
Wednesday 27 February 2019

Another Background Technique Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I am featuring another one of my Pixie powder backgrounds today, I'm not so keen on this card, as the stamping doesn't show up on camera as well as it does in your hand.  Stamping onto Acetate wasn't the easiest thing to do either but with the stamperatus I managed ok, I wanted to emboss the sentiment too, which worried me because I wasn't sure if it was heat resistant acetate, but it turned out okay.

I absolutely love the colours in the background, the are so bright and vibrant, I did the 'Caught in Crystal Technique' again, this time though I wanted to try kitchen roll instead of Tissue Paper, mainly because we don't always have tissue paper to hand.  I peeled the layers of the kitchen roll apart and scrunched it and added it to the wet adhesive, it worked fine, although they weren't as many creases but you could see the pattern of the paper, which was interesting in itself.  I have seen some really nice patterns on kitchen roll so may need to experiment further, in the mean time I ordered some cheap 'packing tissue paper' on line and that arrived yesterday, so I am all set for round two.

I mounted the 'Caught in Crystal' piece on onto white card as that showed the brightness of the colours better, I then cut a tiny black border, then added some sequin string and then mounted onto a white base card.  As you move it in your hand the mica makes it look like the colours are moving around, its quite lovely.

Well ladies I finally went to join the new surgery and bought up the AF thing with the new GP, he explained what happens during an episode of AF so clearly, even Paul was impressed, it made it clear to understand why they were so concerned about the clotting and chance of a stroke was so high.  In the consultant report they discussed the findings of the Monitor that I wore for a week last year, it was recording episodes that were longer than an hour, some were over 3 hours before a 'normal' rhythm was regained. This together with the frequency of the Ventricular 'Ectopics' apparently was the cause of the concern, but in the 7 months I have had the Consultant letter my GP never contacted me once to ask me to go in for a consultation.  Anyway I have to start both an Anticoagulant 'Apaxiban' after they get results of a blood test and Bisoprolol to be started immediately.  So we will see what happens next.  Believe me I laid awake all night worrying about his frank description of the risks of not taking medication.  
I will say he was a lovely chap, very patient and listened to all my concerns etc.  Fingers crossed we have picked the right surgery.  
I did go with Lucy yesterday as she has become deaf in one ear, we have been adding olive oil for a good couple of weeks, so today she was  scheduled to have it flushed out, the nurse was so funny, really put lucy at ease too, she only got some of it out though we have to go back in 2 weeks for the rest.

I hope that you are all well and have been having fun with this weeks challenge.

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a gorgeous background, it’s so lovely. You sound like you’re really enjoying yourself playing with the backgrounds.

    Your new GP sounds excellent-Apixiban is now the standard Anticoagulant as you don’t need the same amount of blood tests or monitoring. Adding in the Bisoprolol makes sense too. Fingers crossed you’ll soon notice an improvement.


  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love how you have used this background. The dandelion stamps work beautifully on it and the tiny string of sequins are a lovely finishing touch. I’m so glad you have found a really good GP, it’s always a worry when you have to change surgery isn’t it. I hope the AF meds do their job for you now the doc has explained it all to you my lovely. xx
    I’m sorry but I can’t get to see you today, my joints are still bad so another day stuck in bed for me.
    Lynda, I’m so glad you didn’t get caught by this horrid scammer. It does show how easy it is to get caught out though doesn’t it. I hope you managed to get a good nights sleep last night x
    Val, I’m sorry to hear you have had to cancel your visit back here. My fingers are crossed that the change of meds gives you some relief so that you can walk without the pain you have at the moment x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hope you feel some better this evening Sue, take care xx

  3. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    hope you have the same lovely weather as I and here the washing machine have gone since 7am and it's hanging on the line.
    Sorry didn't get in yesterday but how wonderful looking the card was and also today's. Gorgeous backgrounds. I did play with pp and shaving foam but boy did I get messy so not a easy thing to play with in the kitchen and as I not have the right items like the inks I'm not really sure if I will be using the cards.
    Sandra, glad you got a nice GP where you live. It's hopeless here to get to see the doctor you want and so many locums who doesn't know you at all. I'm glad also if they can help you with the AF. OH was told it is a operation they can do but nothing is for certain that it not coming back so for now he's on meds. Hope Lucy's ear soon is better.
    Val- so sorry your walking is no better and you had to cancel your trip to the UK. Get better and hopefully you can book again very soon. hugs
    Oh Lynda- how scary with these phone calls. Glad you checked and didn't give any more information. I juat had a call who wanted to talk to OH but when I asked who was calling they just put the phone down. Trying to call them back and you can't. I'm so fed up with these calls nearly every day and how many times you block the number they just call with a different one grrrr!
    Lilian, so sorry to see you chest is bad once again. Please do take care and keep warm. Sending you some healing hugs.
    Healing hugs for all in need and take care.
    Hugs to all, Maria xx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I tried to comment yesterday & it just disappeared so will have another go today. I am so glad you kept that background it was beautiful as today's is. Hope to have a go at cc
    Lynda how frightening, pleased you didn't lose any money. Hope the dogs are alright after their fright, some people shouldn't have dogs if they cannot control them, hugs on way to you
    Val sorry you have had to cancel your visit home, hope the new meds help, hugs to
    Lilian sorry you have another chest infection hope you feel better soon, hugs on
    Sue hope your joints ease soon, love
    Hugs on way to Pat & Pete & anybody else who needs them love

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Another beautiful background SANDRA love the colour.
    Gorgeous sunshine again think I will put washing on line.
    Going to grab a shower soon then take 8 🐾Out for walk & I have to go Tesco post office & pick prescriptions Terry has a days work tomorrow.
    I've also it more backgrounds to make up Ito cards these ones are going to be Christmas ones I think.l must get some more shaving foam as my one ran out in 1912. So it was a bit sloppy 🤣🤣 but one came out ok not to bad though.
    Hug's for everyone extra for Pat Pete Lilian Val Sue just help your self if extra needed xx
    Love Lynda xx

    1. If it ran out in 1912 I think anything would be sloppy ! Hahahaha
      hugs for you and Terry xx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Just sat down as Pete was quite bad this morning. Then we had the nurse the change his catheter which he was due to have done yesterday along with his 3 monthly injection. That will be done in a couple of days.
    Craig is here at the moment as he finished school at lunchtime. Says he got a bit emotional at school so they sent him home. It’s understandable seeing how things are.
    Sandra Pete takes Bisoprolol and has had it for years without any problems. I’m so glad you went and they told you the possible outcome if you don’t take your tablets for your AF. Thank you for all your hugs ladies.

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra this background is gorgeous, the colours are so vibrant, a perfect background for your dandelion silhouette.
    PAT lovely to see you managed to pop in. Hope Craig is alright, it’s a very difficult time for all of the family just now, it’s good you were there to comfort him, I’m sure he felt better after spending some time with you both. xx
    SUE sorry to read you are in such pain, I hope the rest has made life a little more bearable. LOL xx
    VAL what a shame you’ve had to reschedule your trip back to the UK but I’m sure
    it’s for the best, hope the new meds. give you some relief xx
    LYNDA what a horrible experience, great you were able to avoid this scam. xx
    Hope everyone has had a good day, Love Brenda xxx
