
Thursday 31 January 2019

Another Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Another Challenge card from me today this one was made with the same stamp set as I used on the Yellow card yesterday, although it looks quite different.  I chose the colours Gorgeous Grape and Highland Heather, it is actually the first time that I have stamped with this ink properly and I love it.

I made a card base out of Highland Heather card and added a matt of Gorgeous Grape and then stamped the middle sized flourish from the Flowering Flourishes Stamp set randomly all over a piece of Whisper White card, which I then divided into three equal strips and set them down with a slight gap. 
I stamped my sentiment in Gorgeous Grape ink onto Whisper white card and die cut with a Layering Oval die, I cut a scalloped mat out of the same colour card.
To finish my card I added a piece of Gorgeous Grape striped ribbon and ties a knot, I topped that with a Petite Petals flower that I stamped in Gorgeous Grape onto Highland Heather card, punched it out and added some Old Olive foliage behind. A few sparkles placed here and there to add the final finishing touches.

I also made a matching Envelope using the Envelope punch board, I used Whisper White card and the same stamp as I used on the card. I think it looks so nice having a 'matching' envelope. 

Sue came yesterday which really made my day, I made us some fresh Leek & potato soup and warmed some bread.  After that we both got straight down to some crafting.  I made todays card and Sue made a fantastic 'man card ' !! Before we knew it it was 5.30 and Paul was home. 

I have a full day in craft room today, as I have a long list of projects to finish.

I hope you have a lovely day ladies ,

Brenda you will be in my thoughts all day xx

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a gorgeous card, I love everything about it.

    Thank you all for for your kind wishes yesterday, as soon as I hear something, I’ll let you know.

    We have had a very hard frost with a sprinkling of snow overnight so I’ll need to set off early again. Let’s hope the weather has improved by the time I’m ready to go out this evening.


  2. Morning everyone
    It's bitterley cold with a deep frost and little snow this morning so it's a wrap up warm day and indoors.

    SANDRA-A lovely card with beautiful colours used.

    Not sure what I'm going to do today but I do know that I have to get my CC sorted one way or another.

    The CAFE is warm and cosy so pop in whenever you can.
    HUGE HUGS are winging their way to you all.xxxx Stay safe and take care.

  3. Your card is gorgeous SANDRA I love the colours you have used
    I am pleased SUE was able to get over to yours
    Welcome back MARIA I can’t wait to see your photos
    I hope you’re feeling a little better today VAL
    BRENDA- I do hope your sister’s operation goes well
    I’m on MIL Watch this afternoon so I’ll be taking some crochet to do I’d like to get into my craft room this evening but it will depend on the light and if I’m not too drained
    Take care all xxx

  4. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Very cold with thick frost & a light coverage of snow.we have a Tesco trip this morning will check out the magazine sections while I'm their.
    SANDRA I love the colour's you've used & your card is beautiful as yesterday's was. Love the stamp set.
    When I get home later I will sort my bags out I got from Margaret's I'm not sure if I will sort all of them out. Also try the bag topper challenge on Riley & Rose face book page.will look on Pinterest for inspiration.
    BRENDA I hope your sisters operation goes well Big Hug's for you both.
    VAL I hope your ok sending you some big Hug's my friend.
    Well going for my shower so sending you all big Hug's. Extra for Val Pat & Pete xx
    Love Lynda xx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra beautiful card again today, I am glad you had a good day with
    Brenda sending hugs & prayers for your sister &
    Val hope you are feeling better, hugs on
    Lilian sorry you have to have stronger meds you must be so fed up, hugs on the
    Lynda hope you have sorted your meds out, good job you
    We should have had embroidery this afternoon but I have cancelled as we could have some more snow & as we are all of an age where getting about is not easy thought it safer, I certainly don't want any more falls.
    Sending hugs to all particularly Pat & Pete, hope you all keep warm love

  6. Hi Sandra. Love this stamp set and the cards you’ve made with it. Today’s as you know is my favourite colour.
    We’ve had a hard frost today and yesterday, but so far no snow. But it is forecast for this evening.
    Thanks for all the hugs ladies. They’re very much appreciated.
    Val sending you gentle hugs.
    Brenda I hope your sisters op goes ok.
    Hope the new meds work for you Lilian.
    Stay safe everyone as it’s cold out there.
    Wow, I’ve just noticed I’m back to comment as Pat S Witney. I hope it works when I press publish. Blogger must have a mind of its own.

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe'
    A frosty morning here in MK. I watched the sun come up, sat reading in the lounge since 4am and couldn't go back to sleep. Looked in and saw this beautiful card and thought of starting to make my own cc but standing and walking is too painful so it just have to wait which is a bummer.
    Brenda- I hope everything goes well for your sister today. Sending you both hugs.
    Val-hope you all right. A big hug for you.
    Pat- sending many little once for you and Pete. Hope the bed fit well in your home.
    Lilian- take care and wish you better days.
    Lynda- lucky you saw the change in your meds. hopefully it is now sorted. Big hug for CU and you.
    Michele- have a nice evening and hope the snow want be to bad. Drive safe.
    Karen hope you not overdo things, make sure you get some Me time. Are you going to the craft fair near you again this February (sorry can't remember the name) saw that Hochanda will be there too this year.
    Margaret- take a lot of care if going out. The frost here have made it very slippery on the pavements. Mum got herself some shoe spikes so hopefully she will be ok going out with the dog but you can't go with them where it is not icy so a bit fiddly.
    Hope you have a nice day whatever you are doing, many hugs to you all, xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Thanks for the hugs and I hope your feeling better soon. Take care if you have to go out. Yes, we were able to fit the bed in the back bedroom.
      Guess what I’m back to commenting as google account. Which means I once again have to prove I’m nit a robot which can take an age.

    2. Yes I am going Kat and a couple of others too I’ll be meeting Nicki there too

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra what a beautiful card, I really love the colours you have used.
    Today hasn’t gone as planned, my sister was told early this morning her operation was on hold as there were no ITC beds available. Her doctor was popping in to her room through the morning saying it was still on. By 2.45pm they said it wouldn’t go ahead (it’s a five hour opp) so she is first on the list again tomorrow, her concerns were for the sick people who needed the beds now. She is not getting stressed out at all, I’m sure I would be. Fingers and everything crossed it happens tomorrow. Thank you all for your very supportive messages, they are such a comfort. I think I’m doing the worrying for both of us. xx
    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday, I did get a signal when I was on the train briefly, I started to comment then lost the signal and it was like that all the way to Leicester. I tried again on my return journey, google wanted me to log in and I had forgotten my password (I changed it a few weeks ago) well I couldn’t remember it. Fortunately I did when I got home. But it was late and we hadn’t eaten. Today I look at my iPad and I’m me ..... again!
    I have been trying to complete this message since 3pm think I better finish off while it’s quiet. Phone, mobile,text and messenger have all been nonstop!!!
    Thank you all once again, love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda.
      Well once again I’m not me. I do hope your sister gets to have her operation tomorrow. It’s frustrating having to wait after your expecting it on a certain day. Fingers crossed for tomorrow. Gentle hugs coming your way.

  9. Hello All, well white stuff all afternoon, torrential rain this morning. R just put the bins out and said the pavements are like a bottle, needless to say I shall be staying in doors.

    Sandra lovely card again, you really are on a roll, love the colours, suits the style.

    I’ll wish you all a good night, and I really will send my c card tomorrow Sandra.

    Take great care my friends if you are going out,
    Brenda hope your sister has her opp tomorrow and all goes well.
    Sending hugs to all, Lilian
