Pat and Pete as always xxx

Love and hugs to all of you too,



  1. Hello All, sorry not been around ,been laid low with another virus infection with a terrible cough and sickness, my sides are sore from coughing so much.

    Love all the crafts and cards from the past few days.

    Sandra sorry your not too good, have they sortedation your medication yet, important especially your anticoagulant, I take APIXABAN which for me has no side effects, unlike the A/F tablets, still the new ones don’t seem too bad. Sorry to lecture, but I’m surprised your Dr isn’t keeping a check on you. Not like mine, although the new one seems better.

    Hope you all have a good day, hugs to all suffering at the moment. Lilian

    1. Lillian Sorry to hear you have had yet another virus infection. Take care xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Gorgeous Card SANDRA and well done getting it shown on TV.
    I didn't catch any of Sue's shows this weekend. Other things seemed to just get in the way.

    Mr Tesco this morning and then hopefully I'll get a start on this week's CC.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in when you can. HUGE HUGS are on their way to you all with loads and loads of extras for Dear Friends not feeling too well and in need.
    Take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. Congratulations SANDRA You deserved to get a mention as your cards are so pretty
    I thoroughly enjoyed myself at Stamperama It is a small show but has lots of space OK maybe there weren’t as many stalls as last time but there was a lot of variety Some stalls duplicated stock eg DO but then had different items From Crafts Too I bought 5 DO for £20
    Most of my other products are from A Crafty Place Ann and her husband are a lovely couple and their prices match other retailers She knew I was coming AND remembered all of your names from FARNBOROUGH I also met Maggie from CoolKatz who have me the biggest bear hug She was on Hochanda on the Friday and wanted people to go over and introduce themselves So I did! At £2.50 it’s not expensive Parking is £2 for all day and if you have an advance ticket you gain entry 30 mins earlier I even won a lovely set of Spellbinder dies on the Hochanda tombola for £1!
    Sorry to hear you had a rough day SANDRA I hope the AF calms down
    I hope to play this afternoon and at least start a background for cc
    Take care all xxx

  4. Hi everyone,
    Well done Sandra on getting your card mentioned on TV. I must admit admit I don't watch or follow Sue Wilson's blog any more.
    Hope you're feeling a lot better today.x

    So delighted Rami Malek and Olivia Colman won Oscars. Both great films and well deserved.

    Just waiting for Lynn to pick me up to go to gp for appointment.

    Glad everyone that went, had a good time at the craft shows. Looking forward to Saturday to see what you've all bought.

    Hugs to all.
    Special ones for Pat, Pete Lynda and Lilian.x

    Love Valx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    It’s so good to see that your cards were shown on tv yesterday. They deserve to be as you make fantastic cards. I hope you’re not quite so bad today xx I agree with you about Farnborough, it was a shame to find the new venue was much like AP and the disabled parking has not been thought out at all, it was clearly designed by someone who has absolutely no idea of what is needed! I definitely think we should try Stamperama with Karen next year. But it was a lovely day as always being with Mum, you, Paul and Brenda and I actually managed to not only remember to take my shopping list but also got some things off of it including some Distress Oxides which I got on the same 5 for £20 offer as Karen. Yesterday was a quiet day as expected but I’m not in quite so much pain today though. I hope to have a little play with my new goodies later on this evening after dropping off the girls.
    Mum, I hope you’re not in too much pain today. Love you xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Sorry you are in pain not surprising you had a busy week. I am not in pain just not with it, I started taking the new tablets the Dr. gave me & sure enough they make me feel queasy & sleepy, which she did expect. Good job I don't have to do anything much this week. Love

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Well done Sandra for getting your cards shown on Sue's program , I have recorded it as I also bought Mollie but also Lesley and Vivian so hope to play with them later on.
    Spent the morning at Dunelm, very tempting to go over to the Range just behind the store but left it in the end as I have work to do at home.
    Glad you all had a good time at the craft fairs. Ally Pally I have a feeling will be rather quiet as more and more stalls are not coming which is such a shame because I still like to see the products before buying sometimes.
    Best get a move on but I'll see you later in the cafe' for a cold drink today as we got +16 outside. I can see the borders need doing but that have to wait. Love and hugs to you all, Maria xx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra well done on getting your card shown on Sue's show, well deserved as it is lovely. I hope you are feeling more rested today. I also echo your & Sue's comments about the show & the parking not thought through at all. I had a lovely day though thank you to Paul & it was lovely to see Brenda & Little Lamb,(Brenda Hopkins).xxx
    All the things on show on Saturday & all the cc yesterday were lovely, well done to you all.
    Sending hugs to all feeling unwell or in pain love

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Well done on getting your cards featured on Hochanda, I didn’t see the program but I’m sure Sue would have been delighted with the beautiful cards you created.
    I did wonder how you managed with the outside car park at Farnborough and I agree that slope was very steep. What struck me while I was waiting for the courtesy bus was the amount of golf buggies they had offering people a lift to their cars, but if you were in a wheelchair they didn’t have the facilities to transport you. I think they may well have a few complaints on the way. I enjoyed my day at Farnborough the new venue is very nice (well it should be, it’s all new) the lunch area looked enormous, but gosh didn’t it get crowded! We were lucky to find a free table, sitting talking to you all over lunch was a real bonus....... so was Margaret’s yummy cake, THANK YOU Margaret xx
    VAL Hope the GPs appointment went well xx
    Sending hugs for everyone, Brenda xxx

  9. Good evening Sandra & ladies
    Sorry late the time just flew by I went in craft room & getting messy with my backgrounds I have done quite a few & made some up into cards. So ended up having late dinner ooops.
    Glad you all enjoyed your craft shows & bought some lovely goodies look forward to seeing all your buys.
    CONGRATULATIONS SANDRA on having your card on Hochanda you deserve it.
    They are stunning.
    MARGARET whe the others were talking about you lemon drizzle coconut cake my mouth was watering so hope I get a pice at AP. Well hopefully we will go.
    Sending Hugs to you all Love Lynda xx
