
Thursday 14 February 2019

Happy Birthday Val

Good Morning Ladies,

Firstly please join me in wishing our lovely Val a Very Happy Birthday, I hope that you feel up to doing something fun with Lynn & Paul, sending Huge Birthday Hugs Sweet friend xxxx

Today's cards are the last of Karen's 'Shades Of' Cards, the first is hilarious, such a brilliant idea for a funny card for men Karen, I love the quote you have picked too, this card was a request from Karen's daughter for a colleague. Although I will openly admit I was expecting something quite different when Karen titled it her ''Shades Of Grey'' card.!!

Karen's second card (3rd Challenge card) Is 'Shades Of Lilac'', this is the card that Karen made for her lovely Mother-In-Law, Karen said that she absolutely loved the card and I can see why, it's a lovely design, in lovely colours.  I love that Frame die that you have used Karen and your Sparkly Dragonflies add the perfect finishing touch.

Thank you Karen for 2 more amazing Challenge Cards xxx

I spent yesterday afternoon in my craft room, frustratingly my heart was playing up all through the night/early am so I got very little sleep, so yesterday morning was slow going for me, I pottered around doing a few bits with the girls but kept having to go lie down as I was exhausted.
The afternoon was spent making a Valentines card for Paul, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
I know it's all a bit gimmicky but I love any opportunity I have to tell that man how much I love and appreciate him, I say it all the time but days like this allow you to go overboard.

I don't think we will get to have any romantic meals for two though as Lucy is single, Sophie's boyfriend has gone to New York for work, so I think that means it will be a romantic meal for 4, which is nothing new!  They will ask for steak, I can guarantee it, I would prefer a take-away as it means no cooking or washing up!!  Actually an idea came into my head, maybe we could get the girls to cook for us!!  (the only downside would be a disastrous mess in the kitchen and we would still have to wash up)  We will have to this space!!

I hope that you are all having a better week, it hasn't been the best start to the week for a lot of you, I hope that things start to pick up and that the week ends better than it started.
I want to send HUGE hugs to those of you that are struggling and in pain xxxxx🤗

Sending L❤ve and hugs to you all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Val-Happy Birthday. I hope you have a wonderful day with family & friends.

    Karen-two brilliant cards.

    Early finish tonight for me as I have a GP appointment at 16:40 to chat about my recent health issues. Shopping will have to wait until tomorrow evening-it’s always really busy in our Tesco on a Friday evening!


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope you get answers from your Dr this evening.

  2. Morning Everyone
    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY VAL.Hoping you have a wonderful day whatever you have planned. Enjoy the sun.

    KAREN- two lovely cards. I love the sentiment on your 'shades of grey'.

    I have to get my CC off this morning and the it's hairdresser before lunch. We're off to our local Drama Group this evening so it's a busy day.

    The CAFE is all ready for Valentines with little red pots of hearts on the red checked tables. Afternoon Tea on the menu to celebrate.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with loads of extras for ALL DEAR FRIENDS IN NEED. Have a good day,take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Happy Birthday VAL I hope you’re feeling well enough to enjoy it

    Thank you for sharing my shades of cards My daughter sent me a couple of ideas from one of those well known sites So I was inspired by one of those
    The lilac one MIL did open and remarked on it In fact on the Saturday she said how she liked getting cards from me (she still has last year’s one on display)
    Big hugs to all who need one xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      How lovely that your MIL still had last years card on display.

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY VAL , have a nice day xxx

    Two more lovely cards from our Karen, Tfs them with us.

    Many hugs and love to you all, Maria xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & all ladies in café,
    Val firstly I would like to wish you a very Happy Birthday, hope the pain killers are doing the trick & you can get to enjoy your day however you spend it, hugs on
    Sandra I hope you had a better night & enjoy your meal whatever you have this
    Karen 2 superb cards as always from you, at least MIL got to see it, hugs on
    Maria hope you are feeling better, hugs on
    Michele good luck with Dr. this evening hope he has answers for
    Sue hope you had a lovely day with Chris jnr yesterday, love
    Sending hugs to all who need them particularly Pat & Pete & Lilian love

  6. Two beautiful cards KAREN
    Good sunny day again
    Many Happy birthday wishes Val hope your pain killers have started to kick in now so you can enjoy your day.
    KAREN Two lovely cards
    SANDRA YOU DID HAVE A BUSY DAY IN YOUR CRAFT ROOM enjoy you meal tonight weather you eat in or go out.
    MICHELE hope your Dr can sort out your health issues. X
    Well better get a move on Tesco is calling.
    HUG'S for everyone extra for Pat Pete Val Lillian Brenda & anyone who needs them
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Happy Birthday Val. I hope you have a fantastic day.
    Lovely cards Karen. Especially love the Shades of Gray card. But then I am biased aren’t I.
    A novel thought Sandra why don’t the girls cook and wash up. But I know that’s not your style.
    I’m assuming you never got back to the Drs re medication for your AF as you said you weren’t going to after reading the after effects it can have. Mind you if you read what Pete’s medication could do to him he wouldn’t be here now as most of it could have killed him. But it didn’t.
    I think I remember you saying you were going to get an appointment with your new Dr. I don’t remember you saying that happened.
    Gentle hugs to all that need one today.

  8. Hi everyone.
    Thank you so much for your birthday wishes and for all the hand made cards you sent. They'll all beautiful and in pride of place on my sideboard.

    Today's the first day I've been out of Bedford 3 days. This chest infection and flu symptoms have really got to me. I feel as weak as a kitten. My back feels fine. These tablets make me feel like a zombie but they take the pain away. All today's plans have been cancelled but instead my lovely daughter is making a nice meal for us for later and she's made my favourite desert - sherry trifle.yum

    Love your cards Karen. How lovely that your mil enjoyed it so much.x

    Hugs to all.
    Love Valxxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY VAL I hope you enjoy your special day, sorry to read you’ve been stuck in Bedford for three days, it sounds like that chest infection really knocked you out, I hope it doesn’t stop you enjoying your birthday. I also love sherry trifle haven’t had it for ages, my lot don’t like it, mores the pity. So if I made it I would have to eat it all myself ! (I promise you that wouldn’t be difficult either)
    KAREN two lovely cards. The shades of Grey is a brilliant idea.xx the one for MIL is gorgeous, treasure the memory of her enjoying your special cards. xx
    Hope you have a lovely meal this evening Sandra, one of these days your girls will surprise you and prove they know what the kitchen sink is for !!! I DID NOT SAY WHEN !!!
    My dear sister is still in hospital she was put back on Oxygen again yesterday as she was having breathing difficulties. Last night she was saying what a great life she had had, thanking everyone for caring, in fact she sounded somewhat tipsy. I rang her this morning at 9am she was up showed and dressed and waiting for a porter to take her to the hospital hairdresser and was as bright as can be, I will ring her again later to see what sort of a day she has had.
    We have had lovely sunshine today, what a difference it makes to everything when it is bright and sunny. xx
    Take care everyone, love and hugs, Brenda xxx
