
Tuesday 26 February 2019

Pixie Powder Painting

Good Morning Ladies,

Oh such a lovely day yesterday, I had washing blowing on the line all day, it felt like middle of Spring out there.  I had all the windows open too, it was a little chilly in the shade though.
The only problem was, while I was busy in my craft room (no windows open) Mr Sainsbury must have decided that it would be a good day to 'fertilise' his fields, OMG the smell was terrible, it was billowing through every open window.  Lord only knows what the washing will smell like, lets hope that Lenor with Febreze can over power 'Slurry' !!

Now let's talk about today's card, it is quite small, its about 4 1/4 inches by 3 1/2 inches.  It was one of the off cuts of my Pixie Powder backgrounds.
I spritzed some watercolour paper and gently tapped out a little of the 'Aqua Lagoon' and 'Golden Mint' onto the wet card, I then gave one last spritz of water and let the powders work their magic.
At first I wasn't that impressed, so I just left them on my Craft Room windowsill to dry, when I looked at them again on Friday morning I was amazed and how much they sparkled, I was close to binning them after Sue left on Wednesday but I am so glad I didn't, so my Advice......just leave it over night before throwing it away.
I didn't decide what to do with it until yesterday though, I was looking through some stamps and came across this one called 'Picture Perfect' from Inkyliscious, it was the perfect size for my off cut of card, so it was like it was 'meant to be'  I have had these stamps (set of 2) for years and hadn't used them, I found them when I was rummaging for 'something old' last week.  It was like finding buried treasure!!
So I popped my dry piece of watercolour card into my Stamperatus and inked up my stamp with Versafine ink (I chose Versafine as it usually picks up all the fine detail), then I just let it dry and matted onto black card then a matching green and finally onto a black card base.

I thing it's very 'Arty' , hahaha, something totally different for me, but we have to embrace the challenge!
I have tried to pick up the sparkle from the Mica in the Pixie Powders on the photograph without much success.  I did have fun though.

I might try playing with some embossing folders today, oh and I bought some masks as Farnborough so I might try them too.

I hope you are having fun with the challenge ladies,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sorry I didn’t comment yesterday but blogger/google wouldn’t let me log in at all!

    Sandra-your Card is brilliant, the pixie Powder Background is stunning.

    Thank you for all the comments on Sunday about my Father in Law-he doesn’t have Dementia, it’s the brain damage from the last (massive) stroke he had lin April 2018 that’s causing the memory problems.


  2. Morning Everyone
    What gorgeous pieces of art SANDRA.

    Well it's K&N this afternoon so I'll be trying to pack my bag for that and hopefully remembering everything I need to These days it seems that I take more each fortnight or perhaps it's just me and my 'little grey cell' which doesn't work as quickly as it used

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all to pop in.
    I'm finishing my cuppa and then I'm off to put the slow cooker on so that tea will be ready be I return this afternoon.
    HUGS are on their way with loads of extras for PAT/PETE.Take care and stay strong.xxxx

  3. I think this card is stunning It all works so perfectly together That’s a great tip - to just leave it and take a second look at a later time I have created PP backgrounds thinking they’re rubbish only to use them months later Although I live in a town we are near some fields that yes when the fertiliser goes down the stench is awful I also work near a dog food facials when their ovens are on... We’ll you can guess the smell is bad
    I started a cc background yesterday based on a make and take we did at Stamperama but with my own products
    I’m out dancing again tonight but hope to finish cc later and I need to do a birthday card for my dad...another cc hopefully
    Take care all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today
    Oh Sandra, what a stunning card. I wish I had just a pinch of your talent as this card looks like you deliberately made the background to go with the stamps! I don’t think anyone would guess that it was a “moping up the last little bit...” piece of card as it makes a wonderful little picture that you could easily frame and put on display xx
    I still haven’t looked at mine as by the time I had cleared my desk yesterday I was ready for bed. I do hope to get to play today though if the joints decide to improve!
    It was a gorgeous day yesterday wasn’t it. All of that wonderful sun and blue skies makes everyone feel brighter doesn’t it.
    Michele, sorry that I got muddled and forgot your FIL had the stroke not dementia. The docs looking after my dear MIL always said the end results often lead to very similar confusion though. MIL was always a bit worse each time she had another TIA. No matter what just remember that it is the result of the stroke talking x
    Mum, sorry to hear that you are suffering with the common side effects of the new meds. I hope it soon settles down and you start to feel some benefits. Love you xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Gogouse card Sandra love the pp colour's & stamp set perfect.
    Just thought I would share on Sunday early evening the house phone rang Terry answered & he gave me the phone as it was fraud squad from the bank saying our account might have been hacked asking if we spent £900 for Amazon & £300 for Argos. He just Wanted some security questions like was my name Lynda Brock & could I give him the last 4 nos on the long no & the 3no on the back. He then said he would block the card & send new one out . Then this horrible screaching noise from the phone & went dead.Tery did 1471 but came up the last no was Santander so he rang it. The lady said there was no calls from bank fraud on her screen & no amount has come out so she said she would cancel the card & send new one out I felt sick. I was stressing all night so rang the bank just now & explained what happened so she checked & said the card had been blocked & cancelled so I can breathing again. It's so frightening never gave it a thought as he new my name.
    Anyway we have some lovely sun I'm home alone so a quick tidy the craft room.
    So Hug's for everyone Love Lynda xx

    1. Oh LYNDA That is frightening and just goes to show how scandalous they are
      A friend of mine fell foul recently and she used to work in a bank! It can happen to any one of us Thank goodness it is being sorted xx

    2. Thank goodness you realised in time what was going on. So easily happens. So glad it's all sorted.x

  6. Hi ladies,
    What lovely pictures Sandra. Those pixie powder backgrounds look so pretty.x

    My gp took me off the medication Ive been taking because of the side effects. They've affected the muscles in my leg so that walking is painful and difficult. Ive now been given different pain killers and anti inflammatories. As a result Ive decided to cancel my flights to UK next week. Really disappointed but no point going if I can't walk. I'll go again at a later date.

    Had a lovely day out today with the ladies from craft group. Had a look around acraft shop and ten a lovely lunch. I feel really tired tonight so I think I'll have an early night.

    Enjoy the rest of the evening ladies.
    Hugs to all.

    1. Hi Val shame tou had to cancel your holiday but as you say no fun if you can't walk. Glad you enjoyed craft club & lunch.
      Take care Hug's xx
