
Friday 1 February 2019

Flutterby Friday

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Have any of you got Snow, it has been forecast so many days this week I have stopped getting up, all excited to peek out of the curtains and see no more than a hard frost, I think part of it is the excitement of Paul having a 'snow day' , the roads around us are far to minor to be gritted, but Paul is very conscientious, so it would have to be completely impassable for him to not go in, however I do always say ''well make sure you can get back'' other wise I would have had to do a rescue mission on my 'Scooter''  🤣🤣🤣
Can you picture it??? Snow piled up on the sides of the road, Paul stranded and frustrated that he couldn't get home, then out of the blizzard I appear on my scooter coming to the rescue!!!😂😂😂

Yay, Snow Day!!!

Anyway on to today's card, I am in a 'flourishing' phase at the moment, I have had the set of flourishes I used today for years but have never used them, they are by Inkadinkado, this set is called 'Dot Flourishes' I like the fact that it kind of leaves places for you to add pearls or sparkles....

So I cut a card base to 4 1/4 X 5 1/2 in white card and then cut a mat of Balmy Blue, I stamped one of the flourishes in versamark (clear) ink and added some white embossing powder and heat set (I always use an anti static bag when used coloured E powder).  I heat set it and added a few different sized gemstones.  Next I die cut my butterfly, I cut two one in Whisper White, the other in Balmy Blue and glued them together, I decided on the position I wanted to use and glued the butterfly in place, making sure I folded the top wings so they popped up a little from the bottom.  
To finish the card I added some gemstones down the back of the Butterfly and then die cut my sentiment.  I then decided that the card looked a little bare so I randomly stamped some tiny butterflies around the card.
I hope you like it. xx

I received the most amazing 'Happy Mail' yesterday, after I did the Pocket Letter Swap with Danielle a lovely lady called Kay (kayzeekins cross) on youTube and Facebook contacted me and asked me if I would like to do a swap with her, so of course I agreed.  Well her swap arrived yesterday and OMG it is so beautiful, there are so many lovely things that I cannot wait to share with you tomorrow, I will be doing a YouTube video on it as well.  Receiving something like that really does brighten your day.
So thank you Kay if you look in xxx

I will be busy in my craft room again today, what are you all up to?? 

Sending Warm Snuggly Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely card, it’s really pretty. You did make me giggle at the thoughts of you setting off on a rescue mission on your scooter!

    We seem to have had a light frost overnight so it will be nice not having to wait over 20 minutes fir the car to defrost!
    All I can say is thank goodness it’s Friday!


  2. Morning Everyone
    Well we have yet another thing coating of snow this morning and it's still as bitter as it was yesterday.

    I love your card today SANDRA and of course blue being one of my favourite colours is always a good start.

    BRENDA- I have everything crossed that all goes well today for you and your Sister. HUGS a plenty on their way to you.

    VAL-how are you? I'm thinking of you everyday. Extra HUGS for you today too.

    PAT-I hope you can manage to escape for a little while again soon. HUGS for your and PETE.

    Well it's that awful day where I get to swear lol so I'd better get a wriggle on and get the work done not as though I feel like doing it thought but needs must.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so pop in if you can for a cuppa and a chat. HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Morning ladies,

    We have snow in Somerset! Yay! Everything looks so magical and bright...all it needs is a huge dumping of fairy dust on top and I would be a very, very happy bunny.

    A perfect day to spend in my craft room, I'm not swearing today Janet, I am playing haha. My mojo was not in place yesterday after all so I didn't get much done apart from filling some clear boxes with children's craft items for the first of my Fetes this year. My theme this year will be Santa's Secret Summer. I hit the sales in the Range, The Works & Wilko's just after the new year and have quite an extensive range of goodies to fill the boxes.

    It started snowing late yesterday afternoon when I had already shut the blinds and curtains so by the time my daughter rang to ask if I was OK about 7.30pm and 'did I have milk and bread?'(already in the freezer 'just in case'), we had roughly 2 -3 ins. It looks like we may have some more as the skies are white and there is a light scattering of smaller snowflakes though they might be blowing off the trees and shrubs.

    I would like it gone by 14th Feb as the Craft4Crafters show is at Westpoint Exeter from then til 16th Feb which is the day Doreen, Lynda and myself are going. Let's play wait and see.

    My basket of comfort blanket Hugs is full to the brim just help your self to one or two, maybe even more.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. A really beautiful card SANDRA That large butterfly die is gorgeous and those swirl stamps look really lovely and it’s in my favourite colour But I do have a little niggle and it’s only tiny and probably it’s just me but I don’t like to see butterflies fluttering downwards (sorry)
    I can see on the news that Wiltshire has been hit hard Take care I’m glad you haven’t had to rescue Paul on your scooter
    We have snow and so I’m going to work from home OH can take me but I’d have to walk home lugging a heavy laptop etc and at my age if I fall I know I won’t “bounce”
    Take care all Stay warm Thinking of you BRENDA I hope the op goes well xxx

  5. Hi everyone,

    Such a pretty butterfly card Sandra n my favourite colour and I must admit I don't mind butterflies facing down Karen.

    Thank you so much ladies for all your comments and sympathy for Harvey. I know he was only a little cat but he'd been part of my family for 13 years and I miss him.

    It's been one of those weeks that I'm glad is over. On Wednesday my friends daughter phoned to tell me that my lovely friend of 45 years had died suddenly. I was only speaking to her last week arranging to meet up next month when I'm in the UK. So sad.

