
Friday 1 March 2019

My Last Background card and Next Weeks Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

YAY it's Friday and the 1st day of March so Pinch, Punch First of the month, White Rabbits, White Rabbits!!!  (either of those are supposed to bring luck so I thought I would double the chances)!!

Today's card works for both last weeks challenge and this weeks.

It is a handmade background using Honey Doo 'Swirl Background' stamp, stamped in Versamark and I then added Honey Sparkle Embossing powder and heat set, I made sure it was all dry and then I went in with Distress Oxide inks...Picked Raspberry, Shaded Lilac & Squeezed Lemonade.
I added the same ink blend to a seperate piece of card and die cut my sentiment, adding it onto a white background.  The 'My Friend' stamp comes with the die set.  It's a Spellbinders set called 'Hello Expressions'  that I bought from Christine over at Hope & Chances
It works for this coming weeks 'TicTacToe' Challenge too:
Shades Of Pink
Shades of Yellow
Wet Embossing

I thought this TicTacToe would be perfect for 'Bright and Cheerful' cards to take us through Spring, there are still elements that will work for Men cards too, so it should be versatile enough for everyone to have a go at.
Some of the cards over on the Paper Players website are lovely just type Paper Players 238 into pinterest it should give you the links if you want to go have a look.

We are preparing for Spring here this weekend, Matt is moving all of his sheep into Mr Sainsburys field and Barn in the village ready for Lambing, it should be so much easier being local, so he can just nip up the road to check on them.  Some of the people in the village are excited too as they haven't had lambs local for some years.

What do you all have planned for the weekend??

Whatever it is I hope you have a lovely one,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday-Google wouldn’t let me log into my account...again!

    Sandra-what an absolutely beautiful card. I love everything about it.

    Great Tic Tac Toe challenge for us for next week.

    I have a list of just going round my head to complete today as I’m not in work next week-Monday I’m out for work but off on holiday the rest of the week do I need to clear a few things by 5pm today so I can relax.


  2. Morning Everyone
    First of all a big thank you for all my beautiful birthday cards and wishes yesterday. The cards are all on display where I can see them all day.

    A very Spring like card today SANDRA which brings a smile to my face to start a very busy day/weekend here as we need to finish getting ready for the carpet fitter tomorrow morning and then having to put everything back in place.

    I have to get my CC sent off this morning too so must get a wriggle on. My tense machine will be working overtime today.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all to pop in. HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Wishing you a belated Happy Birthday. I’m very sorry but your card will go in the post today as I completely forgot to post at the beginning of the week! I hope you don’t over do it moving things around in the hall etc. Seeing it all finished will be great though I hope. Sending late birthday hugs x

  3. A gorgeous card SANDRA I too love everything about it
    Work was absolutely awful yesterday So we’ll see what today brings
    Nothing much on this weekend except laying out tables for the Wake on Tuesday and maybe collecting a relative to stay on Sunday
    We’ll see what transpires I might even get the chance to start next week’s cc
    Take care all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Today’s card is so pretty, I love the background flourish and the bright and cheerful colours. I also love the sentiment dies, they are definitely on my wish list. I haven’t managed to get any crafting done this week yet but hope to get at least one background done tomorrow and work out the best way to use a couple of the caught in crystal backgrounds I made last week with you. I hope you have a good weekend and Matt gets his sheep moved without incident. Being just up the road will make it so much easier for him at lambing time. Seeing lambs bouncing around the fields is one of my favourite Spring sights xx
    I hope you all have a good weekend ladies. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. Morning ladies,

    Beautiful cards on show all week Sandra, today's being my favourite...the swirls background really makes the card pop and fizz.

    Very, very busy week for me culminating in finally having my Pulmonary Assessment yesterday lunchtime. It consisted mainly of me filling in 2 'How are you feeling' forms then a quarter of a mile brisk walk around two cones in the hall wearing an oxygen and heartbeat monitor, a short chat then 'You may go' with the date and times of when I am to start in the twice weekly group sessions. All in all about 20 minutes when the original letter stated the appt would take 1+half hour due to the exercises I would undergo. What they gleaned from that I do not understand?
    Heyho, let's wait and see what the next 6 weeks will bring.

