
Tuesday 12 February 2019

Sue's 2nd card for 'Shades Of' Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Sue had messaged me this card via messenger and sadly I hadn't received it but knowing Sue she had probably sent it to somebody else!! tehehehe🤣🤣🤣🤣
Luckily Sue had emailed it to me and I received it later on Sunday, I always promise to share any cards that you go to the trouble of making for the challenge, so here is Sue's amazing Christmas card, using 'Shades of Blue',  now you see I wasn't going mad, Sue had been die cutting blue snowflakes all afternoon last week, (which confused me when she shared a red challenge card, if you missed the comment on Sunday)!!

Sue has made a Navy Card base and then die cut about 18 of those Snowflakes to create a 'Wreath' effect, the sentiment is also cut in blue and the card is then finished with a pretty blue bow.
A lovely design Sue and a card that works perfectly for a one colour challenge.
Thank you so much for taking part. xxx

Now when you all saw that challenge last week I bet a few of you thought it was going to be super tricky, well you have all shown that it was barely a 'Challenge' at all.!

Here is this weeks challenge again in case some of you needed another look,  I tend to have to check it every time I sit down to make a card.  Luckily this is a challenge with plenty of every day categories that make actually making the challenge card easier.  
By that I mean I made the card I featured yesterday for Ben and I was just luck that it fitted perfectly with the top line of this challenge.  
I can't wait to see all of your cards too. xx

Brenda I hope you soon get the results, your shoulder sounds incredibly painful, my you I hate both blood tests and scans, but they have been a major part of my life unfortunately, you'd think that we would get used to them, no such luck though xxx

Cheryl I was so sorry to read about your sad news, lots of love and hugs on the way, it was so lovely to read your memories though, I hope you have lots of photos too. xxx

Maria, I hope your job isn't too traumatic for you and Rick today, just tackle little bits at a time so that you don't become overwhelmed.  By the way, I have emailed you, I hope you got it ok, I sent it Sunday xxx

Janet, did you get much crafting done??  I hope you had a lovely afternoon crafting xxx

Another day at the craft desk for me, I have a few projects on the go at the moment, so plenty to keep me busy.

I hope you all have a lovely day today,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sue-what a fantastic challenge card, I love it!!!

    Today looks like it’s going to be a busy one and I’m expected to attend a meeting 3-5pm.

    Off out tonight with hubby-we’re meeting up with our ex neighbours for a meal. We should have gone out with them before Christmas but they postponed it.


  2. Morning Everyone
    SUE- what a beautiful and classy card. Love the simplicity of it but I bet it took hours to make.

    I had a good play yesterday and managed to get a CC done.

    It's K&N this afternoon so I'm looking forward to that.

    The CAFE is OPEN for you all to pop in for a cuppa and a chat.

    HUGS are on their way to you all.
    BRENDA-extra gentle HUGS for you today.
    BRENDA- Gentle HUGS on their way to you hoping they help.
    Take care and stay safe.xxxx

    1. Hope you had a nice afternoon. What did you make today ? hugs xx

  3. Lovely card SUE
    Did you get my shades of ....grey SANDRA
    I was sorry to read your sad news CHERYL
    Sorry but some more sad news my MIL passed away in the early hours of this morning
    Speak later xxx

    1. Oh Karen what sad news, am so sorry hugs to you & OH, thinking of you

    2. Oh Karen
      I’m so sorry for your loss. Must have been a shock.

    3. Karen I was so very sorry to hear you sad news. My thoughts are with you, OH and family. Love Valx

    4. Oh Karen, I’m so sorry to hear your sad news. Thinking of you and your family at this very sad time Love Brenda xxx

    5. Oh Karen, I’m so sorry to hear that your MIL has passed away. I am thinking of you and the family and sending you very gentle hugs. May your MIL rest in peace xx

    6. Karen-so very sorry to hear your sad news.


    7. Karen my thoughts are with you and the family.

    8. So so sorry Karen to hear your sad news. Our thoughts are with you all xx

    9. Karen so sorry to read your MIL had passed away. My thoughts are with you & your family. Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra thank you for showing Sue's cc it is beautiful well done Sue, love
    I am hoping to go to Petanque & join them for coffee, have not seen them for ages.
    Brenda your shoulder sounds very painful hope you do not have to wait too long for scan, gentle hugs coming to
    Sending hugs to Val, Karen, Pat & Pete & all who need them love

  5. Hi everyone,
    Very pretty card Sue. Love the colours.x

    I saw my gp yesterday and he gave me antibiotics for my chest infection and cough syrup. The results of my x-ray show I have arthritis in my spine and pelvic bones. He's given me a strong pain killer and a cream like Volterol to rub in. The pain killer really knocked me out. I went to bed at 9 last night and woke up at 10 this morning.

