
Thursday 28 February 2019

Bag Toppers

Good Morning Ladies,

Ladies please join me in wishing Our Lovely Janet a Very Happy Birthday, I hope you have a lovely day Janet, filled with fun, surprises and hopefully a little bit of cake.!

Now onto to today's project, not a card for a change!  
Danielle and I run a  Facebook Group that is all about crafting, be it card making, Origami, knitting, sewing, absolutely anything crafty.  We decided when we started that one of the things that we wanted to do was Monthly 'Swaps',  so anyone that wants to take part puts their name forward, we pick partners and then have a Month to make and send your Swap.
The first 'Swap' was chosen by Danielle and it was to make 'Two Bag Toppers', it was up to you whether you made just the toppers or filled a bag of goodies and pop your Toppers on the top.

I added a few bits and pieces to my bags and created my Toppers from Grand Decorative Circles for the larger bag, I used Petal Pink and Cream card and added some lace Applique' flowers to decorate the bag topper.
The Smaller Bag Topper was made with Sue Wilson's Millie Die, cut in the same colours and decorated with a single Flower Applique, topped with tiny resin flower.
I think that they are both quite pretty and I'd be happy to receive them.

I will be sharing all of the entries on our Saturday Blog Posts, as you would expect there was a huge range of styles.  Lynda and Cheryl both took part and both made beautiful bag toppers too.

Our next Swap will be 3 x 3 notecards, I am looking forward to the seeing what everyone makes, you can join in too if you like, just let me know.

Pat, I was sorry to read that Pete had another bad day, I hope and pray that you get care package in place very soon, it seems ridiculous that this has been expected for so long but the care package you need is not ready. Sending huge hugs xxx

Lilian I hope that you are feeling a little better my lovely xxx

Val, sending you huge hugs, this first few weeks on new medication is miserable, I am so sorry that you have had to delay your trip to UK.

Sending love and hugs to all you too,



  1. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- what beautiful toppers and right up my street in style.

    PAT-Both you and PETE are in my thoughts and prayers. HUGE gentle hugs for you both today.

    Having a quiet day with nothing planned other than having to think about getting the hall/stairs and landing ready for the carpet fitters on Saturday.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual and cake/muffins are waiting for you all to help yourselves.Remember everything is calorie free.Yehhhh

    HUGS are winging their way to you all.Take care and stay safe. xxxx

  2. Happy birthday JANET I hope you have a lovely day
    Huge hugs PAT I hope things get sorted and quickly
    I hope you’re feeling better LILIAN
    I was sorry to see you’ve had to delay your trip VAL and really hope things calm down soon
    I love the bag toppers SANDRA Hopefully when things calm down and I get some energy back I’ll join in too
    Take care all xx

    Going out for breekie soon and will have a bowl of porridge with blueberries and banana in your honour :>)
    Nice bag toppers Sandra with some lovely bits and pieces in them.
    Many hugs to you all and extra for all who need some.
    Take care all xxx

  4. Hi ladies

    Lovely toppers Sandra, looking forward to seeing others on Saturday posts.

    Wendy and I are going to a class this afternoon to make 6 glass coasters. I'll share them with you if they turn out ok.

    PAT, thinking of you and PETE. Sending special hugsx

    Love to all.
    Love Valx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Janet Happy Birthday to you hope you have a lovely
    Sandra love your bag toppers, they are lovely well
    Pat sorry Pete had a bad day, lets hope you have the help you need, hugs on the
    Lilian hope you feel better
    Val hop meds are helping
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Hope you have a lovely day
    Just waiting for my hairdresser to arrive.
    Yay I had RA appointment in the post this morning for 21st March so hopefully they will sort something out for me.
    Also got my new Debit so happy mail of sorts.
    Just finished my CC so must send to Sandra.
    Love your bag toppers SANDRA they are gorgeous look forward to seeing them all on Saturday.
    Hairdresser will be here soon.
    Pat sorry Pete had a bad day I hope you get the help you both need soon Thinking of you both BIG HUG'S XX
    Well better get sorted
    Hug's for everyone
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Happy birthday Janet I hope you have a lovely day xx
    Love your bag toppers Sandra, it just amazes me how you keep coming up with so many ideas, you really are amazing. xx
    Linda so pleased you have an appointment at last, maybe now you will get some relief 🤞xx
    I was going to leave a earlier it was really odd as there was no comment box, think the gremlins are in my iPad!!!

    We are at daughters waiting for the two younger ones to come home from school, she has a full day of meetings then a work dinner, not sure what time she will be home this evening. Sorry Sandra I haven’t even started my CC (just not enough hours in my week). I hope tomorrow I can sort something out, I have been thinking about it ......... but thinking and doing are quite a distance apart!
    Sending love and hugs to everyone Brenda xxx
