
Tuesday 5 February 2019

Maria's Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and have had a good start to the week, the rain came and washed away most of the snow yesterday, so the path and driveway where much clearer.  Milo & Bella refused to go out in the snow, they just didn't like the feel of their feet sinking in the snow.  Milo was desperate to go out on Sunday so I let him out of the front door and her managed to find himself a little route around the edge of the house where the snow had melted, it was hilarious to watch.

Today's card is Maria's challenge card for last weeks TicTacToe, using Categories: Yellow/ Birthday/Flower.
I love that cute image Maria, have you fussy cut him out, I could just eat that icecream too! I love how you have framed the image but also have it coming out of the frame, it works perfectly, drawing your eye in. 

I have to say Maria that your card would work perfectly for this weeks challenge too, as you have used lots of shades of yellow on your card. Even your flower is in matching colours. 

Thank you so much for sharing your challenge card with us, and for inspiring us for this weeks challenge too. XXX

Well yesterday was quite a busy day, the girls were buzzing around all day, making each other cakes and a lovely mess in my kitchen, I think we bought just about every kind of their favourite chocolate and sweet for them to decorate their cakes with, although I am not sure how they will work them into their designs.  They like to do each others now, so I am gladly redundant.  I wouldn't like to count the amount of hours I have spent making Birthday cakes of every style and theme.  It's worth it though when you see their face.  Apart from one occasion when we made Matt (who was and still is Farm crazy) a farm cake, that had a fenced off field with animals, a shelter made out of matchmakers and mint thins, a water trough made out of a Finger of fudge, hollowed out and filled with blue icing.  The grass was died coconut, we then added chocolate icing all around the sides of the cake and the rest of the cake board, we carefully places a tractor that was pulling a plough, which we had used to make the ploughed field lines.  I was so excited for him to see it, when he did he cried and said '' I can't eat that its covered in mud'' and believe me he wouldn't touch it.!!

I hope that you have a lovely day, however you are spending it,

Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Maria-your Card is lovely & would work perfectly for this weeks challenge too as Sandra says.

    Extremely busy day at work yesterday & I was very glad when it was over as we had a number of problems-patients unable to have their treatments & trying to reschedule them wasn’t easy.

    I’m out tonight with my group of friends/colleagues to celebrate a birthday which should be a fun evening.


  2. Morning Everyone
    We have a very heavy frost this morning so much so that I first thought it was a layer of snow.

    MARIA- I Love your card. That Ice Cream makes me think of summer. Thank you.

    I managed to start my CC yesterday so hoping to finish it today.

    CHERYL- So sorry you had sad news yesterday. Huge Hugs hoping they will help.

    The CAFE is OPEN. Pop in when you can for a chat and a hot drink or two.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with extras for all Dear Friends in need.
    Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Such a lovely card Maria. I do like the image and recognise it from this month's Making Cards magazine. Oh so cute and really fits this week's challenge as well.x

    Sorry I didn't call in yesterday. The day just went as some do. Happy belated birthday to your girls Sandra. Hope you had a lovely meal out last night.x

    Brenda so pleased your sister is doing well after her op. Sending hugs.x

    Don't know what I'm doing today but it includes some time in my craft room.ive quite a few birthday cards to make. February is the busiest month for me for birthdays and anniversaries.

    Have a good day whatever you're up to.

    Hugs to all with special daily one for Pat, Pete and anyone under the weather.

    Love Valx

  4. A lovely summery card MARIA I love the image
    I was sorry to read your sad news CHERYL Such a shock
    We’re visiting a nursing home today for the “grand tour” So so sad A lot of the time she forgets she’s even at home at the moment
    We’re out dancing this evening I hope to do cc tomorrow I’ve been asked to make a birthday card for a friend at craft club which is on Thursday She’s given me some ideas as to what to put on the card
    I bought a ton of yarn from Aldi I will send a photo I may split it with a colleague’s disabled mum
    Take care all xxx

  5. Morning everyone.
    Thank you ladies for liking the card. I don't normally buy this magazine but if remember right it was with another mag at the same time for a good prize so hence the cute piggy's and they are a few for different seasons so you might see some more of them later on :>)
    Glad your girls had a nice day and so funny with the story of the cake for Matt (glad the coconut were dead) Lol loved to have seen it.
    Brenda- good news your sister doing better. Hugs to you all.
    Karen- it's a very tough decision when having to look for a home for someone in your family. We have the same with OH step-mum. She doesn't yet know we have planned for her staying where she is and not go back home. her flat is going to be sold to pay for the home and we will have to go there and sort out her clothes and everything else which I feel is going to be hard but .... her memory is so so bad.
    Sending warm hugs to you all and extras for anyone who need some.
    Off to Frost to meet up with our old painting & decorator and his wife for a Brunch so best get ready.
    Have a good crafting day , take care xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I did laugh when I read about Matt, they certainly are funny, I wonder if he would eat it now. Hope you have a good day in craft
    Maria lovely card from you today, makes you think of
    Karen good luck with home hunting, thank less
    Brenda good news regarding your sister, it is amazing how you recover so quickly from major surgery these days, safe travelling
    Lilian good news regarding your brace, the way the weeks fly by it will soon be
    Pat & Pete hugs on
    I have just been to last hip class this morning, I am pleased they are going to refer me to Hydro pool at the hospital & gym class at the golf club which is where we play Petanque, so hopefully I will be able to see friends at same time.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi All,
    Just had a message from Sue, she has been trying to comment yesterday & today & nothing is working. She is fine & will comment when she can, sends hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Loved your story about Matts farm cake. After all your efforts he wouldn’t eat it, I’m sure he finds it funny now. Lovely the girls make a cake for each other. Was there anything left in the store cupboard when they had finished?
    Cheryl sorry to hear your sad news. xx
    Maria your card is lovely, as Sandra said it would work for this weeks challenge.xx
    I’m still having to prove I’m not a robot, yesterday it took me so long to get my comment published I began to nod off!
    I will try to comment tomorrow, it depends if I can get a signal on the train. Daft really as everyone around seems to be using their computer or iPad.
    Sleep well everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  9. Hello All, sorry late, Wi-fi hopeless today.
    Maria lovely card, cute character.
    Loved story of Matts cake.
    Will send good night hugs to all, and hope this works. Lilian
