
Thursday 7 February 2019

My Girls Birthday Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today I am sharing Lucy and Sophie's Birthday cards, I am afraid my girls are just not girly so there is no point making lacy frilly cards for them.  So I decided to go for an Eclipse card, using some Stampin Up DSP, its all metallics with black and grey.  Lucy's is clearer to see in reality but a nightmare to photograph.  Luckily they both loved them, lucy said hers fit with her bedroom décor so she is keeping it up!
 They are quite a handy style of card really, perfect for 'all genders' with the added bonus of being personalised. 

Sue came over yesterday and bought my stampin up goodies from Margaret,  we were both busy doing our own crafty things, I was busy finishing some bits for a swap and Sue was making her challenge card, I am guessing from all the die cut bits that it is 'shades of blue' lol.  We managed to chat constantly for 5 hours straight, my goodness we cover some topics too!!  I love my crafty Wednesday, thanks so much for coming Sue. xxx

Ladies I am thinking about changing when I announce the Challenge Theme, I was just thinking that If I changed the day I announce what the challenge is on the Friday instead of the Monday it would give everyone more time to make their cards.  So I would announce on Friday and you would have 7 full days to make your card rather than 5 1/2.  I just think that a lot of you craft on a Saturday/sunday,  so it might work better for you.  It's just an idea at the moment so if you don't like the idea please let me know, ( I won't mind either way).

I hope that you all have a lovely Thursday, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-both Cards you’ve made are stunning!! I love them both & I’m sure the girls did.

    I think announcing the challenge on a Friday is a brilliant idea-would we still send the photos to you on Saturday (not too late) so they can be shown on Sunday??

    I’m on a Management day today-I ha Eva meeting at 08:30-09:30 then I’m doing someone’s appraisal then I can catch up with emails & paperwork. I’ve booked tomorrow off work as this week has been particularly challenging.


  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very wet and windy start to the day here.
    Two lovely cards Sandra -and I know the girls will treasure them.

    Friday is fine for me for the weekly Challenge announcement.

    My task for today is to photograph my CC and get them sent off. Then I think I just might have a play day crafting.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in for a chat and a cuppa.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Morning everyone,

    Bet your girls were delighted with their eclipse cards Sandra. Both lovely.x

    I did comment yesterday but it seems to have disappeared. Gremlins again!

    Off to Slimming club this morning then a bit of shopping and must do some housework.

    Glad you had a good time with Sue yesterday Sandra.

    I think Friday is a good idea as it's an extra couple of days to make the cc.

    Hugs to all, with special ones for Pat and Pete.x

    Brenda so pleased your sister is doing well.x

    Love Valx

  4. Morning ladies.
    Two perfect cards for Lucy and Sophie.
    Any day for the cc is fine with me. Hoping to make some today.
    Sending many hugs and love to you all, Maria xx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sorry I messed your order up, should have checked with you. Lovely cards for Sophie & Lucy, suit them down to ground. Friday will suit me fine for announcing the challenge. Sorry Sue was late yesterday. xxx
    Brenda hope you found Anne recovering well, hope you can take it easy today, take
    Hugs to Pat & Pete & all who need them love

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Love both Sophie’s and Lucy’s cards. No wonder they loved them.
    Thanks for the hugs ladies.
    Once again I’m not me on blogger. Even doing Sue’s method no longer works.

  7. Hello Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA I LOVE BOTH Sophie & Lucy's birthday cards no wonder they loved them too.
    SANDRA Friday is fine with me for new challenge card.x
    I've been trying since September to get hold of the RA nurse regarding my methotrexate as I haven't been on them for well over a year. When I saw the head nurse in September she was shocked that I hadn't had a appointment before then. Then all the spill started saying they are very short staffed as the other head nurse left. Anyway I've been calling her for a appointment since last year always answer phone message. Well I rang her this morning & through me as she answered
    Said the doctor is not here this week & will Email her but if hadn't here'd to ring the secretary. So whatch this space.
    I have Diabetic clinic tomorrow not looking forward to that. Probably get shouted at.
    Terry is out cleaning the car out About time looks like a dump truck.
    Well I'm off in my craft room to do cc hopefully.
    Hug's on the way love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda. What a lovely bit of news you had yesterday about going on holiday with Harry etc. You will love every minute I’m sure. Hugs on their way for you and Terry xx

  8. Beautiful cards for Lucy and Sophie I love making Eclipse cards at the moment They’re easy to do with the added benefit of being able to personalise them
    Having a bit of a ‘mare day today I got the dentist but had an exceptionally low blood sugar So I decided to cancel the appointments and came straight home I was looking forward to a mooch around John Lewis etc
    Now feeling very drained and headache-y I wanted to craft but all I want to do is sleep which I can’t really do I’m case blood sugars plummet again Ho hum
    Craft club later So it’ll be nice to have a chat and sit and crochet with them
    Take care all
    MARIA I hope you got my message

    1. Hi Karen. I’m sorry you’re having a bad day. I hope your sugar levels sort themselves out quickly. Sending you hugs xx

    2. yes thank you , will message you back tomorrow xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Fingers crossed that this comment stays put. I haven’t had much luck this week at all.
    Sandra, I love both of the girls cards, you picked the perfect papers for them.
    I think your idea of setting the weekly challenge on a Friday is a great idea. For some reason I do more crafting at the weekend so it suits me down to the ground.
    But the really important thing is that by getting our cards earlier you won’t be spending so much of your weekend when you should be spending it with Paul now he only has the weekend off and I’m sure all of the ladies feel the same way. I know you love getting our challenge cards so that won’t change, just the day of the week. And maybe we should give you a list of items used ( unless like me the name of the die, stamp etc is unknown! If we sent our cards to you by Thursday evening ( it actually gives us an extra day this way too) you could get Sunday’s post done by the time Paul comes home on Friday. Hopefully this way everyone still gets to enjoy the challenge cards on a Sunday and you can write the post helping the week days pass a bit quicker for you. I must add that for the first time ever I have already sent this weeks challenge card to you via Messenger!!!! I wonder if I can make it the norm haha
    Brenda, it’s so good to hear of Anne’s continuing good recovery. I hope you found her well yesterday.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra I love the eclipse cards you made for Sophie and Lucy, in fact I love eclipse cards full stop, they are perfect for all ages male or female. I’m sure the girls will treasure their cards. xx
    My visit to my sister yesterday was lovely, I was worried I would tire her out, how wrong can you be, she had two other visitors in the afternoon they stayed about an hour, plus three other visitors (at different times) who just popped in they only stayed a short time. It’s lovely to see how many people care, also a physiotherapist came and took her for a walk. It’s amazing how they get you mobile so soon after major surgery.
    Sandra I often think your weekend must be taken over, when you should be with the family. Hands up I am guilty of being probably the last one to send my card to you....... that’s when I get around to making one. So any changes you make can only be for the better.
    Take care and sleep well everyone, Love Brenda xxx
