
Wednesday 30 January 2019

My Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I thought I would make a card to brighten everyone's day today!! It is in actual fact a much softer yellow in your hand.  The colour ink and card I used is So Saffron, one of my all time favourite colours.
I cut a So Saffron card base to 4 1/4  X  5 1/2 inches and set to one side while I stamped my background, I bought myself a Retired Stamp called Flowering Flourishes a week or so ago and couldn't wait to use it.  So I randomly stamped my background using So Saffron Ink.  I die cut a Scalloped Circle in So Saffron and then stamped a floral circle pattern on to a Whisper White die cut circle.  To finish my topper I stamped the circular 'Thank You' from the Stitched All Around stamp set and mounted it on foam pads onto the centre of my circle.
To finish my card I added some Old Olive Twine and Punched out a stamped flower from Petite Petals, then added a couple of die cut sprigs behind it, a few sparkles and a tiny pearl flower in the centre of my flower finishes the card.

I hope you like it and it brightens your day!

It was so lovely to read all of the companies that you all recommend for great Service, funny how a lot of us use similar companies.

Also glad to hear that Crafters Companion replaced your dies Lilian, more people should vote with their purses as far as Hochanda is concerned that can't continue to get away with poor customer services these days, the internet brings us the luxury of choice.  I always find that they take an age to post things to you anyway.

Maria I am glad you had such a lovely holiday, maybe we will get some snow here so that you feel like you are still on holiday! xx

Lilian I hope the ECG went well, fingers crossed for a better solution medication wise for your symptoms. xxx

Brenda, I hope you have a smooth journey to visit Anne, your company will certainly distract her, laying there alone makes the days so long in hospital, especially when you have major surgery on your mind.  Sending love and Hugs xxx

Val, my lovely I am so very sorry to read about you losing Harvey, I can only imagine the pain, they love us unconditionally which makes it even harder when they are no longer around.  I am sending you HUGE hugs my lovely xxx

Well thats all for today my lovelies,

Have a fantastic day whatever you are up to,

Love and Hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a ovely, bright, cheerful card. It’s so pretty -definitely need that colour boost today.

    We have had snow which looks to have frozen so I’ll be taking my time going to work. I finished early yesterday as I had an appointment for a CT scan. The results go to my GP in about 2 weeks. He referred me for the scan as I’ve been having “tummy troubles “ and all other tests have come back clear (thankfully) so this is to rule out Ovarian cancer. It’s goung to be a long 2 weeks!!
    I have a meeting first thing this morning-oh Joy!! Then shopping tonight as I’m off out for a meal tomorrow evening.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope the results are favourable. It’s a bummer having to wait 2 weeks. It makes me laugh because if you have one done in hospital they know the results straight away.

  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very snowy white scene here. We've got a light covering but enough to cover the roads and footpaths so it will be an indoor day for me today.

    SANDRA- a love spring yellow card to brighten our start today. Very pretty.

    Thank you all for your lovely comments about my card yesterday. They are all very much appreciated and encouraging.

    MICHELE- Fingers crossed that the latest results are also clear and that 2weeks will pass quickly for you.

    The CAFE is OPEN for you all to pop in. It's warm and cosy too.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with loads of extras for Deart Friends in need this morning.xxxx

  3. Fingers crossed for you MICHELE
    I was sorry to hear you news VAL
    Safe journey BRENDA
    I hope the ECG went ok LILIAN
    A very pretty bright cheerful card SANDRA We had a smattering of snow yesterday and is still in the grass verges A really severe frost too
    The foremost for more today So my office will be on “Snowflake Watch” Once work is over I shall be snuggling up on the sofa with my crochet although I have been asked to make some Valentines cards and Mother’s Day Cards ....

  4. Morning ladies,

    Such a beautiful spring yellow card to brighten up today.

    I have awoken to a light smattering of snow on my decking and car roof. Funny enough it feels warmer this morning than it has of late.

    Yesterday's trip to Musgrove Hospital for my CT angiogram went quite smoothly. The bumf that they send with your appointment letter stated that I would be in the X-ray Dept. for 1 to 1 half hours yet we were out within the hour. Everything went smoothly apart for the blood pumping out my right arm where the canula was going to go. I said I could have been a blood donor and it was more than 'Tony Hancock's armful' that ended up on the floor! The veins in my right arm have a tendency to collapse every time they need a blood sample so for Van to get the needle in was something else. Had to have my arm raised after they had taken the scan and the canula out because it just would not stop. Consensus was it's down to the aspirin I have been taking since beginning Dec which has thinned my blood. Left with a big cotton wool ball and micropore covering. Hard to bend your arm with that lol
    Fully recovered this morning ready to wait for the results in a couple of weeks.

