
Wednesday 6 February 2019

Danielle's Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all ok, how is your week going, it's 'hump' day today, which is a relief as after today it's only 2 days to the weekend!! (not that I am wishing my life away)!

Danielle made this card for Simon for Valentines day and was showing me as she was making it, after she had finished I told her that it would be perfect for our 'Shades of' Challenge, so she let me share it with all of you, I think we are safe, I don't think Simon reads my blog! lol 

To make this card Danielle took a piece of watercolour card and die cut some tiny hearts, she then took some sticky dots, de-tacked them a bit and popped them on the hearts and arranged them on her card.  She then took a spritzer bottle with a little bit of water and added some 'Night of Navy' Re-inker to the water and spritzed it over the card. Before removing the hearts Danielle took the Night of Navy ink pad and mixed a little water with ink in the lid and used this to 'flick' some darker (more concentrated spots of blue around the hearts.  The next step was to peel away the hearts and revealing the white masked off pattern.  A could of die cut words in Navy and Silver and s scattering of sequins finish this amazing card beautifully. Danielle matted and layered onto Navy, silver and then onto a white card blank.
A truly amazing card Danielle, thank you so much for allowing me to share it with everyone, it just might inspire someone that is struggling with this weeks challenge. xxxx

Brenda, It was so lovely to read that Anne is doing so well, it's remarkable to think that this time last week she was still waiting to have it done.  Hopefully she will keep this pace of recovery up and be home in no time. I imagine she will feel like she has a new lease of life bless her. Thank you so much for keeping us updated, it's so uplifting reading such positive and happy news. xxxx

Lilian, great news that you have a date for your brace, not too far away either, lets keep everything crossed that it gives you so comfort.  Being in pain is just exhausting, it kills your creativity too.
We like you have our first little cluster of Snowdrops, they were peeking through the frozen snow on Sunday , it really does make you smile to look at them.  I often wonder how something so delicate can be so resilient to the frost, snow and ice!  They are also an early indicator that Spring isn't too far away, fingers crossed!! xxxx

Michele how was your meal last night?  I hope you had a good laugh and a relaxed evening my lovely xxxx

I am not going to 'jinx' my days plans, all I will say is that I am hoping for a visit from Mrs (B)rown!!

I hope you all have a good day too, 

Sending Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Danielle-what a lovely card, simply elegant & very classy.

    I haven’t checked if we have any snowdrops out yet-it’s dark when I leave for work & dark when I get home still, I’m looking forward to it getting lighter.

    My meal out last night was great-all 8 of us there last night. Didn’t get home until well after 10pm so I’m quite tired this morning-definitely need a relaxing evening tonight


  2. Morning Everyone
    Lovely and simple card Danielle.

    Brenda- such good news for you. Fingers and everything else crossed that Anne is doing so well.

    Our Snowdrops are in bud so hopefully not too long before they open up. Christina's hedgerow were full of them in the snow fully open too.

    Call in for a warming drink and fresh scones etc.
    HUGE HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. A beautiful card DANNI I keep tossing ideas around in my head about what to make OH for valentines I need to make card to take to craft club tomorrow
    Great news BRENDA I hope your sister continues to improve
    The visit to the nursing home went well Lots of pros and cons and I know wherever is chosen it will not be perfect but I suppose we’ll have a better “feel” in one MIL kept saying I’d taken her there before Sadly Of course I haven’t It’s only been open a year
    Today is my only free afternoon and I’m home alone so I will be crafting lots!
    Take care all xx

  4. Hello Sandra and Ladies,
    Danielle I love your Valentines card, I sure your OH will really appreciate it.
    Well I'm on the train and I have a signal. The train manager has just apologized there is no WiFi. anyway I'm alright, No complaints here.
    KAREN best wishes for finding a care home for MIL. Having been in the same position twice go for the one that feels right. xx
    Hope you all have a good day.
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda hope you find Anne doing fine, hugs to you

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card yesterday Maria. I seem to have missed yesterday.
    Lovely valentines card Danni.
    Great starry re Matts cake Sandra.
    When You visited me Sandra you told me your email had changed. Although you never gave me your new one. Nor do I get a reply on messenger.
    Glad to hear your sister is improving Brenda. I’m also having to prove I’m not a robot. But doesn’t it take an age sometimes. You can lose the will to live doing so many things.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra hope Mrs.B(rown) delivers your parcel, still waiting collection at the moment. Thank you for showing Danni's card it is
    Danni well done you should make more
    Karen I agree with Brenda choose you one you feel more comfortable
    Sending hugs to all in need love
    P.S. Parcel now collected.

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sorry didn't get in yesterday comment wouldn't publish tried three times during the day.
    MARIA. Your card yesterday was gorgeous loved the colour & image you used.
    DANNII loved your card it's beautiful I think Simon will love it. I did see it on F B yesterday. Lovely colour's.
    Just finished a pile of ironing 😱
    BRENDA so pleased your sister is doing well with her recovery Hug's for you both.
    We had a lovely surprise yesterday Darren rang us to ask if we would like to go on holiday with them to Spain & they said they are paying for us as well so won't need any money as all inclusive. How lovely is that still Carnot believe it. Luckily our passports are still in's not untill October so time to loose two stone or more
    HAHAHA😂😂😂😂I wish well I have lost far.
    Sam said Harry was so excited when they told him we were going on holiday with them.Bless him
    Well 8 🐾 Are waiting to go walkies so better get move on.
    Hug's for everyone extra for Val Lilian Brenda Pat & Pete
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Hi ladies
    Lovely card Danielle. What is your main crafting you do mostly ? Your cards are lovely.
    It's late and it haven't been a good day so I will just wish you all a good night and hope your day was fine.
    Love and warm hugs to you all xxx
