
Friday 15 February 2019

Your Next Challenge .......

Good Morning Ladies,

Here we are at the end of another week, this one flew by too, mind you I have had quite a few things on that 'needed' to be finishes by a certain time so I have been crafting a lot more than usual, so could be the reason that the week has gone quicker. It usually helps seeing Sue in the middle of the week as it gives me something to look forward to and breaks the week up nicely.  You would think that I would have overcome me hatred of being on my own but that is one hurdle I can't manage. I know that some people absolutely love time to themselves, I think it's different if you can choose to have to rather than it being forced upon you.

Challenge For Next week:

I have gone for a something completely different Our Next Challenge:

I would like you to make a card/cards or anything you like really BUT  I would like you to have a rummage around your Craft Room and find something that you bought intending to use on a project but haven't got around to using OR something you haven't picked up in the last year.

I think it is something we have all been guilty of at some point, we see something on TV or at a show, love the idea of it but when we get it home we either forget what the project is or find it wasn't quite as easy as the demonstrator made it look!!

So basically just find something that you haven't used or haven't used for a while and have a play, I have started doing just that I am totally enjoying rummaging through the things that I have bought at Ally Pally etc with every good intention, opened it, had a go and then popped lid back on and put it away.  I could make a huge list right now, don't worry I won't bore you!  Lilian has been doing exactly this recently with using her Stamperia papers, we buy, we stroke, we hoard!!

My card was made using a full set of Distress Inks that I bought from Joanna Sheen after seeing Jennifer Maguire create something, I opened one or two and had a go at blending but nothing much else, so I put them out on my desk so that I would get sick of working around them but was determined not to put them away without using them.
I also bought the latest edition of Creative Stamper Magazine (issue 67) which has a fantastic set of stamps and talks you through making a background step by step using Distress Oxide inks, so it was perfect for me.
I followed it and made the background for this card. The rest of the card is my own design, I used a Spellbinder Edge die that I also haven't used for a while and a new die set that I bought from Christine at Hope & Chances, it has the 'Friend' die and Background and some stamp sentiments to g with the die, fantastic price too (as always from Christine)x
I finished the card with some ribbon and punched flower.

I am looking forward to seeing what you all haven't used for a while.

Have a lovely weekend, I hope that those of you that are feeling under the weather have started to feel a little brighter.

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a really pretty Card, it’s lovely.. Now this challenge is going to be extremely difficult for me....because I have SO much to choose from.
    Seriously-it’s s fantastic challenge.

    GP confirmed that all tests were clear (tested for Bowel & Ovarian cancer) so she feels that my tummy troubles could well be due to worry/stress so we discussed some options. I feel extremely relieved so now we just need an answer on hubby’s potential redundancy and I can stop worrying.

    I’m very glad it’s Friday even if I do have to do battle round Tesco tonight!


    1. Wonderful news Michele. Now have a nice weekend relaxing and forget about work for a couple of days at least. Hugs xx

    2. Wonderful news Michele. I hope hubbys job news gets sorted soon. You don’t need that worry as well.

    3. Very good news, hope things go better from now on.

  2. Morning Everyone
    An interesting Challenge for this week. I cleared out one cubby hole a couple of weeks ago and took a load of stuff to my last K&N and gave stuff away.
    Now I'm wishing I'd waited a few weeks. Oh well here comes another clear out lol.

    MICHELE- So pleased that you have got the 'all clear'. Now you can relax a little.

    I really cannot believe that it's that 'swear' word day again but it is so off I go to clean.
    I'm hoping to get a box finished in time to send off a picture for tomorrow too.

    The CAFE is OPEN -- usual hours.
    Take care and stay safe. HUGS are winging their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Hope you all right Janet ? yes, the weeks goes way to quickly. The sun is shining on our glass tv stand so guess what I'll be doing soon Lol Take care xx

  3. This is a brilliant challenge I’ m like MICHELE I have lots of old stuff that I haven’t used in a while AND some new stuff that I haven’t touched too
    I am so pleased your tests were clear MICHELE

    I hope the sciatica is easing VAL and how’s your sister doing. BRENDA
    Are the meds helping LYNDA
    Brain now gone to mush so hugs all around especially to those that need them xxxx

  4. I’m just awaiting a report to finish running
    I forgot to say I’ve ordered the magazine from in2craft as I need help with using DO - something I have bought and not really used