    I plan to have the whole day in my craft room, brain has been spinning with ideas for cards so let's see if the mojo is going to go along with that notion.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. I’m sorry to hear that you had trouble with your blood running too freely yesterday and I hope it isn’t too sore today. Sending hugs and will be thinking of you while you wait to get the results x

    2. Oh Bless you CHERYL I hope you’re not too sore and bruised

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    This bright and cheerful card is just what we need on these dull days and I love the pretty stamps. I realised that I didn’t visit the blog yesterday but I want to add that the staff in the Swindon branch of Hobbycraft are fantastic, they are all very friendly and go the extra mile iif you have a problem with anything. And I have found that their prices are pretty much the same as other craft shops/sites now and you can always find some great bargains in their big reduced prices section. I bought a Sue Wilson Succulent flowers die set yesterday after seeing it on Hochanda where it cost £17.99 + £2.95 p+p. A quick search online found the set on Llassy-Kards for £8.99 +£1 p+p which again shows just how much extra you pay when shopping on Hochanda or Create and Craft!!! See you later my lovely xx
    Val, I am so sorry to hear of your sad news. May you in time be able to remember all of the good times with Harvey. You are in my thoughts and I’m sending you the biggest hugs x
    Brenda, I hope you have a safe and troublefree journey to see your sister. I’m sure she will really appreciate your visit x
    Maria, I’m glad you had a lovely time away. Do you have any photos to share? I’m sorry that your Mum had a fall but she was lucky not to break anything wasn’t she x
    Lilian, I hope your scan went well and the docs are able to give you some more helpful meds x
    Michele, I hope the tests come back clear but I’m sending you hugs and will keeping my fingers crossed for good news x
    The snow that was predicticted for tonight and tomorrow has now been put back to Friday if at all so that’s good news. Stay safe and warm dear friends. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra beautiful sunny card today, looks as if you will have company today so have
    Michele hope your scan is clear & you have no problems, fingers
    Cheryl sorry you had problems yesterday hope you are not bruised as
    Val thinking of you, hugs on
    Lilian hope your test yesterday was ok, hugs on
    Brenda hope you have a good journey, I am sure your sister appreciates you going to see her, will be thinking of you both tomorrow, hugs on
    We had very heavy snow for an hour or so last night, good job it didn't carry on, hard frost this morning good job I can stay in.
    Sending hugs to Pat & Pete & anybody else who needs them love

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely card today Sandra. Love the colours you’ve used.
    I’m so sorry for your loss Val. Everyone feels the loss when an animal leaves us. Gentle hugs coming your way.
    I had 2 1/2 hrs to myself yesterday. Pete’s friend came and sat with Oete and got them some lunch. My friend Carole had had a parchment class and had kept me some frames. She was going to post them to me, but I went and collected them from Abingdon, had a cup of tea and a chat to all the ladies.
    Not enough time for me to pop over to you Sandra I’m afraid.

  8. Hello All, it’s been a lovely sunny day here, and the days are beginning to last a bit longer, still light here at 5.-15pm.

    Sandra, lovely card today so lovely and cheerful, just what we need for this time of year.

    Michele fingers crossed All is well with you.

    Cheryl sorry you had difficult time yesterday, hope results are ok.

    My appointment yesterday was a complete waste of time, she couldn’t get a picture as my heart beat was too fast ( nothing new there. ) said I need much stronger medication, a report to Dr and my cardiologist, in about 10days, so I’m a bit fed up.

    Managed to make my c card early this week, I will send it to Sandra tomorrow.

    Hope you all had a good day, hugs to all, Lilian

  9. Hi ladies.
    A sunny yellow card Sandra, love it.
    Cheryl - hope you ok and not too sore today.
    Michele- long time to wait but wishes for a good outcome. Have a nice meal out tonight.
    Brenda- hope your sister be fine and you had a good journey over to see her.
    Janet- hope you have a better week and can take it easy in-between all the little jobs you are doing.
    Lilian- hope they can help you and the results are all right.
    Many hugs to you all from a very cold MK but no snow yet. Will try to send some photos so you get to see the wonderful mountains.
    Unfortunately I have not been able to do much at all today as my back gone so hopefully I can do some card making tomorrow.
    Special hugs to all who need some, Maria xxx

  10. Hello Sandra & ladies
    I have been round Margaret's all day not been home long so a quick one.
    I was helping her sort out her craft stash so I have come home with about 5bags of craft stuff as down sizing. Won't boar you with details of why.
    SANDRA beautiful card today love it. Hope you had a good day with Sue.
    MICHELE hope test results are clear. Horrible having to wait two weeks for results though. Hug's
    CHERYL Hope your ok Hug's
    Hug's for everyone extra for Val Lilian Pat & Pete
    Love Lynda xx
