
Monday 4 February 2019

Monday Challenge

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I want to start off by wishing my two beautiful girls, Lucy and Sophie a Very Happy 19th Birthday, it frightens me that they are 19, those years have flown.

Wow what a busy weekend in our house, I spent pretty much the whole weekend in my craft room trying to catch up on projects that I have to do, just a few more and I should be caught up.
The house seemed very hectic this weekend but I think that is because the Wildlife Park was closed so the girls has no work.

Now todays challenge is something a little different, nothing complicated and I am pretty much 100% sure that you have all made cards that fit this Challenge before.

Challenge:  To make a card using One colour, you can use all the shades and tones of that colour too, you can of course use white / Black too.
The easiest way to explain it is to just ask you to look at the samples of cards that I have quickly put together above.  Each card just uses the shades and tones of one colour, its much easier than it sounds. Its the sort of thing that you have all done without thinking about it, once I started looking through the blog photos I could use loads of them to inspire you.
I know it's a little bit different and out of our comfort zone but it is supposed to challenge you! hehehe
If you need more inspiration just let me now, most importantly please enjoy the challenge.

Another day at my craft desk is on the cards for me, plus some backing with the girls, then we are going out for something to eat tonight at the girls favourite restaurant.

Have a lovely day, what ever you are doing,

Love and hugs to all



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-please wish Sophie & Lucy a very Happy Birthday.

    Today’s challenge is a great one plus we can use up scraps from our bits box!! I’m really looking forward to seeing what everyone creates.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Good Challenge this week. Looking forward to having a go.

    Happy Birthday wishes to Sophie and Lucy. Have a good day and a loving evening out.

    We had a good visit yesterday and Derbyshire was looking beautiful with all the field etc dressed in pure white. They (Derbyshire) seem to do a good job clearing all their roads too.

    It's Mr Tesco this morning as usual and then it's a 'wait and see' day for me.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all to pop in.
    Have a good day. Take care and stay safe. HUGS are on their way to you all.xxxx

  3. Morning Ladies,

    Happy Birthday Sophie & Lucy, may all your wishes come true.

    Such a lovely display of cards yesterday, all so lovely in their own way. well done one and all. My apologies for not commenting earlier.
    For some strange reason yesterday I clicked on Facebook first (I usually leave that til last) and my cousin Meg in Oz had created a group on messenger to pass on the sad news that my cousin Andrew had been diagnosed with cancer 5 months ago which did not respond to treatments and is now in a Hospice in Broken Hill. He is the son of my Aunty Brenda, my Dad's only sister who we lost last year, and Uncle George who died the same year as Pete. My sister and I used to stay with them in Birmingham and were sad when they emigrated to Oz too (the year after Nan & Granddad went). Andrew & Simon were only little tots when they left.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. I’m sending gentle hugs after hearing your sad news xx

  4. Happy Birthday Sophie and Lucy Enjoy your meal tonight
    A lovely challenge SANDRA I will definitely try and take part
    I have lots of appothis week - dentist, visiting a couple of care homes for MIL and “watching over her” too
    It is so sad to see her like this I’m just grateful that at least she still recognises us An impromptu visit from Oscar really cheered us up and the huge grin on her face as he got up to his antics was a picture
    I’m off to Aldi later to see what knitting yarn they have
    Take care one and all Thinking of you xxxx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafΓ©,
    Sandra please wish Sophie & Lucy a very happy birthday & hope you all enjoy the meal out. At least the roads are better now. Good challenge for this
    Cheryl sorry to hear your
    Janet pleased you had a good day
    Karen good luck in finding a home for MIL, thankless task, I don't envy
    Sending hugs to Pat & Pete & all who need them love

  6. Good morning everyone,
    Happy Birthday to your girls Sophie and Lucy, wish them a wonderful day !
    Like the cc for this week, hoping to make some up for Sunday.
    Sending extra hugs to all who need some today. Sorry to hear your news Cheryl, take care.
    Good luck with your appothis Karen , I read it right in first place Lol Where did you get the nice font from on your Drum card ?
    Off to Tesco in a minute to do the food shopping and when back hoping to have the mojo to make some cards.
    Warm hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Wishing Lucy and Sophie a very Happy Birthday. My word where do the years go to. I hope they have a lovely day and enjoy your meal tonight. I’m a robot again today.

  8. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Weather not very nice today cold dark & raining heavy so I'm having another PJ day & craft room too. Got my swap project to finish & have a go at CC. SANDRA a good challenge for this week.
    SANDRA Please wish SOPHIE & LUCY a very happy 19 th Birthday 🎁πŸ₯‚πŸΎπŸΈπŸŽ‚πŸΉπŸŽ‰ HUG'S them both.xx
    Hope they have a lovely day & you all enjoy your meal later.xx
    I'm off to craft room so wishing every one a good day & keep warm if you have lots of the white stuff . Hug's extra for Val Brender Lilian Pat & Pete.
    Love Lynda xx

  9. Hello All, what a change, beautiful warm sunshine today, and a lovely cluster of snowdrops just found in the garden.

    Happy Birthday to your beautiful girls, Sophie and Lucy, have a lovely time this evening.

    Just noticed that Creat and Craft have won a load of crafting awards again!!! How did that happen?

    Good challenge for this week, shame I didn’t keep my yellow one from last week. Have one or two ideas.

    My appointment has come through, for my fitting for my brace, not until the 5th of March, but at least it’s on the way.

    Cheryl sorry about your bad news, thinking of you.

    Hugs to all, Lilian

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra please wish Sophie and Lucy a very happy 19th birthday. I hope you all enjoy your meal this evening. XX
    Nice CC idea this week I will do my best to complete something for you. One thing for sure I will only have t decide on one colour, usually I’m dithering one what goes with what. Or my brain goes into overload, I get so many ‘good ideas’ I end up with nothing!!!
    Great news my sister is out of ICT and back on a normal ward, yesterday her nurse sat out in a chair for a while. I will be going up to Leicester on Wednesday to see her. I’m sure at this rate she will be back home in Loughborough before we know it.
    I’m off to do the robot thing �� wish me luck.
    Love Brenda xxx