    Brenda hope your scan date comes through quickly so you can have some treatment.x

    Lynn just made some soup for lunch and I must admit I'm thinking of going back to bed. Sorry Sandra, cc not done again!

    Lots of love to all. Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I do hope that the strong pain killers help once you’ve got used to them. Might just take a few days until you do and hopefully you won’t feel so wiped out. A bit dull here today but still very cold.

    2. Hello Val, It’s no wonder you have been in such pain, with arthritis in your spine and pelvic bone you must be in agony. I hope your pain relief settles down soon and you are able to live as normal a life as possible.
      Special gentle hugs coming your way. Brenda xxx

    3. Hi Val. I’m sorry the scan showed arthritis but hopefully after a few days the pain meds won’t wipe you out so much and will give you some pain relief. Take care xx

    4. Gentle hugs are sent your way Val, wow what pain meds are they. You take care xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely card from Sue, the wreath on the navy background is gorgeous. So pleased your card has had its own special day. xx
    Thank you everyone for your caring thoughts, I have been ‘putting up’ with this painful shoulder for so long because the doctor was reluctant to give me the injection which could help. It was John who pushed me into going back to see the doctor and find out if there were any other treatments I could have, so at least things are at last starting to get moving.
    Hopefully my sister will be discharged from hospital tomorrow (she rang to say she will be) I spoke to her nurse who said it depends if they can get rid of the fluid on her chest also her BP is not consistent. Either way it looks as though she will be going home soon.
    Sending love and hugs to Pat and Pete. You are in my thoughts and prayers.xx
    It has been a lovely bright day her, although a little cold. I hope it’s been good where you are. Love Brenda XXX

  7. Hi Brenda. I hope you get your shoulder sorted soon. New meds and treatments are always coming along these days so fingers crossed you will be able to get some relief from the pain. Anne sounds like she is doing very well, at least the hospital isn’t trying to get her home before she should as sometimes happens these days xx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Thank you for showing my other colour challenge card. I thought I would be clever and send it via messenger to you!!! You know me far too well. think I get worse with technology not better!! 😂😂
    Thank you ladies for your kind comments. It is a very easy card to make once you have cut out the snowflakes. I did spend a while deciding whether to put the bow at the top or bottom. Looking at what others do didn’t help as it seems to be a fifty fifty split! I can’t remember who said it but it’s a good idea to have a pile of precursor card and the die ready to run through the machine every time we use it throughout the year so that you have a good stock ready when you need them as it did take quite a while to cut the snowflakes. I will be doing this as I actually like this card and will probably make more this year.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Karen, Cheryl and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Love your card Sue ! You can make me one for xmas if you like ( yes, I'm cheeky hihi) sure we all don't mind to get one, Hugs xx

  9. Hello All, cold and damp here today.

    Brenda and Val do hope you will get some relief soon.

    Sue lovely card, might use that design, if ok might spur me on to do some more cards.

    Been a bit off par today, shortness of breath makes doing anything a real struggle, hoping to see new GP next week, apparently they have had more instruction from cardiologist, we will see.
    Hope you have all had a good day, see you tomorrow, hugs Lilian

  10. Hi ladies,
    lovely card from Sue. Good start on the xmas cards. I have made 6 so far :>)
    Michele, have a nice meal out tonight. Hope the meeting was not too long.
    Margaret, hope you got to meet up with your Petanque friends.You will soon be playing again.
    Cheryl, Pat, Brenda, Karen and Lilian- wish I could give you a real hug but as that not the possible I send you all some through the ether. Take care all.
    Spent 5 hours today going through papers and photos that need sorting another day at home,will have to go back one day to decide what to do with ornaments, furniture's etc. Very tiring day so we stopped for dinner at Harvester before being back at 8.30 and slumped on the sofa going through e-mails and now here wishing you all a good night. Love Maria xxx
