
Wednesday 13 February 2019

Different ways to Use a Banner/Bunting Die

Good Morning Ladies,

Danielle and I were both approached through our new Facebook Group by a chap that has designed his first die and had it manufactured, he was looking for Crafters to use the die and give feedback and provide him with some samples to share on his Website.
I will share Danielle's projects on Saturday when I will share my other project too.

This particular piece was to show that the Banner Die can be used for more than just a Banner, I used the die to make a card, I simple took a piece of card and scored it, folded it in half and ran it through the Gemini with top cutting edge of the die just above the scored edge of the card, so that it doesn't cut through.  I used the die to cut a piece of pretty 'Crafters Companion Shabby Chic' Paper, ( I am so disappointed that CC don't make this paper any longer, I had a book of it that came with a magazine and I love it, but this is about the last of it)☹
I adhered the paper to the card base and then started to embellish, the first thing I did was to ink around the edges with a little 'Crumb Cake' ink, just to soften them.  Next came the lace and pearls and a doily, which I added to the side of the card, this was my place for arranging a little spray of flowers, I went with pinks to compliment the paper. I die cut two little tags out of the same paper pad, inking the edges, adding the same lace and pearls, I stamped 'For You' onto a tiny heart and added that to the tag.
I tied a tulle bow through the holes in the top of the Bunting die and tied into a bow, I used the same tulle through the tag.
A very girly card, showing that a Banner/Bunting die can be used for many other things.

I bought myself some Pixie Powders to have another go at using them, I did book a class for Sue and I for her 50th birthday but if we were both honest we didn't get great results, we followed all guidelines and instructions but we just ended up with a muddy mess, so when I told Sue that I had bought some Pixie Powders she was a bit apprehensive.  Sadly we aren't meeting up this week as Sue is spending the day with little Christopher as it is his birthday, I cannot believe that he is 4 already, it barely seems a year since we were announcing his arrival.
I hope that you all have a lovely day Sue, give little Christopher a hug from us. xxxx

Well ladies, I will be getting messy today in my craft room, what are you all up to??

Whatever it is I hope you have a lovely day,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your Card is beautiful, so much detail on it.
    I’ve just tried the link though & it doesn’t seem to work.

    Lovely evening yesterday-only home for 10pm so feeling tired this morning as I didn’t sleep well (again). Hopefully I can have a relaxing evening in my craft room tonight.


    1. Hi Michele, I just tried it and it worked ok, if you still have problem I will send you link on Messenger xx

  2. A very pretty card SANDRA Sometimes it’s good to do a different style of card Mine are always bog standard square or rectangle (apart from that beautiful secret message thingy one you showed us SANDRA)
    Thank you for all of your kind messages yesterday It really does help to know that we can all come on here and know we have support (thank you SANDRA for last night)
    I hope to do cc tonight as OH is going out He needs the break
    Take care all xx

  3. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Sandra I love your card it's so pretty. Love how you transformed a bunting Die Into somthing so beautiful.
    SUE your card yesterday was lovely
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday but didn't feel 100%.
    KAREN I did leave you a comment under your post yesterday sending Hug's.
    VAL sorry your X-rays showed up Arthritis of the spine no wonder you are in so much pain. Take care & hope the pain killers kick in soon. Sending Hug's.
    BRENDER hope your shoulder is less painful today sending you some Hug's .
    We have some sun this morning but very cold. I'm round Margaret's later this morning as she has to move out tomorrow for the two weeks shut down she is going to stay with her friend in Maidstone.she comes back om1st March.
    That's one of the downfalls of living in a Mobil home.
    Anyway hope you all have a good day. I am going to ge ready now.will pop in later.
    Hug's for everyone & extra for Pat & Pete Val Brender Karen Maria Liliiian.
    Love Lynda xx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely card today I have had a look at the website, looks interesting. I cannot believe Chris is 4 today, sorry you will not see Sue
    I have funeral to go to this afternoon & Mark is calling in to sleep tonight before he goes to Battle for work tomorrow, he certainly gets around. Must get a casserole on cooking so will send hugs in particular to Karen, Val sorry about you arthritis in your spine, hope the meds settle down soon, Brenda, Pat & Pete &

  5. Hello All, late again seems as blogger only works late these days.

    Sandra lovely card, so Victorian looking, had a look at the web site, hope they succeed,.

    Have done next to nothing again today, apart from normal household chores.
    Goodnight all, Lilies