    1. Have a calm weekend if you can and maybe some lovely hugs from little man will help. I send you a big one, catch !! xx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely card today & a good challenge, I certainly have plenty I have never used. Have a good
    Michele so pleased your tests are clear, hope Phil hears about his job soon, nothing worse than having that hanging over
    Val I hope you enjoyed your meal, Sue & I love sherry trifle, I am glad you feel pain free at last, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Have a nice weekend Margaret. Many hugs for you and Pop xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a retry card, I love the gorgeous background you have made and I think this weeks challenge is a great one. Will have to hunt through my stash and decide which thing I am going to try again. I think you hit the nail square on the head when you said that we all have “tried once then put away” things. I am really looking forward to seeing what everyone uses. I hope your AF has calmed down a bit now my lovely xx
    The last few days have been busy. We had a lovely time with Chris jnr on his birthday. He didn’t like us singing Happy Birthday to him and cried for us to stop but was very proud when his Daddy gave him the knife and told him he was old enough to cut up his dinasour birthday cake though lol xx
    Val, I’m so sorry I didn’t send you birthday wishes yesterday. I hope your body soon starts to adapt to the new pain meds so you don’t feel so drugged, it is a horrid feeling isn’t it. X
    Michele, glad to hear your tests were negative. I hope Phil gets good news re his job soon x
    Brenda, it’s good to hear that Anne was feeling much better yesterday morning. May she continue to feel that way x
    Lynda, sorry you haven’t been feeling too good. Hugs are on the ways to you both. xx
    Lilian, I hope you are feeling better today x
    Karen, sending hugs dear friend x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hope you feeling better Sue and will have a good weekend. Don't think I will be able to go to Farnborough (is that right ?)it is a bit far and I want to save for Ally Pally. Do you know what day you all are going on this April ? hugs xx

  7. Hello Sandra & everyone
    SANDRA beautiful card love your background so pretty. Good challenge for this week I could probably make hundreds. Is that too many 😂😂🤣🤣.
    MICHELE so pleased for you that all the tests came back negative now you can breath a sigh of relief. Now I hope Phil gets good news about his job.
    KAREN thank you but I haven't got new med's yet still waiting for RA nurse to ring me back. I have to make appointment for doctors to see if she could send me some where about diabetic neuropathy in feet & legs. Which is so painful.
    BRENDA I'm glad Anne is feeling much better hope she continues to do so xx
    LILIAN hope feeling better today sending Hug's
    VAL hope you managed to enjoy your birthday yesterday sending Hug's xx
    I have two birthday cards to make one for Sam & one for Margaret who will be 80 they are both on the 10th March so two special ones.
    Well have to go Tesco as CU didn't want to go yesterday he went to get ready at 12.15pm & he's still not down yet 😱😡.
    Hug's all round extra for Pat & Pete Lilian Karen & anyone who need extra.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Lynda, I wish your pain away. Oh if it only was that easy. Hope the doctors can help you asap. Take care.
      many hugs for you and CU xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Pretty card and background. I also have some thing that never seen the light of day so a very good Challenge. Hope to send a cc to you later and yes thank you I got your message so hopefully it will go to the right place.
    Hope your AF feels a bit better ? OH has had some horrible nights with dreams and restless sleep and I do believe it is because of the AF. If you have some nights where you are awake , you can always check in to see if I'm around for a chat when you are on your own, that goes for all of you !
    I'm glad this week is nearly over for it has not been a very good one but have managed to go into town for a few hours this morning so more like a person today. We are going away for 2 nights tomorrow but I will be in tomorrow morning sometime hopefully to see what's on show and tell.
    Val- I hope you enjoyed the sherry trifle Mmmmm and felt a lot better on your special day. Warm hugs winging it's way for you.
    Brenda- sorry your sister had to stay on ,wishing her better and hugs for you all.
    Lilian- hope the brace is helping and you not in too much pain, gentle hugs.
    Pat- take care and many hugs for you and Pete.
    Cheryl- have a nice weekend as possible. Love to see what else you making for the fete', any cup candle making this time ? hugs
    Speaking on facetime with my new sister in an hour so best have some lunch first, at least she not just talking about her dogs like the other one Lol
    Warm hugs also to anyone looking in to the cafe and have a nice weekend. Love to get to know some of you more , you all welcome.
    Love and hugs ,Xoxx

    1. Do not get my brace until 5th March, have high hopes that it will help.

  9. Hello All, cloudy day here, quite chilly.

    Sorry missed yesterday, Val hope you had a lovely birthday.

    Sandra great challenge for next week, have a stamp set that I’ve had for ages, although they were on Hochanda last week , saying they were brand new, so I’ll try and do something with those, not managed this weeks, loads in the bin, hands so stiff and sore, so not sure I’ll get one done on time, sorry.

    Have a lovely evening , hugs Lilian.

    1. A first I'm out early for something, hopefully when you got it it will help. Ask your doctor for some wax treatment, I got it for a little while and it was real nice for the hands. hugs x

  10. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today. I have loads of stuff that I haven’t used in a good while. Wish I had a knit and natter group I could offload lots of Dies and stamps. Never mind all the card I have that I won’t use.
    Wow, after having to prove I wasn’t a robot this morning. I’m back as me. Yippee.