    Happy birthday Janet for yesterday, you share your birthday with my Mummy who was 87. She does not want presents anymore (saying she has too much already) but presence so this weekend will see a trip up to Bristol.

    This week has been so glorious I have been out in the garden for two hours every day tidying up the decking and patio areas and sweeping up those pesky willow and oak leaves that work their way into the smallest gaps behind the plant pots. Ugh! they become a wet squishy mush that sometimes smells too especially in the corners of the retaining walls. I had left the pots out of their normal places so the wet earth and compost that I couldn't get up could dry out for sweeping up the following day. And when I woke up yesterday morning I found it had rained in the early hours and then continued to rain sporadically for the rest of the day. Oh well, a couple of days off in the craft room seems a much better idea hehe

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  6. Morning Ladies,
    Beautiful, happy coloured card Sandra.
    I played yesterday by making some backgrounds but now not sure what to do with them so hopefully I get some ideas this afternoon.
    Hope the transfer with the sheep goes well and how lovely to have them closer in ready for the lambs to come, I love seeing them running around in the fields. That means Spring for me.
    Brenda- hope you got home all right. Take care and have a nice weekend.
    Cheryl- hope you ok ? to have the assessment and not getting the time you allocated for. They are the same here in MK, they even signed OH off at one time which was crazy as he need check ups at least twice a year.
    Lilian- hope the meds starting to help and not making you feel worse. Take care and have a restful weekend.
    Val- hope you too having a better day and can walk easier.
    My step-son coming this afternoon and staying until Monday. I guess they will watch football tomorrow so gives me a chance to play or actually I really need to tidy up a bit at my work place in the kitchen, hmmm will see what happening.
    Have a good day everyone and take care of eachother. Sending my daily hugs to you all and extras for you in need. Love Maria xx

  7. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA I love your card this is such a bright cheerful card love it. I must get some of those sentiments maybe atAP. Good Challenge for next week lots of options to choose from. Terry's out for a couple of hours so just got some housework to finish off then grab my shower then Tesco shopping.
    Lisa is coming down tomorrow early afternoon on her own as Ian is working & Joseph is going for sleep over till Sunday. So will be nice to see her.
    Well better get a move on.
    Hug's for everyone extra for our poorly friends
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Margaret Palmer1 March 2019 at 12:16

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a beautiful card love the background. I am sorry I have not managed to do a CC this week just have not felt up to it, hope to do one next week. Have a good weekend hope the sheep move goes
    Sue & Chris on way down so will keep it short.
    Hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hello All, sorry to be missing, on antibiotics now, still am coughing all the time.also have sight disturbance, prior to migraine, so not able to write on iPad.

    Sandra lovely card, sorry not able to do a cards, have been in bed most of the week.

    Best Wishes to all, special hugs for Pat and Pete, thinking of you.
    Hugs Lilian

  10. Hi ladies,
    Very pretty card Sandra. Love the mixture of colours and the large hello.

    Enjoyed craft club today. Been doing iris folding which I haven't done for years. I think we all enjoyed it. It's good to try different things occasionally.

    Lilian so sorry you're not so well. Hope the antibiotics work quickly for you.x

    Hugs to everyone.
    Special wishes to Pat and Pete.
    Love Valx

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely bright and cheerful card, it’s so uplifting. xx
    Its great Matt is able to move his sheep into one of Mr Sainsbury‘s fields, it will be so much easier for him to keep an eye on them, instead of driving miles and having to sleep in the caravan. I can imagine the people in the village will love seeing them, they will probably start a lamb watch rota! When we went to Leicestershire for my sisters 80 birthday we were taken to a local attraction, where we were frequently taken as children. It was Mount St Bernard’s Abbey, where some of the monks are farmers, Ciara would have spent the time we were there watching the sheep in the fields, she was fascinated and had never seen so many in one place. It was so funny. When it’s s something you grow up with you tend to forget it is quite an amazing sight to a townie child!
    I have been trying to creat some backgrounds today, well all I can see is a wet coloured mess, might just have to think of another idea!
    Have a lovely weekend everyone. Hugs Brenda xxx