    To top it all I went to the doctors yesterday as my sciatica is still so bar. Anyway there was a locum on who was horrified that I've not had a back x-ray and has arranged one for next week. He said he doesn't think it's sciatica. Me being me I looked back problems up on Google and have frightened the life out of myself.ha ha.

    Brenda so hope your sisters op goes ok today. Thinking of you. X

    Pat. Sending hugs to you and Pete's

    Keep safe everyone if your area is snowy or icy
    Hugs to all.
    Love Valx

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Wow what happened to January it seemed to have gone in a flash.
    SANDRA your card is gorgeous with both my favourite colour's & of course BUTTERFLIES !! On it.
    We haven't got snow but plenty of rain & it's freezing. Think I might have a P. J day.
    I must sort out my craft bags from Margaret today as all in front room. A lot of it is card two are new packs of Sheena's Stamping card.& lots more white & coloured card So that will keep me out of Mischief haha. Think I might have to get another trolley.
    VAL sorry to hear about your friend passing away.your in my thoughts & prayers dear friend xx
    BRENDA Hope your sisters operation goes well thinking of you xx
    Sending Hug's for everyone extra for Val Pat & Pete plenty of extra ones if needed
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Wow I’m me again on blogger.
    Another lovely card today Sandra. Love the colour.
    We’ve had 12cm according to the weather forecast. Well that was in Brize which is just down the road from us. We’ve had thick snow falling all morning.
    Pete somehow fell over in the sitting room last night. I’d told him it was snowing when I went into the kitchen to warm his hottie up before going to bed. He’d got out of his seat and looked out of the front window then decide to come through to see it out of the dining room patio doors. I heard a crash and went in to find him somehow wedged between the sofa and a pouffee. I managed to help him onto his knees and to then help him get up. He seems ok anyway.
    Pete was unite surprised that I wasn’t going to drive up to see Doreen this afternoon in all that snow. No schools are open by us, but Craig went into his school at Watchfield.

    1. Hi Pat I hope Pete is ok after his fall & not to battered & bruised.sending genital Hug's for you both xx

  8. Meant to say gentle hugs tothose who need them today and stay safe all those that need to go out.

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Gorgeous card Sandra, love the swirly stamps and I who thought you punched the little ones out. Not sure about butterflies going up side down either hihihi
    We have plenty of snow here where I live and so pretty with the white looking out the windows this morning. Really hope that Pete is all right? lucky you managed to get him up Pat. Take care both and hugs coming flying for you.
    Brenda- hope your sister gets her op today and everything goes well. Take care, many hugs.
    Val- so sorry to hear your sad news. You not having a good week are you. Sending you love and hugs. Never any good to look up things on Google sometimes, you make yourself more ill then you need too but good you now will get an x-ray sorted, perhaps you should ask for a scan too ?
    We went out this morning for breakfast and to read the daily papers at Waitrose. It was ok for us as we have winter tyres on the car but it was pretty icy around our cul-de-sac until you get out on the main roads so if you need to do a rescue trip and pick Paul up Sandra do make sure you got some proper wheels, some blankets and a flask with something hot and warming . Do you go with a red cape too ? tihihihi
    Going to put the heating on and have a mug of tea before doing anything else, having problem to start a card for cc and a x-mas card a week (2 weeks behind already,yelp!)
    Take care all whatever you are doing and warm hugs a plenty to everyone. Maria xxx

  10. Me again, the snow has almost melted away, not happy bunny now....I love seeing the fields and housetops covered with the white fluffy stuff. The schools in our area put out notices that they would be closed today as soon as they saw the first snowflakes. Snowflakes. Like me, I expect most of you can remember trudging to school through the snow, rain and hail in our younger days yet these later generations seem to baulk at a couple of inches of light snow compared to the winters we had,
    we must be from hardier stock.

    Thinking of you today Brenda, I hope all goes Ok for your sister's op.

    Extra fluffy hugs for Pete and you Pat, it's hard when someone falls over.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Thank you for the hugs Cheryl.
      Yes I think we were made of hardier stuff. Everything now grinds to a halt at the first signs of snow.
      Mind you Craig ( Pete’s son ) went into school today in the primary school in Watchfield. All the schools in Faringdon were closed where he lives. His school can teach children from 49 different countries for any amount of months through the year. They all must have loved the snow.

  11. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra another lovely card today in my favourite colour. I think you have your wish for snow, we have about 5ins & still snowing, I will be staying indoors.
    May have a go at another cc
    Brenda hope your sister is having her op today, hugs & prayers to you
    Pat glad Pete is ok after his fall, does shake you up though, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all, keep warm & safe love

  12. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a beautiful card Sandra, I love this shade of blue also love those swirls.xx
    Well my sister did have her operation this morning and by early afternoon she was in AICU she will be in there for at least a couple of days depending on how things go. I have spoken to her appointed nurse who said there were no causes for concern, they are giving her fluids as she was dehydrated Which I think is probably normal because she had been nil by mouth. Also some bleeding but I also think that is normal. Especially when you think of all the blood thinning drugs given before such an operation. Anyway I can only hope and pray she has the strength to get through the next few days. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and best wishes.
    PAT I hope Pete is alright after his fall, what a shock that must’ve been for you. XX
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I’m glad to hear that your sister has had her op. Just a few days wait now until she’s hopefully on a ward.
      Yes, Pete seems to be ok after his fall. I told him he ought to use his stick indoors. He said yes I ought to, but still hasn’t.

    2. Hi Brenda
      Glad your sister had her operation. She should start to feel better in a few days but good she is being looked after & hopfully on a ward soon
      Are you staying in her house till she gets home.
      Sending Hugs for you both. Xx
